DeFi digital finance stack - Discussion

So plague->money printer go brrrr-> hyperinflation time. The value of the dollar goes “poof” what happens in DeFi?

Do I want to hodl ETH or DAI?

I’m thinking DAI. Because it will liquidate to the underlying ETH, but earn interest in USD while I wait.


Nice man it is very similar indeed :slight_smile:


This is a complex topic I will see if I can make a new course for this also how to setup your own Keeper bots etc


Let’s see what happens next :wink:

Hey @amadeobrands yes that would be amazing! thanks.
btw I was testing dydx with 5x leverage and I found out 2 things:

  • there is actually a negative interest rate APR associated with the long position. Is it because we are borrowing ETH for the leveraged position? It is consuming DAI.
  • the leverage 5x went down to 3,3x and now at 3x without me changing anything. Is it the platform protecting itself since the ETH price is going up?

There’s a PNL that says is the percentage it can gain/lose but my position says PNL 99% but the amount I put for the position went up like 50% only:
Screenshot 2020-04-07 at 11.51.02

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:


@amadeobrands I have really enjoyed your content, although I found it a bit difficult to grasp, but is quite understandable as the matter of the technology is not yet globally established and at first is quite hard to understand as it is innovative. Thank you for the great content and spending time teaching us. I truly found the insurances very interesting and think will dive deeper into nexus mutual.


Hello Amadeo
This is one of the videos where, I have to look twice at some of the links, lol, maybe more.
Taking a lot of notes though :writing_hand: :smile:


My last post got flagged as “off toppic” :man_shrugging:t5:

Are we not discussing new blockchains?

Am I mistaken concerning ?

Is it old?

Please advise?


Thanks for your dedication amadeo, I learned so much!
My eyes are wide open on NXM & 1inch, need to dig more.


Hello again,

I was going thru your list DiFi 101 (thanks for this!) and could not find youhodler. Can you share your thoughts on this one. Buenas noches!


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Interesting indeed.
Not sure why you got flagged maybe that happened by mistake.

Amadeo / Ivan
I am a Principle Product Designer. I’m currently working on a global initiative, to be pitched to my leadership team in a few weeks. The initiative seeks to support SMBs post Covid-19’s lockdown. That’s all I can share at this time. I’m reaching out because I’d like to propose a solution that includes a MakerDAO integration into our platform. Please do not dismiss this message. Last quarter we reached 750,000 paying subs in just one of our Geo’s, $1B in profit. The challenge is, these are legacy players. The opportunity is, MakerDAO offers a solution now. Will you reach out for a private discussion? My current time zone GMT+1. Thank you.

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Awesome man please send me a DM or Email me at:
[email protected]

I have personally started exploring the prospect of earning passive income by stacking cryptocurrency. I have enrolled and


Dharma is a crypt bank where you can save and earn interest with stable coins. Dharma is running on top of compound with dToken. And now Dharma itself earns only users earn interest. and it is clearly defined and built in protocol and 10% of earned interest by users.

Japan First tokenized Bond Issuance


Thank you for the coUrse and explanations. It could be interesting to analyze how this lego finance work and develop something more as service/investment/opportunity then the actual centralized one. Cit s possible to start by analyzing the ones that already found weaknesses in DeFi and together make new propositions / finance improvements

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I’ve been learning what I hoped to with this course - a good in-depth but broad overview from the ground up of this quite specific de-fi space - and which tends to be exclusively Ethereum based, historically.

A newer chain that I’ve been watching for some time, and that i feel might be interesting for De-Fi is Zilliqa. I was pleased to see that Ivan has just recently started some Scilla tutorials, and I really enjoyed the first coding lesson - and for me it’s great to see their project moving nearer to actual products. Zilliqa were also the first chain on Unstoppable, before they launched .crypto domains on Ethereum chain.
Also, it will be interesting to see what is possible smart contract-wise with Cardano’s Plutus . . . I have seen there are sandbox tutorials, but not delved in yet.

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As I also explain in the course I see a world where we would have more of a multi-chain world.
Loads of Eco-system striving towards more interconnected ZERO TRUST network.

ETH has his network and people that trust it …
Zilliqa has also a network of people that trust it …
Chain X has also a network of people that trust it …
Chain Y has also a network of people that trust it …
(Look into something like try to build your DeFi app blockchain agnostic)

Now Look at this:
It is like a new natural unstoppable ecosystem that only becomes stronger and stronger the more connected it gets … We are creating resistance against the corrupt and legacy financial system and this will happen not only on one Chain it will automatically evolve and adjust towards a 0 trust system and evolve over time in a non-aggressive and transparent manner.

TECH is coming for banks and it is not gonna be clean we should all start caring and wake up to what is really going on!



Nice. I will investigate the links . I’m also chain agnostic, and agree with you. Nice take on this from Anreas A - One Network, Many Chains

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Used kyber to exchange eth into maker. Liked how simple it was. In the future I would like look into insurance.