Homework on Ethereum Intro

  1. web 101 was the first internet that only showed texts and images until java script then it became web 2.0
    2.a smart contract is a code which we can decide what we want our money to do
  2. transparency is achieved by the use of blockchain and smart contracts are open for everyone to see allowing us to program what our money does without any middlemen
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  1. Web 1.0 was the first stage of internet, static, only capable of sharing texts, images and links.

  2. A smart contract makes TXs on a blockchain dynamic and programmable.
    You can program a smart contract to execute your TX how and when you want it.

  3. By using a decentralised, open source platform with consensus between nodes.

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  1. Web 1.0 was simply static websites consisting of text, images and links. There was no dynamic websites, as most websites (in some way) are today.

  2. A smart contract is a peace of software that runs on a blockchain (e.g. on the Ethereum blockchain). As it is with every other record stored on a blockchain, there is no way to reverse it, so once a smart contract has been deployed to a blockchain, there is no way to revoke it, stop it or anything.

  3. The source code of smart contracts are visibly to everyone, making sure it’s possible for everyone to make sure how the smart contract runs, and that it runs properly. This, again, is because of the “don’t trust, verify” principle. You don’t have to trust a smart contract; you can verify it yourself.


Lista de perguntas antiga:

1 Ambos utilizam o mesmo método de consenso, porém o intervalo entre os blocos é diferente em função da dificuldade ser diferente. Além disso as informações a serem inseridas nos blocos são diferentes, enquanto apenas transações são consideradas na blockchains do Bitcoin, transações e contratos inteligentes são as informações inseridas nos blocos.

2 Os smart contracts são executados de forma descentralizada na blockchain da Ethereum, diferentemente do que seria em um computador centralizado. Para que o smart contract seja executado ele precisa ser testado pelos nodes da blockchain, através das EVMs, e se houver consenso entre os nodes o contrato é executado.

3 O benefício é a descentralização e os benefícios trazidos com ela, como segurança e resistência a censura e disponibilidade para executar os contratos a qualquer momento.

Lista de perguntas em dezembro de 2019:

1 Web 1.0 foi o primeiro formato da internet, a web 1.0 era estática e não havia muitas possibilidades de interação, pois a internet se resumia a conteúdo como textos, imagens e links. As interações possíveis eram a utilização de emails e motores de buscas.

2 São trechos de códigos, que utilizam linguagens de programação, para executar certas operações na blockchain

3 A transparência é obtida ao tornar todas as transações publicas e da mesma forma que a blockchain do Bitcoin garante imutabilidade nas transações, a blockchain da Ethereum garante imutabilidade dos smart contracts em função do mecanismo de consenso (Proof of work).


1.The first version of the internet it could only do simple things
2.Small pieces of code that run on the ETH network. You can program money to be held until a certain set of conditions are met.
3.You can verify all transactions on the blockchain.


1- Static websites. User interaction is very limited.
2- Programs that can be deployed to blockchain
3- It is a permissionless system. Once the code is deployed, you do not need to trust anyone. You only need to trust the math.

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Etherum Intro Homework

1. What was Web 1.0?
Creation of HTTP URLs which were capable of displaying images & static text messages.

2. What is a smart contract?
A small programmable code written in “Solidity” which is appended to the blockchain. This programming code describes how the UTXOs secured by the blockchain will be deployed/spent. The actions of the programming code are accessible to all users/readers of the blockchain. Once the Smart Contract is deployed/appended as part of the blockchain the Smart Contract code cannot be changed or overwritten due to the cryptographic properties of the blockchain.

3. How is transparency achieved with Ethereum code?
By placing the Smart Contract within the blockchain the Smart Contract code is accessible to all users/readers of the blockchain. Securing the Smart Contract inside the blockchain ensures a trust-less system because the actions of the Smart Contract (Solidity code) are unstoppable once all parties approve deployment of the code to the blockchain.

  1. Web 1.0 was static text, photos.
  2. A smart contract is programmable money/assets.
  3. Ethereum’s smart contracts allow everyone to see the information so no one can cheat the system.
  1. What is Web 1.0?

How internet was when it was first developed - a website could show text, images and links, but no chat, no different accounts, no social media - only read and share information - but then web 2.0 was when Javascript programming language to the browsers was added to the browsers - people could start scripting their websites - so websites were dynamic, programmable and we can have chat accounts, the website can adapt depending on who is using it - and if you have many users who can log in to your website, your website needs to adapt to your user because information might be completely different from one user to another.

  1. What is a smart contract?

A smart contract is a small piece of code that is run on the etherium blockchain.
You and I can create smart contracts by using a programming language called SOLIDITY - we can program a smart contract and deploy it on the Etherium network. Smart contracts are unstoppable - no-one can shut them down - they are transparent - everyone can see exactly what is happening to the smart contract in terms of transactions - you can see who is sending money and who is receiving money - and a smart contract can hold money - no-one can take it out - it is programmed to release the money when specific events apply. A smart contract is a small piece of code that can hold money - creating a world of programmable assets.

  1. How is transparency achieved with Etherium code?
    The Eherium code on the Blockchain completely removes the need for trust don’t trust - verify. with smart contracts no-one can meddle with it - no-one can change how a smart contract behaves - it is really ingrained in the actual Blockchain, and once it is there - no-one can reverse it.
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1.What was Web 1.0?
Static websites , with only text, images and links.
2.What is a smart contract?
SC contain unstoppable transactions and can control and own money.
3.How is transparency achieved with ethereum code?
With PoW and Mining we achieve No middleman connection and it is trstless based on Math and Physics.


1.What was Web 1.0?
It was the first version of the internet before javascript was introduced. It was static based on texts and images and served only to read and share information.

2. What is a smart contract?
It’s a contract executed by an algorithm on the ethereum blockchain.

3. How is transparency achieved with ethereum code?
Once it’s deployed, it cannot be changed. Also, given the fact that ethereum is a public blockchain, everyone can see the contract terms and rules about how it is executed.

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  1. What was Web 1.0?

Web 1.0 was static website that was restricted and could only show text, images and links

  1. What is a smart contract?

Smart contracts are small pieces of code (solidity) that can be deployed on to the Ethereum network.They are used to process and execute contracts without the need of intermediary’s and middlemen such as escrows and fintech

  1. How is transparency achieved with ethereum code?

Once deployed on the network it is immutable and transparent so everyone on the network can see the fundamentals of the contract and can’t be disputed.

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  1. Web 1.0 is static web pages. Basically just content put up to be read and not interacted with.

  2. A smart contract is a piece of code (program) which is deployed on the block chain. This program is unstoppable as it is executed as it was deployed. They are used to executed actions without the need of a middle man in a trustless manor

  3. When deployed on the chain it becomes public for every one to be examined. Also due to the nature of block chain it becomes immutable and will be executed as deployed.

  1. What was Web 1.0?
    It is the static website after javascript web 2.0 came into existence
  2. What is a smart contract?
    Its a programmable blockchain
  3. How is transparency achieved with ethereum code?
    Through proof of work consensus algorithm
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  1. web 1.0 was not interactive, only capable of basic info and links pictures.
  2. a smart contract is a process where by a contract can be written and only executed when all nodes agree. An executable program.
  3. Buy being decentralized no single point of failure, trustless in nature
  1. What was Web 1.0?

A mix of text, images and links.

  1. What is a smart contract?

It is a program that holds money as collateral until a specified condition is met. Then it releases the money based on that condition.

  1. How is transparency achieved with Ethereum code?

Every body can read the smart contract, then there is no need to trust each other. Rather, we can verify the process.

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1- It was the first generation of the internet web structure basically static by using just text and images.

2- A Smart Contract is a piece of code that can managed transactions and functions on a decentralized and transparent way by running on the Ethereum network.

3- The transparency is achieve due to the openness of the code meaning that anyone can see how the smart contract works. Also, by running on the Ethereum network, this piece of code becomes a trustless and unstoppable programming function.

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  1. Web 1.0 was the first iteration of the internet where web pages contained static images and texts.

  2. A smart contract is a piece of code on the blockchain that executes when predefined conditions have been met.

  3. Transparency is achieved through Ethereum’s smart contracts because they are on the blockchain for everyone to verify and cannot be altered.

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  1. What was Web 1.0?
    Web 1.0 was the most simplistic version of the internet, you could only program text on a page so others could read and share that information.

  2. What is a smart contract?
    Each node on the Ethereum blockchain, has a EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) that reads and executes small code, that small code is called a smart contract.

  3. How is transparency achieved with ethereum code?
    transparency is achieved with etheruem code by eliminating the middle men, once a smart contract is made, agreed to and placed on the blockchain it is permanent.

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1/ web 1.0 was internet without programmable browser, by making the browser
programmable by program language java script, more utilities could be used and the websites became more dynamic.

2/ A smart contract is a small peace of code written in solidity that runs on the ethereum blockchain.
In terms of transactions it defines in an unstoppable way the money flows it owns.

3/ By placing the solidity code in the blockchain.

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