Help please with wax tokens

Hi all, I have purchased some Wax token but I cannot send them out of my bittrex account.

I have tried sending them to my ether wallet and also to my jaxx wallet with the proper wax adress from that wallet.

Each time I have had transaction failed and had to cancel them as it said invalid transaction.

Could someone enlighten me as to what wallet I can transfer these to please.

Contacted bittrex twice and they said,
There are also some coins that must be announced/funded on the block chain before we can send to them.

Can someone please help with this.
Thank you

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Hello Bob!

I’ve never used eather bittrex or jaxx, and don’t really know what kind of token you’ve bought, but as far as I know (and 5 sec on google) WAX is EOS based, and jaxx isn’t compatible with that blockchain.

( , no.7)

Have you tried a Wallet that’s EOS based?

Thank you very much for your help.

No I have not tried eos wallet, I shall give it a try.
Thanks again.

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