How to install and use truffle on Ubuntu

Thanks for reaching out!
No, you don’t need to create a new deploy.js file for every new contract.
Your migration files will use the deployer to stage deployment tasks. As such, you can write deployment tasks synchronously and they’ll be executed in the correct order.
Hence you can have one single deploy.js

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Well I’ve been trying to deploy another contract but haven’t had any luck.,
Here’s my screenshot

Is my deployer syntax ok? Or is there a standard deployer syntax

Yes, your syntax is correct.
we use truffle migrate to deploy the contract and not truffle deploy :slight_smile:

resource link:

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Well I must be doing something wrong because even when I use “truffle migrate structArray.sol”
it only deploys HelloWorld.sol

Check the name of the file and smart contract as well. if incase there is any spelling difference.

Orelse push you code to github and give me the link will check out.

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