Explanation of ADDRESS[0]?

Just a quick drop in… what the hell does address[0] in solidity mean?

Hi @William

You use address(0) in Solidity to refer to the address (0x0000000000000000000000000).
You use accounts[0] in web3 in order to refer to the address the user is using on its wallet and that will interact with your contract.


I am still not understanding. I’ve done a ton of research on it and I just don’t get it. Can you explain to me a use case for address[0]? Maybe, if you did explain it above, you could try to explain it a different way? i’m sorry for the inconvenience, i just really want to get this…

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address[0] does not exist in solidity, the term for solidityis address(0) has @dan-i already explain to you.

Where did you see that being used??

For truffle or web3 you use accounts which will contain the addresses from a private key (generated by default or manually set), then you can use the 1st address has accounts[0] for example, or 2nd address has accounts[1].

Hope I explained myself clear, if not let me know :nerd_face:

Carlos Z

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Oh ok, I see I was using brackets. Here is the example i’m confused about:

 _transfer(address(0), _owner, newKittenId);

the first argument in this function will always use address(0)… Is this dynamic? Does it change with whoever is interacting with this function…?

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In that example, it is hardcoded to transfer a newKittenId fromaddress(0) to _owner its only for newKitties, which is not owned by no one at the creation moment (mint).

but lets say the example of: from _owner to another address.
That would be the same _transfer function but something like this:

_transfer(newOwner, msg.sender, kittyId);

that way, you are transfering your nft to another account.

Carlos Z