Homework: Relay chain, Parachains and Parathreads

  1. What are Parachains and what are Parathreads?

A Parachain is a a blockchain that is designed to connect and communicate with the centre Relay chain. The idea is that each would have certain use case.
A Parathread is are Parachain that connect to the relay chain that doesn’t need to be connected all the time and pays at goes for the ability to be connected.

  1. What is a Relay chain and how do Parachains/Parathreads relate to the Relay chain?

The relay chain is the heart of polkadot and makes the whole thing work that everything connects to at the end of the day.

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  • What are Parachains and what are Parathreads?
  1. Parachains comes from the word parallel and Chains because the run parallel connected to the relay chain. they have their own spot that is for them alone.

  2. Parathreads are Parachains but are temporary and they only connect for a temporary time they share their temporary spot with other parathreads.

  • What is a Relay chain and how do Parachains/Parathreads relate to the Relay chain?
  1. The Relay Chain is the heart of the Polkadot blockchain. Parachains and Parathreads connect to the relay chain.
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Parachains are individual blockchains having their own data structures designed to address specific use cases. They work independent of each other and are connected to the relay chain. Each Parachain is like an execution slot on the polkadot framework and various Parachains operate in Parallel to execute transactions effectively separating the transaction submission and finality. Moreover, the Parachains can communicate with each other and exchange any type of data within themselves.

Parathread is another way of participating in the Polkadot consensus mechanism wherein the Parathread submits transactions and participates in the shared consensus in a block to block basis. It does not involve the parathread to stake $dot to reserve a parachain slot.

The parachains and parathreads are connected to the relay chain which is the core of the polkadot framework. The relay chain validates the transactions and acts as a mechanism to achieve transaction finality and acts as a source of truth for the parachains.

Collators collect the transactions that occur in a particular parachain and submit the same to validators for validation of the transactions on the relay chain.

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  1. A parachain is a blockchain which leases a slot on the relay chain, sharing in the concurrent and secure platform that it provides. A parathread enjoys the same benefits but with a less severe and lengthy leasing model for operations on the relay chain.
  2. The relay chain permits communication and shared security between the parachains/threads.
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  1. Parachains are side chains that run in parallel to the main Polkadot relay chain.
    Parathreads lease a Parachain slot by paying a fee and temporarily take up a Parachain slot on the Relay Chain.
  2. Relay Chain is the core chain of Polkadot and the center of the ecosystem which connects the parachains and parathreats together.
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  1. What are Parachains and what are Parathreads? A parachain is an application-specific data structure that is globally coherent and validatable by the validators of the Relay Chain. Most commonly a parachain will take the form of a blockchain, but there is no specific need for them to be actual blockchains. Parathreads are an idea for parachains to temporarily participate (on a block by block basis) in Polkadot security without needing to lease a dedicated parachain slot. This is done through economically sharing the scarce resource of a parachain slot among a number of competing resources (parathreads).

  2. The relay chain is the central chain of polkadot with minimal functionality (no smart contracts) in order to coordinate the system as a whole. Parachains and Parathreads perform more complex use cases, while connecting ultimately to the relay chain dealing with security and governance.

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  1. What are Parachains and what are Parathreads?
    Parachains are blockchains connected to the Relay Chain. Relay Chain provides a secure way of communication between the Parachains and Parathreads and it allows them to transact with each other at the same time (transaction of data or value-token). This processing is called parallel processing and this is why blockchains on Polkadot are called Parachains. Parachains are limited due to the number of slots on the Relay Chain. They can use native DOT or their own token for the token economics. Polkadot places no constraints over what Parachains are able to do besides that they must be able to generate a proof that can be validated by the validators assigned to the Parachain.
    Both of them (Parachain/thread) need DOT to transact to the Relay Chain but can use their own respective tokens to pay the collators.
  • Collators are full nodes on both a parachain and the Relay Chain. They collect parachain transactions and produce state transition proofs for the validators on the Relay Chain. They can also send and receive messages from other parachains using XCMP.Collators maintain parachains by collecting parachain transactions from users and producing state transition proofs for Relay Chain validators. In other words, collators maintain parachains by aggregating parachain transactions into parachain block candidates and producing state transition proofs for validators based on those blocks.
    Parathreads have the exact same benefits for connecting to Polkadot that a full Parachain has. Namely, it is able to send messages to other para{chain,threads} through XCMP and it is secured under the full economic security of Polkadot’s validator set.
    Parathreads temporarily share Relay Chain slots and can use their own token or native DOT token to achieve its token economics. Parathreads share slots amongst a group, and are thus more like processes that need to be woken up and run less frequently.
    A portion of the Parachain slots on the Relay Chain will be designated as part of the Parathread pool. In other words, some Parachain slots will have no Parachain attached to them and rather will be used as a space for which the winner(s) of the block-by-block Parathread fee auction can have their block candidate included.
  1. What is a Relay chain and how do Parachains/Parathreads relate to the Relay chain?
    Relay Chain is the heart of the Polkadot. All Parachains/Parathreads are connected to the Relay Chain. The Relay Chain allows Polkadot to process all transactions from all chains in the Polkadot network at the same time or simultaneously. It also provides a secure way for chains to communicate with each other. All validators of Polkadot are staked on the Relay Chain in DOT and validate for the Relay Chain.
    The main responsibility is to coordinate the system as a whole, including Parachains. Other specific work is delegated to the Parachains, which have different implementations and features.
  1. Parachains are slots that can “plug in” multiple blockchains to the main, allowing multiple processes to happen at once. Parathreads are able to share multiple parachains and compete for resources, if an entire parachain is not required. These make up the…
  2. Relay chain, which connects all the blockchains on the polkadot network.
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Parachains are blockchains (or at least they are expected to be most of the time, though its not necessary) that lease a parachain slot to connect to the relay chain and parathreads share one parachain slot among a group. :slight_smile:

  1. What are Parachains and what are Parathreads?
    Parachains are constant processing slots on the relay chain. Parachains can have a variety of configurations depending on their user needs. Parathreads is more like renting a processing slot. Providing the stability and security of the relay chain as a purchasable service.

  2. What is a Relay chain and how do Parachains/Parathreads relate to the Relay chain?

The relay chain is the backbone of Polkadot network. All final consense is done on the relay chain.

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  1. Parachains are blockchains which are connected to the Polkadot relay chain through a dedicated execution slot. Processing from all chains in the network is performed simultaneously.

Parathreads are similar to parachains and both are interchangeable with the other. The difference is that parathreads share execution slots among a group, allowing chains that would not be able to acquire a full parachain slot to participate in Polkadots shared security.

  1. The relay chain is the heart of the Polkadot network. All parachains and parathreads which are connected to Polkadot, are connected to the relay chain through execution slots.
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  1. What are Parachains and what are Parathreads?
    They are both secured under Polkadot’s shared security and can send and receive messages. Parachains are like applications that are in physical memory and highly available. Parathreads are like applications that are on disk and can be copied into memory when needed.

  2. What is a Relay chain and how do Parachains/Parathreads relate to the Relay chain?
    The Relay Chain, or the base layer, handles the security, validation of transactions, and governance functions of each Parachain.
    Parathreads have the exact same API and functionality as parachains, but on a pay as you go basis.” Similarly, Parathreads must also share resources within a Parachain because they are temporarily leased spots on a Parachain to practically test ideas in a live environment.

A portion of the parachain slots on the Relay Chain will be designated as part of the parathread pool. In other words, some parachain slots will have no parachain attached to them and rather will be used as a space for which the winner(s) of the block-by-block parathread fee auction can have their block candidate included. A bit long winded but I needed to understand the complex network thanks

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  1. What are Parachains and what are Parathreads - Parachains = blockchains that run in parallel on Polkadot. Parathreads are parachains that temporarily participate in Polkadot security without needing a dedicated parachain slot and don’t always need to be connected to the network.

  2. What is a Relay chain and how do Parachains/Parathreads relate to the Relay chain - Parachains and Parathreads connect to the relay chain and are responsible for shared security, consensus and cross-chain cooperation.

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1. What are parachains?

Parachains are blockchains which “rent” slots on the relay chain, sharing in same secure platform provided.

2. What are parathreads?

Parathreads are the same benefits of parachains however they have a extensive leasing model for operations on the relay chain.

3. What are relay chains and how do parachains/parathreads relate to the relay chains?

Relay chains is the essence of the Polkadot network. All parachains and parathreads are connected to the main Polkadot network. They are interconnected to the relay chain through various “slots.” The relay chain permits communication and shared security between the parachains/threads.

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1.Parachain: A parachain is an application-specific data structure that is globally coherent and validatable by the validators of the Relay Chain. Most commonly a parachain will take the form of a blockchain, but there is no specific need for them to be actual blockchains.
Parathreads: Parathreads are an idea for parachains to temporarily participate (on a block by block basis) in Polkadot security without needing to lease a dedicated parachain slot. This is done through economically sharing the scarce resource of a parachain slot among a number of competing resources (parathreads)

2.The Relay Chain is the central chain of Polkadot. All validators of Polkadot are staked on the Relay Chain in DOT and validate for the Relay Chain. The Relay Chain is composed of a relatively small number of transaction types that include ways to interact with the governance mechanism, parachain auctions, and participating in NPoS. The Relay Chain has deliberately minimal functionality - for instance, smart contracts are not supported. The main responsibility is to coordinate the system as a whole, including parachains. Other specific work is delegated to the parachains, which have differing implementations and features.

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Parachains are application-specific data structure that is globally coherent and validatable by the validators of the Relay Chain.

  • Due to their parallel nature they are able to parallelize transaction processing and achieve scalability of the Polkadot system.

  • They Share the security of the entire Polkadot network and communicate with other Parachain through the cross chain messaging.

  • It is maintained by the network maintainer known as collator.

Parathreads are an idea for Parachains to temporarily participate in the Polkadot security without needing to lease a dedicated Parachain slot.

  • This is done through economically sharing a scarce resource of Parachain slot amongst a number of computing resources.
  • Chains that would otherwise not be able to acquire a full Parachain slot or dont find economically viable to do so are enabled to participate in the Polkadot shared security with an associated fee per executed block.
  • It also offers a graceful offramp for Parachains that no longer require a dedicated Parachain slot but would like to continue using the Relaychain.
  • Parathreads have the exact same benefits for connecting to Polkadot that a full Parachain has namely able to send messages to other Parachains and Parathreads through the cross chain messaging and is secured under the full economic security of the Polkadot’s validator set.
  • Relaychain is the heart of the Polkadot network, all blockchains connected to Polkadot are connected to the Relaychain.
  • It allows Polkadot to process transactions from all chains at the network at the same time. This simultaneous processing also called parallel processing is why blockchains on Polkadot Parachains.
  • It provides a secure wave for chains for communication with each other, Polkadot’s cross chain messaging schemes allows chains to exchange any type of data. Eg. a Token.
  • Parachains are application-specific data structure that is globally coherent and validatable by the validators of the Relay Chain.
  • Parathreads offer a graceful offramp for Parachains that no longer require a dedicated Parachain slot but would like to continue using the Relaychain.
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  1. A parachain is an application-specific data structure that is globally coherent and validatable by the validators of the Relay Chain.
    Parathreads are an idea for parachains to temporarily participate (on a block by block basis) in Polkadot security without needing to lease a dedicated parachain slot.
  2. The Relay Chain is the central chain of Polkadot.The main responsibility is to coordinate the system as a whole, including parachains and parathreads.
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Parachains are blockchains with a dedicated slot connected to the relay chain.

Parathreads are the same than parachains with an economic difference, since parathreads pay as per block basis.

Rely chain is the heart of polkadot, like a server, process transacctions at the same time from parachains and parathreads, and even from crosschains (bitcoin and others) thanks to bridges.

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  1. Parathreads are like mini-parachains(all the same features of security but not a full chain), parachains are global data structures that are valid due to Relay chain validation.
  2. The Relay Chain is proverbial testnet enabling both the parachain (main chain) to communicate with other chains and the parathread to be a parachain module that aids in security.
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Parathreads can also be full chains just like parachains. The main difference is that they participate on Polkadot on a block by block basis.

Relay chain is not a testnet. Its a central chain that enables parachains/parathreads to communicate with each other. :slight_smile: