Hyperledger Composer Basics - Reading Assignment

1, The goal of Hyperledger Composer is to accelerate the development of apps, it can easly create organisations, assets, transactions, people.

  1. Hyperledger Composer is a tool for building business networks on top of Hyperledger Fabric.

  2. The sub network that needs to be built for a particular business or group of businesses in order for applications to run effectively on the blockchain.

  3. Assets are related to participants, transactions are the mechanism by which participants interact with assets.

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  1. The goal of Composer is to speed up the process of buildingblock chain applications.

  2. Composer applications is supported by Fabric Blockchain, to validate the consensus protocols

  3. Assets, Participants & Transactions

4.They are all related to the end customer and the service only.

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3. What do we define within the Model File?

Indeed miss, but is not like a sub network, you have to define assets, participants and transactions , all the proper rules that each will follow to behave has you program them.

Assets : tangible or intangible goods, services, or property.
Participants : A permissioned network user, each can be associated with a unique identity, across multiple business networks based on their role.
Transactions : An action applied on an asset based on an agreement protocol from 2 or more participants .

If you have any more questions, please let us know so we can help you! :slight_smile:

Carlos Z.

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  1. What is the goal of Hyperledger Composer?
    The Goal is to make it easier to integrate Blockchain applications with the existing business systems.

  2. What is the relationship between Hyperledger Fabric and Hyperledger Composer?
    Hyperledger composer works on top of hyperledger Fabric blockchain.

  3. What do we define within the Model File?
    We define : Assets, participants and transactions

  4. What is the relationship between assets, participants and transactions?
    These three constitute the network business model.

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  1. The Hyperledger composer is a development toolset to develop applications running on Hyperledger Fabric
  2. Hyperledger composer makes use of the Hyperledger runtime and allows to develop applications on top of Hyperledger so that they can be deployed onto the Fabric blockchain
  3. The model file defines the transactions which can interact with assets
  4. In de proposeld (real-estate) model, the various assets,participants and transactions are the relations between the various types. It is the transaction that ties a certain participant (buyer or seller) to a certain asset (a house that is being sold or bought). The sale or lease would be the transaction itself
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  1. Is a framework which helps us to quickly model our existing business network on top of Hyperledger Fabric blockchain.
  2. Hyperledger Composer supports Hyperledger Fabric blockchain.
  3. Assets, participants, transaction
  4. Assets are tangible or intangible goods, services, or property, transactions can interact with assets, participants interact with the blockchain network.
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3. What do we define within the Model File?

Indeed sir, but also you define the participants and the roles or set of permissions that they could have over assets or transactions.

If you have any more questions, please let us know so we can help you! :slight_smile:

Carlos Z.

  1. To accelerate time to value, integration of blockchain into business systems
  2. Composer works on top of Fabric blockchain, supports applications on it
  3. Model file = transactions, assets and participants
  4. Assets and participants are tied together by transactions
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  1. What is the goal of Hyperledger Composer?
    Its goal is to make the blockchain application easier to integrate with existing business system.
  2. What is the relationship between Hyperledger Fabric and Hyperledger Composer?
    Hyperledger composer sits on top of Hyperledger fabric. Composer provides a tools set to build and blockchain application which can run on the Hyperledger fabric network
  3. What do we define within the Model File?
    Business Network Model file contains the existing assets and the transactions related to them; assets are tangible or intangible goods, services, or property. It can also includes the participants who interact with them.
  4. What is the relationship between assets, participants and transactions?
    Assets transactions are done between the participants on the Business network .
    Asset can be tangible or intangible goods, services, or property. Participants can be owner, buyer, regulator and transactions are the trade happening between the participants
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  1. The goal of Hyperledger Composer is to make it easier to integrate blockchain applications with existing business systems.

  2. The relation between Hyperledger Fabric and Hyperledger Composer is that Fabric works on the Composer blockchain infrastructure.

  3. Within the Model File we define assets, participants and transactions.

  4. The relationship between assets, participants and transactions is that the assets are the tangible or intangible goods, services or property. These assets are the subjects of the transactions - which are carried-out by the participants.

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1. What is the goal of Hyperledger Composer?
A toolset for quicker development and deployment of a blockchain solution for businesses

2. What is the relationship between Hyperledger Fabric and Hyperledger Composer?
Composer supports Hyperledger Fabrics infrastructure, so it is easy to integrate with the different modules, such as the consensus protocol

3. What do we define within the Model File?
Not sure, but I guess it defines the allowed transactions of assets between parties

4. What is the relationship between assets, participants and transactions?
Participants make transactions with assets

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3. What do we define within the Model File?

Assets : tangible or intangible goods, services, or property.
Participants : A permissioned network user, each can be associated with a unique identity, across multiple business networks based on their role.
Transactions : An action applied on an asset based on an agreement protocol from 2 or more participants .

Hope this gives you a clear picture of the subject.
If you have any more questions, please let us know so we can help you! :slight_smile:

Carlos Z.

Thanks a lot Carlos!

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What is the goal of Hyperledger Composer?
The primary goal is to accelerate time to value, and make it easier to integrate blockchain applications with the existing business systems.

What is the relationship between Hyperledger Fabric and Hyperledger Composer?
Hyperledger Composer supports the existing Hyperledger Fabric blockchain infrastructure and runtime, which supports pluggable blockchain consensus protocols to ensure that transactions are validated according to policy by the designated business network participants.

What do we define within the Model File?
Your current business network, such as:
• Assets: houses and listings
• Participants: buyers and homeowners
• Transactions: buying or selling houses, and creating and closing listings
What is the relationship between assets, participants and transactions?
Assets will have transactions related to them, participants are those authorised to interact with the data regarding assets and transactions.

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  1. What is the goal of Hyperledger Composer?
    Is a open development toolset and framework that makes developing blockchain applications easier

  2. What is the relationship between Hyperledger Fabric and Hyperledger Composer?
    The composer supports the Fabric blockchain infrastructure

  3. What do we define within the Model File?
    the assets and the transactions

  4. What is the relationship between assets, participants and transactions?
    Assets are being transacted between participants

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3. What do we define within the Model File?

Indeed sir, also the participants are defined in the Model File.
You can scroll up a little bit to see my last reply about it!

If you have any more questions, please let us know so we can help you! :slight_smile:

Carlos Z.

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  1. What is the goal of Hyperledger Composer?
    Accelerate time to value, and make it easier to integrate blockchain applications with the existing business systems.

  2. What is the relationship between Hyperledger Fabric and Hyperledger Composer?
    HL Composer supports HL fabric infrastructure and runtime.

  3. What do we define within the Model File?
    Transactions, assets (tangible or untangle) services or property

  4. What is the relationship between assets, participants and transactions?
    Assets: tangible or intangible goods or services
    Participants: anyone that interacts, customers, supplier, retailers etc…
    Transactions: the execution of the agreement whether sell, buy, swap etc…

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  1. What is the goal of Hyperledger Composer?
    goal is to accelerate
    time to value and make it easier to integrate blockchain applications with an
    existing business systems. (deploy BC from months to weeks.)
    Composer allows to model a business
    network and integrate existing systems and data with the blockchain applications.

  2. What is the relationship between Hyperledger Fabric and Hyperledger Composer?
    composer is a layer on top of HL-Fabric:
    “Hyperledger Composer supports the existing Hyperledger Fabric blockchain infrastructure
    and runtime, which supports pluggable blockchain consensus protocols to ensure
    that transactions are validated according to policy by the designated business network participants.”

  3. What do we define within the Model File?
    assets, participants and txn

  4. What is the relationship between assets, participants and transactions?

(they are all comprised in the model file .cto - is .cto one of the pluggable blockchain consensus protocols?)
txn could interact with assets - user/admin has to define that
Txn can be executed by permissioned participants - user/admin has to define it
Participants can be separeted in tiers of different permission levels - user/admin has to define it

  • all that could be represented through a frontend application where permissioned participants can execute txn
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3. What do we define within the Model File?

Indeed sir, also we can define the participants permissions and roles.

If you have any more questions, please let us know so we can help you! :slight_smile:

Carlos Z.

1)“Hyperledger Composer is an extensive, open development toolset and framework to make developing blockchain applications easier. Our primary goal is to accelerate time to value, and make it easier to integrate your blockchain applications with the existing business systems. You can use Composer to rapidly develop use cases and deploy a blockchain solution in weeks rather than months. Composer allows you to model your business network and integrate existing systems and data with your blockchain applications.”

2)“Hyperledger Composer supports the existing Hyperledger Fabric blockchain infrastructure and runtime, which supports pluggable blockchain consensus protocols to ensure that transactions are validated according to policy by the designated business network participants.”

3)You can use Hyperledger Composer to quickly model your current business network, containing your existing assets and the transactions related to them; assets are tangible or intangible goods, services, or property. As part of your business network model, you define the transactions which can interact with assets. Business networks also include the participants who interact with them, each of which can be associated with a unique identity, across multiple business networks."


“Assets are tangible or intangible goods, services, or property, and are stored in registries. Assets can represent almost anything in a business network, for example, a house for sale, the sale listing, the land registry certificate for that house, and the insurance documents for that house may all be assets in one or more business networks.
Assets must have a unique identifier, but other than that, they can contain whatever properties you define. Assets may be related to other assets or participants.”


"Participants are members of a business network. They may own assets and submit transactions. Participant types are modeled, and like assets, must have an identifier and can have any other properties as required. A participant can be mapped to one or multiple identities. "


“Transactions are the mechanism by which participants interact with assets. This could be as simple as a participant placing a bid on an asset in an auction, or an auctioneer marking an auction closed, automatically transferring ownership of the asset to the highest bidder.”

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