Homework on Public and Private Keys - Questions

Actually the public key is derived from the private key using the elliptic curve :slight_smile:


Crypro addresses are just keypairs that you mostly use for digital signatures (the other use case) :slight_smile:


1.) A public key is a key that can be seen by the public or is the key linking your BTC address to your wallet so anyone can send you BTC and the private key is used to send/spend BTC from your wallet. Basically the public key is used to encrypt messages/transactions and the private key is used to decrypt the message or to spend/send the BTC you received.

2.) The uses for a public key are to encrypt messages/transactions and to digitally sign a document or transaction.

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Transactions are not encrypted so we use digital signatures to sign transactions :wink:

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Oh, so the use case I am talking about is the use case that Crypto doesn’t really use and all it is used for in crypto is as a digital signature?

  1. Private key and public key are the imput and the output of a hash function, respectively. You generate the public key from your private key but you’ll never be able to do the opposite (one way function).

  2. Two use-case are:

Encryption: in order to encrypt a message you use the public key of the addressee who is the only one able to decrypt the message using is own private key.

Digital signature (most used in transactions): allowed you to sign a “message” using you’re private key, the adressee can verify that you have used you’re own private key to sign the message.

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Hi there, this is not mentioned in the videos, but Ivan mentions that the public key is derived from the private key, without revealing the private key to the public. It seems this public key is generated by hashing the private key. Am I wrong in this assumption? I don’t know if this is SHA256… Thank you for your question!

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Thanks for clarifying that. I initially thought it was digital signatures. Aren’t private keys used for signatures though? I know public and private keys are paired, but the question was 2 use cases for “public keys”… so I figured recipient wallet address was close to that as a use case. I’m probably overthinking it lol

  1. Describe the concept of public and private key with your own words.
    A private key is a random generated number that is specifically for the user, through a special formula a public key is created and that is for everyone to see. The public key is tied into the private key however the private key cannot be accessed through the public key.

  2. What 2 use-cases can public key cryptography be used for? Encryption and digital signatures.

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Yes, Bitcoin uses keys for digital signatures only :slight_smile:


Private keys are derived using the elliptic curve :slight_smile:

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Yes, you use a private key to sign a message (transaction) which others can verify using your public key :slight_smile:



Thank you Alko89… :slightly_smiling_face: :wink:

  1. Describe the concept of public and private key with your own words.

The public key is used to encrypt messages and send them to be decrypted by the owner of the public key that was generated by a private key that he/she can use to receive messages in a pretty secure way.

  1. What 2 use-cases can public key cryptography be used for?

The uses are for encrypting or decrypting and for digital signatures.

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1. Describe the concept of public and private key with your own words.
Public key is a key that everyone can see and access, like a blog or twitter. This is usually generated by a private key. 
A private key is a key that is should only be known to the user (aka a secret key). It can generate a public key. A public key can never generate a private key. 
2. What 2 use-cases can public key cryptography be used for?
	- Emails and Sending money
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  1. the concept to have a private and public key is to have our own address in order to receive and send encrypt data.

  2. You can use cryptography to send messages and buy or exchange cryptocurrency.

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  1. public and private key are two numbers used in communication over an unsecured open network. the recipient computer generates a random number which is kept as private key. Then by applying some formula to the private key, another number is generated which is public key and it is shared with everyone in the network. The sender computer can combine its message to the recipient’s public key which will be like an encrypted hash and not understood to others in the network. The only way to segregate the message from this hash is by decrypting it using the private key of the recipient.

  2. public key cryptography is used in encrypted message transmission , like in what’s app. Another application is cryptocurrency transaction, where public key cryptography is used to verify the identity of the private key holder.

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  1. You use a private key to generate a public key, which you then use for transactions or sending messages. The private key is only for you but the public key is for all to see.

  2. The 2 use cases of public key are encryption and digital signatures.

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  1. Describe the concept of public and private key with your own words.
    -> The public key is derived from a private key on a ledger with help of a computer. Private key is a unique set of numbers/words only known by the owner of the wallet. A bitcoin address is created based on the public key. This address can then be displayed to the public without any risk that they are going to figure out your private key.

  2. What 2 use-cases can public key cryptography be used for?
    -> With help of a digital signature and encryption you can now safely send funds or messages around the world without any problems.

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Great video, thank you so much for this focus on private key it was something I didn’t realize during the lecture. I assumed it was part of a function but actually is derived using a elliptic curve.