Homework on Provenance - Questions

  1. Blockchain enable digital provenance because every single transaction are recorded in a block and linked together in the blockchain. By providing immutability and multiples public copies of the ledger it makes it a safer and a more decentralized way to store information than a regular database.
  2. Because a normal database can be modify without anyone knowing it, most of the time it s not public because it is centralized
    3.Such digital provenance can give the customer more confidence in a company using a blockchain
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  1. Blockchain enables digital provenance by having an open public ledger. A ledger that can be added to but not edited or removed. The decentralised nature ensure that all transactions need to be verified before being added.

  2. General databases can be copied, edited, removed, manipulated.

  3. It is a great benefit to many businesses as blockchain creates a ‘trustless’ network. This will provide businesses with traceability and accountability.

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  1. Blockchain is a decentralised verified ledger that cannot be altered by anyone, it is trustless and is not controlled by anyone.

  2. A normal database is centralised therefore it can be compromised and controlled by individuals and governments.

  3. It is a benefit to businesses because it is able to track financial transactions in real time, and is capable of tracking and verifying every aspect of your business.

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  1. Blockchain enables digital provenance by showing a public ledger of ownership. Inputs to the ledger cannot be erased or manipulated only added. It is verified with math so you don’t have to trust a third party.

  2. A normal database may be altered once data has been added. Information may be lost.

  3. A digital provenance is benefitial to a business because their transaction is also the audit. This makes it more organized especially when tracking the origin of products. You don’t have to trust the third party but instead verify on the blockchain. Example products origin, it’s time spent somewhere when it was handled etc.

  1. How does blockchain enable digital provenance?
    blockchain enables digital Provenance by storing all data, which cannot be erased on an open public ledger where all transactions can be tracked and verified

  2. Why doesn’t a normal database bring the same provenance?
    A normal Database is centralized, all it takes is one simple mistake or a change from that centralized entity and no more provenance.

  3. Why is digital provenance such a great benefit to many businesses?
    Digital Provenance is a great benefit to many businesses because you don’t need to trust anyone its all verified.

  1. It does this by tracing transactions online without having to trust anyone person or group to verify the information.

  2. A normal database can be changed by persons who control it. With provenance information can’t be changed once it is entered on the blockchain.

  3. Many businesses will not need to be auditing by firms, because the blockchain will be doing that from the get go. The can now track there spending from different departments. Making them more transparent in there business operations.

Blockchain or Ledger is an open database where everyone can check and verify transaction. Any transaction happened on the blockchain can never be removed allowing it to be the best ground for constant auditing. Goodbye for trusted third party.

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  1. Transactions can only be added and never deleted or changed. Further, it is impossible to hide any transaction. Transparency is not optional.

  2. Transactions can be deleted, erased, obscured or hidden.

  3. Real-time transparency and immutability eliminate the necessity of trust, which in turn removes uncertainty. This improves accountability and probably quality efficiency also because errors can be precisely pinpointed in real-time.

  1. The blockchain enables digital provenance because it provides a complete history of all transactions, thereby enabling a full audit trail.

  2. A normal database doesn’t bring the same provenance because it typically only shows the current state of the database without the full history of how the database was modified to be in the current state.

  3. Digital provenance is such a great benefit to many businesses because it removes the trust element businesses must have with the other business with which they interact. Business can themselves verify the veracity of data related to goods, transactions, and other inputs they receive from other businesses.

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  1. By tracking each transaction.
  2. A normal database can only track one thing at a time, where provenance can track both accounts and transactions.
  3. Tracking, Removing trust-trustless-verify, efficiency.

Hello all,

  1. Blockchain, being a diffused decentralized public ledger, allows for real time auditing. By observing how data has been transferred from block to block one can see if and where an anomaly has occurred. Also, due to the fact data cannot be deleted, a correction will always show the underlying error, with timestamps.

  2. A normal database isn’t necessarily public, and might require auditing in order to assess its the state of things. A normal database can be modified by any person with the correct credentials, hiding mistakes or abuses that might have happened time ago.

  3. By uniting the accounting layer with the transactional layer, a company doesn’t need to have external auditors rifling in their servers or their paperwork, but can do so just by looking at the public ledger. It also promotes transparency in regards to their customers. Errors, for example in the supply chain, can be pinpointed to a specific actor.


1. How does blockchain enable digital provenance?

A blockchain is a distributed ledger that stores data in lists called blocks which are tied together as a chronological ‘chain’ of records.

Similarly, data provenance is a historical record for any piece of data. Data provenance systems track changes that are made to data, where data originates and moves to, and who makes changes to it over time. In other words, data provenance is “showing your work” in a database. This historical record of information can then be trusted for data validation and audit purposes.

2. Why doesn’t a normal database bring the same provenance?

Within a “normal” (relational) database, records can be altered or deleted without an audit trail showing when these modifications were made or who made them.

3. Why is digital provenance such a great benefit to many businesses?

Digital provenance incorporated within distributed ledgers and blockchains offer a number of fundamental advantages compared to centralized ledgers — immutability, improved security, greater reliability, transparency, privacy, and efficiency.

• How does blockchain enable digital provenance?
As blockchain is based on a decentralised public ledger on which we can only add data and not remove any at all. Thus, it enables anyone to trace and track datas
• Why doesn’t a normal database bring the same provenance?
A normal database is centralised mainly based on trust. So datas may be biased with a counterparty risk. There is not 100% guarantee accurency of provenance in such system
• Why is digital provenance such a great benefit to many businesses?
A digital provenance is based on maths, an algorism which guarantees the truth of the transaction, each states of the product at each point of the supply chain etc. All that in real time. No need to be phycally present to achieve an Audit it will be done through the blockchain in a way that in one place all the data will be available. It a gain of time, money and efficiently verified

  1. Blockchain has a decentralised record of all transactional information that is immutable. It creates a trustless system which is essentially impossible to alter.
  2. Traditional data bases are centrally controlled and therefore susceptible to data breach resulting in theft of data, alteration of exisiting data and data access denial.
  3. It creates transparency and verification of all data therefore a trustless environment.
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  1. Blockchain enables Public ledger(that everyone can check almost everything at any given time) and also it is permission-less. And I would say the most important reason is that records cant be erased or adjusted.

  2. Answer is 180 degrees from the first one. You can adjust records on database, erase those. You also need permission to enter data base ant that means it is not public.

  3. It helps for business to be 100% open in a sense that all financial and other information can be on a public ledger. It is safe, cheap, fast. And blockchain in general removes need of trust. Transaction can happen without trust and without 3rd party.

  1. Written in stone, can’t change it. 2. Able to modify, change. 3. Real time Audit. Ingredients\make up\parts of the whole are traceable\trackable.
  1. How does blockchain enable digital provenance? Blockchain allows the original history of transactions to always be known and verified through a trustless mechanism. Transactions can be added to the ledger but cannot be removed.
  2. Why doesn’t a normal database bring the same provenance? A normal database operates as a centralized entity where transaction history can be altered, the database can be corrupted or lost, and its verification of authenticity has to be trusted.
  3. Why is digital provenance such a great benefit to many businesses? Digital provenance provides built in accounting within each transaction creating trustless financial traceability. This allows for transparent real time auditing and a more efficient financial process by combining accounting and transactional layers.

1- Blockchain is a public ledger managed by many people at real time that just allows to add data & transactions, never to remove. Moreover, every new transaction or register is in someway related or linked with the previous and the next one. Thus, Blockchain enables to trace and track every bitcoin or whatever.

2- As a normal database is not decentralized and public always can be object of hacking, manipulation, or any security problem. Past registers can easily be removed or changed.

3- As manipulation always been so easy companies and institutions demand proof of reliability to whoever they deal with. One of these proofs are the audits, in other words, external companies that carries out an investigation into the balance sheet and the assets of a company to check that everything has been done OK. That, of course, in an expensive and not 100% reliable proces. The blockchain’s treacebility is a proof of reliability in itself. Free and 100% realible.

  1. How does blockchain enable digital provenance?

  2. Why doesn’t a normal database bring the same provenance?

  3. Why is digital provenance such a great benefit to many businesses

  4. Everything is recorded in the database so you know everything that has ever happened to everything.

  5. Nobody can be bribed to change anything because everybody else will say “that’s wrong we need to change it,”.

  6. It stops competitors from making false claims and getting more customers.

  1. Because it is a digital stone and therefore can be verified.
  2. A normal database can be tampered - items can be changed and/or removed.
  3. Trustlessness is a great benefit. Things are simply verified.