Homework on Public and Private Keys - Questions

  1. The private key is a large random number that should be kept very safe since the public key is created from it with cryptography so it can be used in an open, insecure environment.

2.1 Encryption of messages and such for privacy.

2.2. Digital signature to verify identity.

  1. Public key is used to encrypt/sign data publicly while staying “anonymous” while private key is used to decrypt the data from the public key.
  2. One use case is Cryptocurrencies to allow funds to be transferred between people publicly and securely. Another use case is password authentication.

1,2- The concept of public and private key cryptography is simply a way two do two things which are, first Encryption in which the receiver’s public key encrypts the data or message or transaction etc… and then only the receiver’s private key can decrypt the data, message, transaction etc, hence the sender can encrypt the massage without knowing the public key which is like an email address in which no one can know the private key by knowing the public key which is like the password. Second Digital signatures, which is used to verify whether or if the one who sent the data, message, transaction etc… is the one who actually did without needing to know the private key by signing it with the private key.

  1. A Private Key is a large random number generated to secure your
    private information. It is for your eyes only and cannot be backtracked
    to the Public key that can be generated from it. The Public Key is
    something the world can see and it can also be used to encrypt messages

  2. A Private Key is a large random number one can use to generate
    a Public Key, encrypt messages and create digital signatures.

1.public key is available for everyone to see and is also used to encrypt data allowing others to decrypt the data useing there private key or vise versa but you cant figure out someones private key useing there public
2. 2 uses? a) for sending encrypted messages and b) for digital signatures

  1. Describe the concept of public and private key with your own words.
    On the bitcoin network, the owner or the private key can move the funds associated with that key. The one who owns the private key owns the coins. A public key is then generated from the private key. The public key is the address you can share with people for them to send you funds, or even send a message that can only be read by the owner of the private key associated with that public key.
  2. What 2 use-cases can public key cryptography be used for?
    It is used for encryption and digital signatures
  1. Public key (derived from private key( is for every one to see and make use of in order to send an encrypted message or a transaction. Private key is my personal signature which can decrypt messages and puts a signature on transactions sent using the public key.

2 Encrypted messages. Transactions

1 Private key é um código alfanumérico, a public key é um código alfanumérico derivado da private key. A public key é utilizada como um endereço, para que outras public keys possam estabelecer comunicação.

No caso da criptografia, para manter a privacidade entre duas partes na transmissão de uma informação, a mensagem ou informação a ser comunicada é encriptada com a public key do receptor, essa mensagem a partir disso se torna irreconhecível e só poderá ser decriptada através da private key do receptor.

No caso da blockchain, ocorre a situação reversa. O mensageiro de uma informação utiliza sua private key para “assinar” uma informação e o receptor consegue checar a autenticidade da informação ao verificar a assinatura e a public key do mensageiro, constatando que somente a private key do mensageiro poderia ser utilizada para gerar a assinatura.

2 Criptografia para manter a privacidade entre mensageiro e receptor ou assinatura digital, para comprovar a autenticidade de uma informação.

  1. A public and private key is a pair of data that’s linked together and used to encrypt data sent between two parties.

  2. One use case could be secret messaging. When you’re on the internet, your ISP can see whatever data you are sending. But do they understand it? This is what public and private key cryptography solves; now you send encrypt the messages you send, and only the receiver will be able to decrypt the encrypted message (and then “understand” it). Another use case would be in cryptocurrency; to make sure that the unverified transactions sent into the blockchain was actually sent by the sender, and not another person.

  • Describe the concept of public and private key with your own words.
    Public keys are derived from private keys. The opposite way is not feasible. Private keys are randomly generated. In the context of digital assets it is important to store your private key safely the owner of the private key has control over the assset.
  • What 2 use-cases can public key cryptography be used for?
    For encryption and for digital signatures.

1-- Public key whic is derived from the private key, is publicly visible and can be used to encrypt a message towards someone in order for the public not to see the message. Private key is the unique signature (fingerprint) that is able to decrypt the message or transaction sent specifically to a particular user. Must be kept in private.

2- Can be use to encrypt messages and transactions .

  1. Describe the concept of public and private key with your own words.

The Private Key is a random number. It is unique to you and is your digital signature. The Public Key derives from the Private Key. The Public Key can be seen by anyone. You can send encrypted messages and Bitcoin from A to B securely.

What 2 use-cases can public key cryptography be used for?

Encryption and Digital Signatures. Encryption is for privacy and the digital signatures proves it is you that sent the data.

1)The public key is just that, IE can be made public. so as people can send you money etc
Private key is your key to your account so to speak and if someone gets it, games up your money is gone.Your your bitcoin.
2) encryption and digital signatures

  1. Describe the concept of public and private key with your own words.

The public and private keys pair are used to encrypt/decrypt communications between two parties on a public unsecured network.

Private keys are generated on a user’s local machine. It is then used to create a public key that can be shared with anyone.
The public key is used to encrypt messages by anyone, and only the intended receiver can decrypt it with their own private key.

On the other hand, private keys are used to create digital signatures that are attached with the delivered item (e.g. bitcoin, message). The receiver can verify the sender by processing the attached signature with the sender’s public key.

  1. What 2 use-cases can public key cryptography be used for?

Encryption and digital signatures.

1.Your private key is a randomly generated number that you can use to send and store your bitcoin. A public key is an address where you can receive bitcoin. To verify the bitcoin is coming from where it says it is the private key is used as a signature.
2.We can use it in taxes to see where our tax money comes from and what it goes toward.Also to encrypt messages, then the receiver decrypts the message with their own private key.

  1. Public key is like you bank account number : you can give the reference to anyone wanting to pay you. Private key is like your password (a very powerful password) you shall keep it very secret, it is the proof that you own this account. With private key you can guess the public key, but not the opposite.

Use case 1 : I can sign my message with my private key and the recipient can check that I signed using my public key.
Use case 2 : The sender can encrypt his message with my public key and I can read (decrypt) it with my private key.

  1. Private key is a random number and the usage is to make public keys, public addresses, make and sign transaction and decrypt messages generated from the public key.
  2. To encrypt a message that can decrypted only from the private key and check if a digital signature and public key derives from the same private key.

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Homework on Public and Private Keys

1. Describe the concept of public and private key with your own words.

Public key is a number generated from the private key. The public key is used by others on the network to encrypt their messages for transmission so that the message can only be read by the holder of the private private key which generated the public key.

The private key cannot be generated from the public key.

Private key is a random number concealed/held by the user. The private key is used to generate a public key and or digitally sign documents to identify the integrity of the user and or message sent.

2. What 2 use-cases can public key cryptography be used for?

The two use cases are encryption and digital signatures.

- Encryption
Encrypting the message via access to a public key which prevents others from reading the message if they do not have access to the private key which generated the original public key.

- Digital signatures
BTC, blockchain, uses public encryption to digitally signature the users blockchain address. This blockchain address is generated from a combination of the users private key & public keys. To send/spend BTC the user digitally signs the transaction with aid of their private key.

  1. Private key is randomly generated long string of numbers, which is important to keep as a secret, due to ability to verify as a digital signature. Public key is amsymmetrical, but it’s generated from private key. Public key could be seen as your address or “account”.

  2. Public key cryptography can be used for encryption to secure and for digital signature to identify.

  1. A Private key is kept secret while a public key is visible everywhere.

  2. Public key cryptography has two major USECASES which are:

  3. Encryption

  4. Digital signatures.

Digital signatures are mostly used in Bitcoin.