Homework on Provenance - Questions


  1. How does blockchain enable digital provenance?

Trustlessness is the key. All transactions are completely public and once added, can not ever be removed. Moreover, a copy of the public ledger exists on every computer so any attempt to change a transaction is quickly detected. On the blockchain, we can have a transaction and its accounting combined with real-time auditing.

  1. Why doesn’t a normal database bring the same provenance?

Normal database is controlled by a central entity and requires trust. The accounting of the transactions is a separate process and is not real-time. The public does not have access to the database without permission.

  1. Why is digital provenance such a great benefit to many businesses?

Digital provenance is real-time, trustless, and bypasses the need for third party auditors. (so cheaper, faster, and true)

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  1. How does blockchain enable digital provenance?
    Transactions are recorded, can’t be removed and you can have real-time auditing
  2. Why doesn’t a normal database bring the same provenance?
    Normal database would be managed by an authority, could change/remove records
  3. Why is digital provenance such a great benefit to many businesses?
    The origin provides the customers/users of the product opportunity of verification (rather than just trusting that the business is doing the right thing). So many great use cases (e.g. OriginTrail)
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  • How does blockchain enable digital provenance?
    = By providing a trustless decentralised network that verifies the data put in, this data can not be removed or edited and is completely public so anyone can verify it.

  • Why doesn’t a normal database bring the same provenance?
    = A normal database is owned by government or company or a bank and can be corrupted by the owner, this require you to trust that these owners does not edit the data, or have a security breach so others can access and steal the data, or gives your data to other parties.

  • Why is digital provenance such a great benefit to many businesses?
    = The traceability makes it much safer it removes the trust issue and gives any one the option to see the chains, it can be applied to a various number of different function like food industry, financial industry, clothes and will no doubt make sure suppliers live up to their responsibilities and make payments much safer in the future.

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the link is broken. Trying to educate my kids, but there’s no homework link. Thanks Ivan, you did a great job explaining Blockchain technology!!

How does blockchain enable digital provenance?

 Since every entry of information is saved and stored onto the blockchain, cannot be modified or deleted, and the details of all of these entries are visible to anyone, this enables anyone to track the history and origins of anything that exists on the blockchain.

Why doesn’t a normal database bring the same provenance?

 Because information can be deleted or modified from most databases in some form.  Depending on the specific application, it is not an inherent feature of databases to keep a log of every single version of every single entry that enters into it.

Why is digital provenance such a great benefit to many businesses?

 It enables them to do accounting and assessment of anything that exists in the blockchain in a manner that requires almost no trust of what other parties are reporting, and gives greater and more open access to said information than other types of databases.
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  1. How does blockchain enable digital provenance?
    -By creating a digital ledger that is verified by multiple sources and saved forever. Blockchain allows the information on the blockchain to be varied by consensus transparent to everyone that able to access the leger.

  2. Why doesn’t a normal database bring the same provenance?
    -Standard databases are only editable on one side and do not have distributed consensus.

  3. Why is digital provenance such a great benefit to many businesses?
    -Digital provenance allows businesses to verify and track data that is mutually agreed upon across many points of entry. Using blockchain allows for real-time auditing and supply chain management.

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  1. How does blockchain enable digital provenance?
    Blockchain keeps all transaction in an open ledger that can never be removed. Being decentralised it doesn’t allow any one to have control and make changes.

  2. Why doesn’t a normal database bring the same provenance?
    A database is centralised so it can easily be hacked or data can be lost or altered.

  3. Why is digital provenance such a great benefit to many businesses?
    Full transparency and traceability ensure trust.


Short and straight to the point!!

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Hi @dani88 :slight_smile: what link in particular? If you are talking about the popular links section, this are the links posted by the forum members in this thread, so we can’t do much about it if they don’t exist anymore :slight_smile:

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  1. Blockchain enables digital provenance by only allowing the addition of data.
  2. A normal database doesn’t bring the same provenance as the data can be deleted or modified.
  3. Digital provenance is a great benefit to businesses because it establishes trust.
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1.You are able to see where it currently is, and track the entire history back to its origin, whilst being able to see all the addresses that it has passed through.

  1. Unless you have been granted permission to access the database, or it is a public API, you will never know. You could try a brute force attack…?

  2. It can give a place for the customers/employees/anyone associated with the business to go and see if that company is involved in any undesirable business practices.

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  1. A decentralised global network of nodes cryptographically verifies all transactions before they get added to the immutable ledger.

  2. A normal database is usually controlled by a central authority (company or otherwise) that you need to trust and entries in the database can be edited after transactions have taken place.

  3. It removes the need to trust both the central authority that is in control of the database and the participants in the system themselves (e.g. a supply chain vertical). Because trust isn’t an issue anymore, it’s much easier to apply one standard for recording and transfer of information across the entire system.

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1 Blockchain enables digital providence because it is a decentralized, immutable ledger with record of all transactions.

2 A normal database does not provide the same provenance because when a central authority dictates the data, the database is completely dependent on that central authority’s ability to provide smart accurate information and maintain the ledger with integrity. It requires trust.

Blockchain, don’t trust. verify! Proof of work verifies throughout a blockchain network ensuring permanent and accurate information without requiring trust.

  1. Blockchain provenance is a tremendous benefit for businesses. To me, the most compelling example Ivan discussed was a food manufacturer or restaurant being able to know exactly what is in the foods/ingredients they buy and then resell to their customers. I imagine a pizza shop buying cheese and dough and having to trust the vendor’s nutritional facts, not really knowing what they are. Other examples are verifying clothes being made ethically, and supply chain traceability to ensure OEM equipment, eliminating counterfeit components.
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  1. By creating a public ledger through blockchain tech BTC allows verification by everyone thus creating trustlessness

  2. Other sorts of databases ultimate come down to human interaction to verify the validity a person seeks. People are prone to both error either consciously or unconsciously. BTC relies on mathematics and a fully decentralized system to maintain it’s value and keep us all honest.

  3. It streamlines information in terms showing both accounting and transactional info. This allows auditing to be something that can be done by all times by everyone, not just people in specialized positions.

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  1. How does blockchain enable digital provenance?
    Blockchain offers a transparent network in which transactions are held on public ledgers. This allows the ability of real time auditing and full tracking of transaction history.

  2. Why doesn’t a normal database bring the same provenance?
    Normal database don’t run through a transparent tracking system and therefore are vulnerable to manipulation.

  3. Why is digital provenance such a great benefit to many businesses?
    It offers the ability for businesses to track the history of their products and merges accounting and transactions which reduce cost and time.

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1 - It is a permanent record held in multiple locations (decentralised) that cannot be re-written or overwritten - making everything traceable.
2 - Centralised databases can be changed / erased / corrupted etc.
3 - Reduces the need for trust and increases transparency for customers.

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Homework on Provenance - Questions

  1. How does blockchain enable digital provenance?
    With the blockchain acting as a public ledger (on which data cannot be removed once successfully added) all transactions can be viewed by anyone needing to ‘audit’ or otherwise verify the transactions during each stage of the supply chain process.
  2. Why doesn’t a normal database bring the same provenance?
    Because data can be potentially edited or lied about on systems that do not use blockchain technology.
  3. Why is digital provenance such a great benefit to many businesses?
    Because end user’s and companies at the middle and end portions of the supply chain can verify information about earlier stages of the supply chain without needing to trust or take the word of their suppliers, etc.
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Hi @fuzzy_puzzle and @LSrzic! :slight_smile: Welcome to the forum! :smiley:

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  1. How does blockchain enable digital provenance?
    Blockchain allows to track the provenance of a transaction. Every transaction is written on the blockchain and cannot be removed and can be traced back.

  2. Why doesn’t a normal database bring the same provenance?
    Because in a normal database, a transaction can be removed or erased. If the database crashes, data can be lost. A normal database is owned by an entity (centralized), and they can change the data, delete past records and no transparency.

  3. Why is digital provenance such a great benefit to many businesses?
    Because it provides the possibility of real-time auditing and accurate traceability, among other benefits.

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  1. All Transactions are recorded and nothing can be changed once added. In addition, it’s like a stone . Once embedded in, it can not be removed.

  2. Blockchain eliminates the trust factor and every transaction is trackable.

  3. It Eliminates the cost and time of auditing and human error . Much more cost effective and efficient way of accountability

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