Boolean Expressions Reading assignment

  1. Operators are instructions to manipulate the values (+ - / * and more)
  2. Booleans?
  3. And &&,|| Or,!= Not
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2. What binary operators do you know?

Indeed miss, but there are others, could you please explain them a little bit?

3.What logical operators do you know?

&& for AND
also we have, || for OR, ! for NOT.

If you have any more questions, please let us know so we can help you! :slight_smile:

Carlos Z.

  1. Operators allow you to evaluate conditions and do calculations
  2. Binary Operators
    Equal (==)
    Not equal (!=)
    Less than (<)
    Greater than (>)
    Greater than or equal to (>=)
    Less than or equal to (<=)
    Logical AND (&&)
    Logical OR (||)
    Plus (+)
    Minus (-)
    Multiplication (*)
    Divide (/)
  3. Logiacal Operators
    And (&&)
    Or (||)
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  1. special kind of functions to manipulate values
  2. +, -
  3. x=2
  1. Operators are used to combine and transform an input values into a result. (add numbers / concat text / logical comparison,etc)

  2. Binary operators are:

    • Arithmetic (+,-,*,/,%,**)
    • Logical ( &&, ||)
    • Comparison( >,<,>=,<=,=, !=,===)
  3. Logical are: && (and) , || (or)

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  1. Operators operate on values.
  2. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, greater than or equal to, less than or equal to, equal to, not equal to.
  3. And, or, not.
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  1. Operators are symbols used for arithimical operations like addition, multiplication, subtraction, applied to values, creating new values.

  2. *, -, + , /, %

3.|| logical or, && logical and, ! unary operator that flips the value.

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  1. What are operators?
    JavaScript operators are used to assign values (chucks or bits & information), compare values, perform arithmetic operations, and more. ā€œOperators operate on valuesā€, and when operators are placed between values, they produce new values.

  2. What binary operators do you know?
    > Greater than,
    < Less than
    == Equal to,
    != Not Equal to,
    >= Greater than or equal to,
    <= Less than or equal to

  3. What logical operators do you know?
    && - and
    | | - or
    ! - not

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Hi @Diego_BM, I believe you have given the wrong answer. Please retry answering with more research or if you need any help please feel free to reach out to us or take inspiration from the studentā€™s answers above.

Happy Learning! :slight_smile:

  1. Operators are Symbols that tell the program what to do with various values within the program to achieve certain functions.

  2. < > Is less Than, Is greater than.

  3. Javascript Support 3 Logical Operators they are and, or, & not. These are used to reason about Booleans, the && operator represents Logical. and is a binary operator.

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  1. JavaScript operators are objects used to assign values, compare values, perform arithmetic operations .

  2. Binary arithmetic operators include, +, -, *, /, and %. Binary operators for comparison include, ==, !=, ===, !==, <, >, <=, >=.

  3. && (and), || (or), ! (not)

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  1. Operators are symbols in the middle of two values, that will give you a certain function or third value.
  2. A binary operator < less than or > greater than, +, - is an operator used between two values.
  3. Three logical operators and (&&), or (II), not (!); they are use to reason in Javascript.
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  1. The operators are the symbols that are being understand by computer as an object to assign value, compare, make arithmetic operationsā€¦

  2. Arithmetic, relational, string, and assignment operators.

  3. and && ; or || ; not !

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An operator performs some operation on single or multiple operands (data value) and produces a result.


Binary Operators / Comparison Operators
==	equal to
===	equal value and equal type
!=	not equal
!==	not equal value or not equal type
>	greater than
<	less than
>=	greater than or equal to
<=	less than or equal to
?	ternary operator

Logical Operators
and, or, and not.

&& and
|| or
! not

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  1. operators, depending on which type, are symbols or words used to assign a value to a variable, compare values, and/or combine two or more expressions.

  2. Binary operators I know are assignment operators, comparison operators like >, <, >=, <=, ==, != Also logical operators, like: AND, OR, and NOT

  3. logical operators I know are && (AND), || (OR), and ! (NOT)

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What are operators?
Operators manipulate the values and returns a new value.

What binary operators do you know
*, /, +, -, ==, !=, <, >, && and ||.

What logical operators do you know?
&& , || and !.

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  1. Operators are the symbols that are put in between two values ( such as:+,,/,%).the result being another value. Operators are not only symbols but words as well.(such as: typeof).You can combine and transform values with operators.
    2.Binary operators:+,-,
    3.Logic operators:&& ,||.
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  1. Operators are functions that allow to manipulate data/values

  2. Binary operators are those that use two values: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division etc

  3. Logical operators produce boolean value true or false and those are and, or, and not : &&, II, and !

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  1. Operations / functions such as adding, subtracting, comparing, etc
  2. +, -, *, /, %, >, <, >=, <=, ==, !=. ===, logical operators (see below)
  3. and (&&), or (||) , not (!)
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  1. What are operators?
  2. What binary operators do you know?
  3. What logical operators do you know?

  1. An operator is something that operates on a single or multiple data values and produces a result.

  2. ==, ===, !=, >, <, >=, <=

3: &&, ||, !

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