Assignment 4: Create a smart contract with Unibright Framework

I keep getting this message when register myself, I have tried different accounts and browsers…password with uppercase numbers and symbols…

‘‘The entered email and or password aren’t valid. Please review your data and try again.’’

Can someone help?

This is my contract with Unibright demo:

Blockchain address

Thanks @RuudHuismanwill for the course,


Unibright is not allowing me to create an account.

I really tried to make it but somehow the deployment always failed.

Check that your browser is not automatically filling the email. Had that issue. Once I typed in my email it worked.

Problem registering at:

Does not work, no matter what I try - get this:
“The entered email and or password aren’t valid. Please review your data and try again.”

And I make sure that I abide by this:
“The password must consist of at least 8 characters, including at least one capital letter, one number and one special character.”

@RuudHuisman @ivan

I actually got the same message while creating the account, but eventually I got an email from Unibright that my account was created successfully.

Just ignore that message and go to your email to confirm the account.

I also did, but my problem of “deployment failed” has not been solved…

I have same problem with creating the smart contract. I tried several times and still got “deployment failed” status.

Lol, I think the problem lies in the fact that you did a vacation request. Obviously times are busy so work is needed, rather than vacation…lol

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Maybe this helped:
Takes a while for approval.
Also my first workflow deployment failed and I removed all CAPS in my workflow and it worked:

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Maybe this helps

Also my first workflow deployment failed and I removed all CAPS in my workflow and it worked:

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Yes Ruud this is exactly what I meant: I tried that suggestion to remove all the capital letters from the workflow, but in my case it did not work

thank you for response, but I have already tried to remove CAPS, spaces, or other signs - even after 24 hours it is still NOT WORKING.

I tried but registration does not like my email-address.
With so many problems regarding the registration maybe you have to think of another assignment!

Also nothing in your spambox?

Nothing in the spam folder. I just see the message “Deployment failed” on the website

same for me here, are there any blog post or material to understand why deployments are failing?

I will ask your dev team. Thanks

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It seems a lot of people have problems with registration, and so do I.
Getting “The entered email and or password aren’t valid. Please review your data and try again.” after I reset the password and it accepted the password reset. Tried different browsers, still can’t login. I am sure, eventually I’ll find a way to register successfully, but I think there is room for improvement for the Unibright team to make the registration experience smooth.

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