Atom and HTML console.log soft warnings

Can someone help me in getting rid of these irritating soft warnings per my attached image? Just started doing this for some reason.


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Hi @Dougal, hope you are great.

Your codes is running good apparently, because your getting the console message: a is less than b which is programmed in your if conditional.

Now those warnings are suggestions that should be added to the tags that are referred in the console, but nothing to worry about.

Carlos Z

Yes it’s not stopping the codes from working. Just wanted to know what the soft error fixes are or where I can find them.
I added the below to fix some of the errors but I don’t know the other HTML codes to completely get rid of the other errors…
html lang=“en”
meta charset=“UTF-8”
Still need the compatibility, performance and security codes to get rid of all the errors per my jpeg.

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