Homework on Public and Private Keys - Questions

  1. Describe the concept of public and private key with your own words.
    The concept of Public & Private Keys is that of an encryption process by which one, the public key, is reliant on the other, the private key, for decrypting messages or transactions.
  2. What 2 use-cases can public key cryptography be used for?
    The 2 user cases are (10 Encryption and (20 Digital Signatures. The later is used in cryptocurrency by way of having a private key addended to a transfer which is then verified by the recipient using the reciprocal public key to verify the sender’s identity
  • Describe the concept of public and private key with your own words.

Private key generates the public key. the public key is for everyone to see while the private key is personal and necessary to make transaction from the account.

  • What 2 use-cases can public key cryptography be used for?

digital signature and encryption

1 - the private key is a huge random number that not be shared and with this one you generate a public key to share with.
2 - encryption and digital signature

  1. It is way of
    a) Randomly generating a Private key using SHA and then generating Public keys using SHA.
    b) Telling others your Public Key
    c) Signing a message using your Private Key and creating a Signature
    d) Sending the Public Key, message and a Sign
    e) Verification of the message using your Public Key and Signature to verify that you have signed that message.
  2. Encryption of Data and Digital Signatures.

1- Private key is a random number generated and kept save. Its used to create a public key which can be shared with everyone. they are used to encrypt the messages

2- Encreption + Digital Identity

Homework on Public and Private Keys - Questions

  1. Describe the concept of public and private key with your own words.

We’ve a random number known as private key, generated by a computer. From this number we get our public key which can be share.

  1. What 2 use-cases can public key cryptography be used for?

The first use-case is encryption. We can use the public key of our addressant to encrypt the message and the only way to decrypt it is to use the private key of this public key.

The second use-case is use private key as signature to confirm the origin of the message.

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  1. Describe the concept of public and private key with your own words.
    Private keys should be kept private as they give you complete control.
    Public keys can be shared with everyone.
  2. What 2 use-cases can public key cryptography be used for?

Encryption and Signatures

  1. A private key is a random number generated with a hash function that is known only to the owner of the key. Having a private key allows you to sign transactions, and generate public keys that can be used to receive transactions publicly, and shared with the world. It is impossible to reverse engineer a public key to find an associated private key, because of how one way hash functions operate.

  2. Two use cases for public key cryptography as encrypting messages for security, and sending funds (bitcoin transactions) securely and in a way that the funds cannot be impersonated or stolen.

  1. private key is the key that can create public key , is only one way (from private to public and no viceversa) and is a signature.
  2. digital currencies, email

1.a Private key that is randomly generated number that are encrypted to generate a public key, where it is not possible to derive the private key from the public key. Only the private key can be used to unlock/read/sign a message/transaction.
2. To encrypt messages send between two entities and to be able to publicly identify a transaction that can only be confirmed by digitally signing with the private key of that public key.

  1. A private key is a randomly generated large number from which a public key can be derived.The private key has to be hidden from others while the public key is for all to see.You can only go from private to public and not the other way.
  2. These are encryption and digital signatures.

1- Public and private keys are automatically generated by your computer. and they are used for encrypting and decrypting Information. The public key is used to encrypt information, and the private key is used for decrypting or signing information.

2- Encrypting massages, and digital signatures.

  • Describe the concept of public and private key with your own words.
    A private key is a secret, randomly generated number. It can be used to sign data for origin identity verification, or can be used by a cryptographic trap-door function to generate a public key. The public key can be used to encrypt data for secure transmission, to be decrypted by the associated private key.

  • What 2 use-cases can public key cryptography be used for?
    There are many more than two use cases, but all use the features described in answer #1 above. Two common use cases are blockchain signatures and secure email.

  1. A private key is like your mailbox key. Only you, and anyone else that gets their hands on it, can gain access to whatever is tied to it.

A public key is like your mailing address. It’s public information, and it’s okay for others to know. In fact, someone needs to know it in order to send you something.

Private and public keys are mathematically related and can be proven to be related to each other by anyone, without actually knowing your private key.

Initially, a private key is created. Then from your private key, a public key is derived. Furthermore, an address is derived from your public key.

  1. Two use-cases that public key cryptography can be used for are encryption and digital signatures.

1 Private key is random number generated by computer. With private key you can create a public key.
2 Encryption and digital signatures.

  1. The Public and Private keys are two uniquely related cryptographic keys. The key pair is related mathematically. If you use any of the keys to encrypt anything, it can only be decrypted using the corresponding key.

  2. Encryption and Digital signatures.

  1. Public key is the address available for anyone to see and where bitcoins can be sent. Private key unlocks that public key for access to the bitcoins held there.

  2. Public and private key cryptography and digital signatures.

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  1. A private key is a string of numbers that generate a public key by way of a one-way hash function. A private key allows a user to sign a transaction or message and this can be verified by others using it’s public key.
  2. Encryption and digital signatures.

Describe the concept of public and private key in your own words.

The private key is an extremely long random number generated by the computer, it is impossible for two computers to generate the same private key. The user must take care of it and keep it in their possession because if they lose or share it, they will be able to read their messages or steal their coins in the case of Bitcoin.
The public key is generated by means of a mathematical function applied to the private key. This is the key that you share on the network, since there is no problem because it is impossible to know the private key through the public key.

For what 2 use cases can public key cryptography be used?
It can be used to:
1) Encrypt messages
2) Digital Signature

  1. A public key is a key generated through a private key and is made public when trasmitting messages. It’s impossible to derive the private key from the public key.
  2. case 1) the sender uses the receiver’s public key to encrypt his message. only the receiver can decrypt the message by using the receiver’s private key
    case 2) the receiver of a message can use the sender’s public key along with the sender’s message’s unique signature (derived from private key) to authenticate the sender’s identity