Homework: Web3.0 and Tokens

1- We can take control of our data(not just a few monopolies like Microsoft, Google and Facebook for example).
2- Token is a currency built using Ethereum
3- By following certain standards dictated by the Ethereum, it is possible to create a code that will run on EVM. This code is called smart contract which can specify the token we are trying to create as well as any property this particular token we need it to have. For example, number of total tokens.

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  1. The benefits of web 3.0 will be users can reap the rewards instead of big companies that program an application like Google or Facebook, encourage early adoption of applications with financial incentives, and reward protocols.
  2. A token is a smart contract.
  3. Create a smart contract.
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Web3.0 / Tokens Homework

1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?
Allows the creation of own crypto-currency enabling individuals to be rewarded for interacting with the internet and facilitates small corporations, and individuals to compete with large companies such as Google, FB, WhatApp.

2. What is a token?
A decentralized contract built on top of Ethereum.

3. How do you create a token on Ethereum?
Tokens are created on top of Ethereum protocol standard “Token ERC20” which allows all exchanges and wallets to understand how to communicate with the token. To create your token the following information needs to be defined within the contract’s code;

  • The Token’s Name
  • The Token’s Symbol
  • The Token’s Decimal Places
  • The Number of Tokens in Circulation
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1 Combate a censura, diversidade de informaçÔes, maior competição e consequentemente melhor qualidade de serviços.

2 É um ativo digital criado a partir de plataformas de contratos inteligentes(smart contracts). O token Ă© utilizado para representar o valor de um ativo digital ou emular o valor de um ativo fĂ­sico, como ouro ou moeda fiduciĂĄria. O token pode ser fungĂ­vel(quando nĂŁo hĂĄ distinção entre os tokens) ou nĂŁo fungĂ­vel (quando hĂĄ distinção entre os tokens).

3 Tokens são criados através de smart contracts, onde são definidos diferentes parùmetros, como supply e token standard (NFT or FT),


1.What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?

In web 2.0 the value goes to the Applications, In 3.0 the money go the protocol.

2.What is a token?

It is a digital asset, which is created by smart contract.

3.How do you create a token on Ethereum?

You can crate token using smart contact in Ethereum.

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  1. Web 3.0 is a web where the user are incentivised to use applications. Therefore some financial rewards are gained by the users rather than all sticking with the companies creating the applications. This provides the opportunity for smaller companies to compete with the giants and for early adopters to drive adoption through said incentives.

  2. A token is a smart contract on a smart contract platform such as Ethereum (or EOS, Neo
). The tokens are usually created to serve in an economic model as medium of payment for services or incentive for performing certain actions.

  3. A token is created on a smart contract platform by deploying a smart contract. This contract does require following parameters; Token Name, Token Symbol, Total Supply, Decimals and also some basic functions which depend on the used underlying standard.

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1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?
The value is captured by the protocol and the users instead of centralized entities.

2. What is a token?
It is a smart contract built on the top of Ethereum representing value.

3. How do you create a token on Ethereum?
By building a smart contract on the top of it.

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  1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?

The benefits of web 3.0 will be increased through information and connectivity of online data that will make web browsing more efficient, communication will become more effective and bring back transparency and collaboration of human interaction. Web 3.0 will improve security and privacy by returning the control of data to the users instead of storing it on central databases that are involved in illegal opaque data sharing practices.

  1. What is a token?

A token is a smart contract a programmable digital asset that operates on a token standard interface that is a unit of value and can be fungible or non fungible

  1. How do you create a token on Ethereum?

a) Decide what type what type of ERC
 token its going to be.
b) Code the contract.
c) Test the token on the test net.
d) Verify the source code
e) get it on the main net.
f) get it verified on the main net

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  1. The benefit of Web 3.0 is that it monetizes the protocol layer, which everyone has a chance to own and take part in the growth of the protocol. It also incentives people to be early adopters of new platforms, which erodes the power of the large, centralized Web 2.0 companies.

  2. A token is a coin that is used within an application that utilizes a smart contract platform, like Ethereum.

  3. You can create a token on Ethereum by writing a dApp and coding the coin into the application.

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  1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?
    Trustlessness, Investment opportunities and security are all benefits of Web 3.0.

  2. What is a token?
    Tokens are value from smart contract programs built on blockchain.

  3. How do you create a token on Ethereum?
    you create a token on ethereum by programming smart contracts on the ethereum blockchain with the standardized ERC20 interface.

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Gives smaller companies the opportunity to compete with larger companies

A fungible or non-fungible digital asset

By creating a smart contract using the ERC20 standard

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  1. Benefits of web 3.0 are less middlemen. Less monopoly for big companies. First time the average person can invest early on. Investing in the protocol instead of a company.

  2. A token is something that is made using smart contracts. It’s a currency that is fungible or non-fungible.

  3. Tokens are created with smart contracts using a token standard.

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  1. web 3.0 is a smart new way of operating where by through the token economy and incentivised payment systems, the money and value can be shared with the user in a way not seen before.
  2. A token is a second layer so ETH being the coin, things built on ETH with there own money would be called a Token.It has thee option of being fungible or non-fungible.
  3. Using programs like Viper and Solidity you create a smart contract using the ERC-20 standard for example.
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1/ In web 2.0 the value went not to the internet protocols but to the applications.
In web 3.0 the value goes to the protocol of the Ethereum blockchain and the smart contract of the dapp.
The value of the dapp is in the Tokens of the dapp. Developers and early adopters will have the first Tokens cheap.
As the network grows the value will increase. It is a model to compete with big tech. application companies of web 2.0
2/A token is a unit of value belonging to a particular dapp in which a smart contract built on Ethereum is included
3/By programming your smart contract with ERC-20 standard program language in the Ethereum blockchain

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  1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)? The value of web 3.0 is that value can be captured at the protocol layer and distributed to users that create value.
  2. What is a token? A token is an application of smart contract currency built on the Ethereum blockchain.
  3. How do you create a token on Ethereum? A token is created by deploying a smart contract following one of the available ERC standards.
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  1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?
    The value of web 3.0 if first the decentralization, 2sc the incentive of getting rewards because protocol which are the fondation of the web 3.0 are using blochain token and if a Dapp build in top of it succeed then the token used in the protocol will take value, and 3rd of course censorship resistance

  2. What is a token?
    A token is a digital monetary representation held by a smart contract, it could be used as payment for a good or service

  3. How do you create a token on Ethereum?
    You need to create a smart contract and deploy it to the ethereum blochain. A token should match the erc20 convention but it’s not mandatory. This smart contract should have an integer which represent the total supply and function to distribute some of this token to adresses.

  1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?
    There are no middle men required making markets cheaper and more efficient for example and users can have built in economic incentives to grow the network as their tokens increase in value. Early adopters can be rewarded greatly.

  2. What is a token?
    A cryptocurrency created on top of a platform like Eth for example.

  3. How do you create a token on Ethereum?
    It can be created using a smart contract with the ERC-20 standard.

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The user can be incentivized to using the platform so as the usage increases, the value of those tokens increase over tiem.

A cryptocurrency created on top of a smart contract platform like Eth or eos

With a smart contract using ERC20 standard

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  1. the benefits include: smaller enterprises can compete online (internet) with Daap’s (adding value) thus facilitating rewards for your contribution to the experience you are having interacting with the Dapp’s

  2. Token: fungible and non-fungible, programmable digital asset, abstract for any use, database entry with smart contract

  3. create a token with ERC20 standard, ERC721,ERC1155 with a smart contract

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1. What are the benefits of web 3.0 (decentralized internet)?

The primary purpose of the Web 3.0 movement isn’t focused on expanding the functionality of the internet. Instead, Web 3.0 is focused on restructuring the way in which the internet is accessed and interacted with. Leveraging the technology that drives the blockchain revolution, Web 3.0 aims to wrestle ownership away from the corporations that rule the internet as it exists today.

Web 3.0 is a collection of values as opposed to a technology, it compromises any idea or technology that aims to perpetuate and restore individual sovereignty, by re-democratizing and decentralizing the internet. The Web 3.0 ecosystem consists of projects that aim to redistribute control over the internet.

Web 3.0 not only shifts control over information back to the individuals who create it but includes value as a primitive. In the current paradigm, payment processors function as necessary middlemen that bridge the gap between the world of digital currency and fiat currency. The dangers of allowing centralized organizations to facilitate this bridge and to dictate monetary terms to users are obvious — Paypal, for example, has been fined millions of dollars multiple times for deceptive business practices and legislative violations.

2. What is a token?

A token is a special frame that is passed from node to node around a ring network. When it gets to a node that needs to transmit data, the node changes the token into a data frame and transmits it to the recipient.

3. How do you create a token on Ethereum?

If you are creating your token the simple way, which is through your browser, then there are only five things you have to decide :

  • Name – What will your token be called? This name doesn’t have to be unique, once you launch your token it is set. Search for your chosen name ahead of time to ensure you won’t lead your investors to confusion.

  • Symbol – Similar to a stock symbol, the symbol here can be customized to fit your token. This also isn’t unique, but don’t worry, you can provide direct links to your project.

  • Supply – Determine the quantity of your token to be created during your ICO. Once you launch, this is a set number and it can be any number you choose.

  • Decimals – How small of a fraction of your token will you offer, or will you only sell it in whole numbers? There are benefits to both depending on what the purpose of your token is.

  • Price – You have to set the initial token price when offering it on the market. You can change this during different stages of your sale if you wish. Think of the price the same way you might think about the initial stock price in a traditional IPO.

Once you have this information, follow these steps :

  • Use a tool (such as CoinLaunch Coincreator) to create the token

  • Define the token details

  • Explore costs

  • Deploy your token on the blockchain

  • Provide an environment that allows investors to discover your ICO

  • Issue direct exchange contracts

  • Export your contracts for verification or for auditing