Homework on Security & Immutability - Questions

  1. How does a decentralized network increase security?
    A decentralized network has no single point of failure. That makes the network secure/operational. The number of nodes in the network verify the transactions. Trust in third parties is not needed because the protocol (and the math within) incentivize the verification proces by rewarding the nodes for it. Once the transactions get confirmed by the nodes, the data are immutable. That gives transparancy and accountability as result. So my money (bitcoin) seems to be secure!
  2. Why is it dangerous to trust a central authority for security?
    You can not place your trust in a protocol driven by math in a central system. You have to trust organisations because they are in control of for example your money (example: money on banks) or data (example: facebook). They could make mistakes (in comparisation to math) or do things in their own interest. There is no transparancy, security or immutability garanteed.
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*1) How does a decentralized network increase security?
Different nodes verify the transaction, not just one person.
*2) Why is it dangerous to trust a central authority for security?
Data can be changed or modified from an outside source.

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Through consensus with the networks within blockchain

2.they can alter at any given time/trust the network instead of the organization

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Homework on Security & Immutability - Questions

  1. How does a decentralized network increase security?
    Since we have many validators that need to authorize a transaction and they are economically rewarded by being a trustworthy validator.
    . Why is it dangerous to trust a central authority for security?
    Cause it gives too much power to one or a few person that can have incentives to hide information and manipulate it
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Homework on Security & Immutability - Questions

  1. How does a decentralized network increase security?
    The decentralized network is built on trusting the platform instead of trusting an organization. Security is built in such a way that transactions that are stored are immutable where it could be traced or tracked upon.
  2. Why is it dangerous to trust a central authority for security? The centralized network’s data is dependent on an organization’s set of rules that is not transparent to all. No one would know how the data are stored and how are these maintained. It creates more silo in such a way that access is only available to the ones working for the centralized network.
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  1. A centralized ecosystem does not have a single point of failure.
  2. A central authority is an easier target for hackers. There is also a risk of corruption within the single authority.
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  1. How does a decentralized network increase security?
    Answer: A decentralized network increases security by creating a global database/infrastructure that operates mathematically, which is open for everyone to check and build on. This globalized and decentralized network streamlines standards and protocols that unites everyone. Because the network is decentralized, it is immutable and permanent creating transparency, reliable tracking, and accountability.

  2. Why is it dangerous to trust a central authority for security?
    Answer: A central authority for security is dangerous because it is susceptible to interference or nefarious unauthorized distribution of data. Centralized transactional information can easily be manipulated or hacked by outside entities allowing for extreme vulnerability for loss of information or falsification.

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  1. All participants (nodes) check the checker and the resultant consensus cannot be altered or tampered with.
  2. Centralization concentrates power. Power corrupts, total power corrupts totally.
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  1. decentralized network is run on a math principal. cannot be failure.
  2. central authority can pull your pant down anytime they want.

1 - By eliminating the need to trust a third party, through the use of decentralized network and mathematical logic and protocols.

2 - All the creating/editing power is centralized and not public, thus the central authority has the power to create, change edit anything they want

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Best Answer !! :smile:

  1. Security is achieved in a decentralized network thru a common protocol, math. The math cannot be manipulated to achieve results based on a unique protocol by any one entity.
    2.It is dangerous to trust a central authority because protocols can easily be manipulated to achieve what ever that centralized entity is looking to achieve. Information is not being verified as truthful thru multiple resources.
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  1. Centralized ecosystem does not have a single point of failure.
  2. Data can be changed or modified from an outside source.
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  • How does a decentralized network increase security?
    = Because it works via consensus and provenance. The network is exactly that, a network and is not controlled by a single entity, therefore it can not be hacked and no one can remove data from the blocks-

  • Why is it dangerous to trust a central authority for security?
    = A central database controlled by an authority can be compromised and hacked. The same centralised authority can corrupt data and make changes and/or use it against you.

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How does a decentralized network increase security?

 Instead of a central point of failure, it creates potentially many
 thousands of points which would have to all fail simultaneously.
 This makes it nearly impossible to change information that has 
 entered the blockchain.

Why is it dangerous to trust a central authority for security?

 Because all that is required is permission in order to modify 
 information in a central authority.  This means that trust is
 inherently required that the information that exists in a central
 authority is representative of said authority, and that the authority
 is reporting honestly.  It can much more easily be exploited and 
  1. By removing the need to trust a third party with your data.
  2. We cannot control the central authority or even verify what the central authority is doing with our information.
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  1. How does a decentralized network increase security?
    By having multiple ledgers keeping track of items those ledgers it makes it difficult to bring in data that is fake. Decentralization creates a space in witch you need multiple sources to confirm a traction.

  2. Why is it dangerous to trust a central authority for security?
    A central authority has its won best interest at heart and creates a power differential with those it severs. Truth is what ever the central authority says it is. Central authority also controls the flow of information form internal to external allowing for false reporting or keeping of secrets.

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  1. A decentralized network increases security by mitigating the risk over an entire network.
  2. It is dangerous to trust a central authority for security because a central authority is more vulnerable to attacks and manipulation.
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  1. No single entity controls the data

  2. They us it for profit and it is a hackers playground.

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Homework on Security & Immutability - Questions

  1. How does a decentralized network increase security?
    Because there is no central point of failure, and you are not trusting in any entity, you are trusting in the protocol and math.
  2. Why is it dangerous to trust a central authority for security?
    It is very dangerous to trust a central authority, because they can be hacked or sell your information as well, when trusting them. Also a bad actor in a company could cause problems.
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