Decentralised dapp development

Hi Ivan and all you world savers,

I am part of research to come up with economic models that will deliver the growth and shared prosperity for this century. Among our objective is to address imbalances in many nation economies that lead to intractable poverty and futility. Several approaches are been pursued at the moment including free money.
Blockchain technology and particularly the decentralised ecosystem model provide clear gains to this mission. In addition there is now the opportunity to advance some of the theoretic models into real world applied settings. Our research will pursue a slightly different approach towards the goal.

Our proposition is of a layered subsystem comprising resources, roles, relationships, rules, and results — in which agents collaborate, coordinate, and compete to complete tasks in value-chain that are specifically tackling the challenges set out in SDG 2,6,7,8,9. One of the important requirements of the proposed ecosystem is the free and open participation of social economic agents in worthwhile work. Bearing this in mind, we believe it would be beneficial to the entire community if this paradigm carries forward into all levels of the project and at all stages.

Therefore, our big idea is to build the layered Ecosystem DAPP on an open collaborative basis, if possible on a live stream, in a moderated format. This has potential to serve as future reference material; for educational purposes on the technology; and knowledge base on the project approach and the topical areas of interest associated with the problem and the solution.

This participation may very well be how to build true decentralised governance.

If this meets your interest lets keep chatting, lets do it.

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I’m very confused. When you say OTT, are you referring to things like Youtube, Hulu, Amazon video, etc, or are you using a different OTT acronym? How exactly would you relate that to “sustainability” and ethereum?

Hi Ian,

Sorry for the confusion, I use OTT in broad terms, refering to a subsystem layer operating over another core infrastructure.

In this case a suite of layered service operating on top of Ethereum ecosystem.

Have edited the original post for better clarity