Extend your Coin Exchange with more functionality

Extend your Coin Exchange with more functionality.

The scope of this exercise depends on you. Some hints:

  • Add more styles based on your imagination
  • Add a helicopter button that adds $1200 to your balance
  • Buy and sell coins
  • Display a graph of prices
  • Display news and other details on a coin upon click

Post your solution here in the forum and share it with other members of the course.

You can either use codesandbox.io to share your project or you can upload it to GitHub Pages.

Good luck!

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I so I got an application like coin exchange and I want to install it. the only way I can run it now is to copy the whole directory structure and new place and run npm start to bring it up.

how do you actually deploy the application? I tried using npm run build and it creates a build directory but what do I do with the build directory? browsing to index.html just creates a blank page.

any one have an example of deploying the coin Exchange program?

The easiest way was to use the serve command, this is a npm module so you install it with:

$ npm install -g serve

This adds a the program serve in the same place as npx, npm are installed.

then you go to the project directory and use the
npm run build
command to create a build directory that is a production version of your application.

copy the build directory to where ever you want it deployed.
then use the serve command to serve it:

serve -s fullpathtobuild

in this example i ran it “serve -s build” and this runs in the forgound.

so now I can browse to localhost:5000 and my application shows up woo hoo!

At the very end of the course, I show you how to deploy your code to GitHub Pages using the npm package gh-pages. If you prefer another solution, make sure you first build the application into a JavaScript bundle file, then you only deploy the minified code, without node_modules. gh-pages is a lot easier though if you want to showcase what you built.

Alternatives: Netlify, AWS, Azure, any server that can run JavaScript etc.

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