HTML Reading Assignment

answeres to reading assignemet

  1. HTML means Hypertext Markup Language
  2. HTML is a code which organizes content to be displayed on a webpage.
  3. We want to display our smart contract to uses in their browsers. The smart contract being the back end and the web page, which is coded in HTML being the front end.
  4. a piece of code that orders what is done with the content within the tag.
  5. we have an opening part of a tag and a closing part of the tag. Opening: "<"content">" , closing: "<" /content">"
  6. An attribute contains informtion about the content you do not want the website user to see.
  7. The anatomy is the specific structure of the code behind the website.
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  1. What is HTML?
    Hypertext Markup Language
  2. What is HTML used for?
    It is used for proper placing of text and images as we wanted to be seen on screen of computer.
  3. Why are we learning HTML?
    Cause it is the basic thing to make WEB 1.0.
  4. What is an HTML tag?
    A tag that makes browser to recognise what type of content has to show.
  5. What is the structure of an HTML tag?
    A tag starts with <ā€¦> and finishes with </ā€¦>
  6. What is an attribute?
    Instruction that cointan extra information about the element that you do not want to appear in the actual content.
  7. What is the anatomy of an HTML document?
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  1. HTML is not a programming language, but a markup language that structures your content on a website.
  2. HTML is used for displaying and structuring the content( text,imagesā€¦) on the website in a organized way.
  3. HTML is good base and foundation for further web and blockchain development.
  4. Tag is a certain way of instruction, and it defines how to structure content, for example angular brackets show the beginning and the end.
  5. It has opening and ending tag, open is , and ending is .
  6. Attribute is used to contain more additional information about element which you don`t want to appear in actual content.
  7. First which wraps all the content on the entire page, then which includes information that you don`t want to appear on a website( such as keywords, scripts, character setā€¦), then which includes all the content you want to show on the page. And of course every tag needs to be /closed.
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  1. Hyper Text Mark up Language.
  2. To create web pages, display titles, headers, text body and manage look and feel.
  3. Most applications will use a Web page front end to supply meaning to the user.
  4. The < html > tag is the container for all other HTML elements (except for the <! DOCTYPE> tag ).
  5. Attributes contain extra information about the element that you donā€™t want to appear in the actual content.
My test page My test image
My test page My test image
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My test page My test image

Hi @dbeelow0323, I see you tried to input image from a source. But the source is your local computer directory. You need to provide a link to the source image that is accessible through the internet. That way you can see it here.

Happy Learning ! :slight_smile:

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  1. What is HTML?
    hypertext markup language
  2. What is HTML used for?
    to make websites and links
  3. Why are we learning HTML?
    to learn how to structure a website
  4. What is an HTML tag?
    a series of elements with meaning to make the website
  5. What is the structure of an HTML tag?
    opening tag
    closing tag
  6. What is an attribute?
    attributes can include links to an image or descriptions
    7.What is the anatomy of an HTML document?
    the beginning usually includes the checker something like < ! DOCTYPE html>
    then the head and body, and dont forget to end with
  1. HTML ( Hyper text Markup Language) is the code that is used to structure a web page and its content
  2. Not a programming language, but used as a markup language that defines the structure of your content
  3. So that we can begin with the programing basics, which starts at the front-end with simple web pages made of simple HTML
  4. The enclosing tags can make a word or image hyperlink to somewhere else, can italicize words, can make the font bigger or smaller, and so om
  5. The opening and closing tag which describe the opening and closing of a paragraph or the content
  6. Attributes contain extra information about the element that you donā€™t want to appear in the actual content
  7. The doctype is used as a preamble, are basically just needed to make sure your document behaves correctly. The html element wraps all the content on the entire page and is sometimes known as the root element. The head element acts as a container for all the stuff you want to include on the HTML page that isnā€™t the content you are showing to your pageā€™s viewers. The meta charset element sets the character set your document should use to UTF-8 which includes most characters from the vast majority of written languages. Essentially, it can now handle any textual content you might put on it. There is no reason not to set this and it can help avoid some problems later on. The title element sets the title of your page. The body contains all the content that you want to show to web users when they visit your page, whether thatā€™s text, images, videos, games, playable audio tracks or whatever else
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1.HTML is hyper text markup language 2. used to structure web page content. 3. To start with the basics of web pages 4.tags are for hyperlinks and font chages 5. open and closed tags for content/paragraphs 6.attributes are for back end info 7. head, body,and close.

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  1. What is HTML?

The code used to structure a web page and its content. Markup language that defines the structure of your content.

  1. What is HTML used for?

Used to enclose or wrap different parts of the content to make it appear or act a certain way. Eg. Creating hyperlinks taking you somewhere else, italicise, changing fonts etcā€¦

  1. Why are we learning HTML?

To learn the very basics of writing code for simple websites. Good to know these basic fundamentals before we progress to more complicated programming

  1. What is an HTML tag?

Tags identifies where a paragraph begins and ends within an element

  1. What is the structure of an HTML tag?

The opening tag consists of the name of the element wrapped in opening and closing angle brackets. Eg.

For the closing tag, there is a forward slash before the element name eg.

  1. What is an attribute?

Attributes contains extra information about the element that you donā€™t want to appear in the actual content.

Attribute contains:

Space between it and the element name, attribute name followed by equal sign, attribute value wrapped by opening and closing quotation marks

  1. What is the anatomy of an HTML document?

How individual elements are combined to form an HTML page.

  1. a language

  2. stors information on a web page

  3. so we can bild a web side

  4. uesd to make elements

  5. an opening tag and a closing tag and something inbetwen

  6. extra information that dont show

  7. < !DOCTYPE html>
    < html>
    < head>
    < /head>
    < body>
    < /body>
    < /html>

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  1. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language.

  2. It is the code that is used to structure a webpage and its contents. HTML is not a programming language. It is a markup language that defines the structure of a webpageā€™s content.

  3. We are learning HTML as a foundation to then go on and learn blockchain programming using more advanced languages, such as C++ and Solidity.

  4. A tag is a command that tells the browser what kind of content you want your webpage to show and how you would like it to look.

  5. The opening and closing tags to make a paragraph, for example, would be:

    [Your text goes here}

    (As you can see, I canā€™t write the example without the browser executing the code.)

  6. An attribute contains extra information about an element that you donā€™t want to appear in the actual content, e.g. bold or italic font.

  7. All HTML document have two elements:
    Head elements ā€“ which is the page title and general page formatting commands
    Body elements ā€“ which is the main HTML text.

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  1. HTML - Hypertext Markup Language is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser.

  2. HTML is used for:

  • Web pages creation;
  • Web document creation;
  • Internet navigation;
  • Responsive images on web pages;
  • Offline help and documentation;
  • Data Entry support with HTML such as email.
  1. Knowledge of HTML is necessary for complete web development, and it is a gateway to other coding languages.

  2. A tag is a special word or letter surrounded by angle brackets, < and >.

  3. Tags are used to create HTML elements such as paragraphs and links. These elements have an opening tag and a closing tag; a p (paragraph) element has a

    tag followed by the paragraph text, followed by a closing

  4. Attributes are special words used inside the opening tag to control the elementā€™s behaviour. They are a modifier of an HTML element type. Attributes contain extra information about the element that do not appear in the actual content.

  5. Every HTML document consists of two elements: Head elements which provide page title and general page formatting commands; and Body elements which put the main HTML text in this part.

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Greetings @Bogdan_Manzar! :smiley: Thank you for your first post on the forum. Hope we will see you often here . If youā€™re stuck , confused or doubtful at any point of time you can always reach out to us in the forum. Hope you enjoy the course to the very end.

Welcome aboard!

Happy Learning !:slight_smile:


Welcome aboard @don ! Thank you for your first post on the forum. If thereā€™s any help required we are always a question away on this forum. Please feel free to reach us out.
Having said that hope you enjoy the rest of the course!

Happy Learning! :smiley:

  1. HTML is HyperText Markup Languageā€¦
  2. HTML is used to structure a webpage and its contentsā€¦
  3. HTML is not a programming language but rather a markup language that defines the structure of my content when I develop a webpageā€¦
  4. An HTML tag is can make a word or image hyperlink to somewhere else, can italicize words, can make the font bigger or smaller, for example when developing a webpageā€¦
  5. The structure of an HTML tag is Opening Tag, Closing Tag, The Content and The Elementā€¦
  6. Attributes contain extra information about the element that you donā€™t want to appear in the actual content
  7. DocType, HTML, Head, Meta Chartset, Title, Body,
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  1. HTML is a Hypertext Markup Language and not a programming language.
  2. HTML is used to structure a web page.
  3. Weā€™re learning HTML in order to structure our web page and place contents appropriately.
  4. Tags are used to open and close contents.
  5. Opening and closing.
  6. An attribute contains information about the element. An attribute can structure the content in a specific manner.
  7. The anatomy of an HTML document is the proper structuring of the document such as proper opening and closing tags.
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1.HTML is a markup language that can code static websites.
2.It defines the structure of your content, basically the skeleton of your website.
3. Because the blockchain interacts with websites and apps.
4. A tag is an instruction that you give to the website.
5. A tag starts with an opening and finishes with a closing with your content inside. All of this together is called an element.
6. Attributes contain information about the element that you donā€™t want to appear in the actual content.
7. < !DOCTYPE html>
< html >
< head > ā€¦</ head>
< body> ā€¦</ body>
</ html>

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  1. HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. Is not a programming language but a markup language use for web pages
  2. HTML is used firstly to personalized web pages and give it a base structure. Is also use to add elements and hypertext references.
  3. Because the first step is built a front-end interface to communicate with back-end ā€œworldā€ (in this case the blockchain it self). In order to do this we firstly need to correctly develop a web pages with which interact. HTML is used to built the skeleton that then will be made dynamic by JavaScript code.
  4. HTML code is based on different elements. Each element is wrapped by an open and close tag, useful to recognize each element from the others.
  5. The open tag is < p>, where close tag is< /p> (in this is extremely important to put in the close tag the forward slash)
  6. An attribute as the word say give more specification to an element. It always put inside an element wrapped by the open and close tag (for example <meta charset=ā€œutf-8ā€> < /meta>)
  7. Usually it start with < !DOCTYPE html> an element required as preamble to make sure that our document behaves correctly.
    Then there is a header element < head> < title> Example < /title> < /head>, this elements are not show to pageā€™s viewers
    Then the element < body> than contains all the content that one want to show on the web pages.
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