I'm Ur JavaScript Study-Buddy!

LOL I’m so stoked to have understood that :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I legit laughed.
I still can’t believe I’m learnin how to talk to computers finally!! Now that I’m doin it, I wish I hadda done it years ago.

So grateful to be connectin w/yal!


Hey Richie //

We happy u here bro. abso down for a zoom or discord chat on JS. Keep up the good work mayne! we gonna be CypherPunks in no-time! :laughing:


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Major News Yal // :speaking_head: :ear:t6: :hear_with_hearing_aid:

I’m one day away from earnin the “C R A Z Y B A N A N A” achievement. :rofl:
I feel a lil silly for bein excited abt it… but fuck it. this my truth :woman_shrugging:t6: :sweat_smile:.

Yal keepin me motivated helped me get here, so THX for bein study buds. I failed twice at this already after gettin past halfway to 90 DAYS INNA ROW. My study buds were the difference this time.

I feel proud to have logged into something thas actually useful for 3mo straight. Cuz I kno w/o a doubt I achieve “CRAZY BANANA” status several times over on all my social media accounts, which don’t increase my skill sets in any meaningful way.

Anyway, thx for listenin to my Ted Talk. :joy:
I started the Boolean readin assignment last night, excited to dive deeper today. Keep up the good work errbody



Hi Hudson,

I think I am between # 2 and 3 :joy: :joy: :joy:
Repeating video plays over and over, and slowly hammering into my brain.

Thanks for the insight ! :slight_smile:


Hi Richie,

don’t get discouraged for not getting the exercises. I didn’t get a lot of them either.
I went ahead and looked at the answers, and still didn’t get them until I repeated them over and over again. The book and the videos seem to go a little too fast for me. There are times I’ve asked…when did we cover this? LOL

So I found YT channels that explain bit by bit. I am completely new to this, so I need to be shown step by step. take a look at this channel.

It is helping me a lot. Hope it helps you too. I use it to supplement the lessons.



@Richierich1212 @Marie @lordkalvin — Yes, patience is key!

I came in with a bit of experience, but I’ve hit roadblocks too. This is challenging material for all levels of coders, so be sure to continue congratulating yourself on the progress you’re making!

Showing up for yourself & working on the material is a terrific achievement each & every day you do it. Even if you don’t feel like you totally understand, you’re certainly a step closer.

Keep at it y’all!

(Also - @lordkalvin did you get the Crazy Banana Achievement??)


Hey everyone! This is an awesome topic thread! (sharing my thoughts on the JavaScript course)

In my experience, the hard part with programming is that you need to familiarize yourself with what codes you can use to solve, write, and read codes. Just keep at it! Constant Practice with coding will get you a step further than where you are right now.

I also do not have any programming knowledge before I took this course, and I had “impostor syndrome” for most of the time. I felt that I suck at programming (truth is I still do, but I’m better than before).

Just keep pushing forward! We’ll all get there someday! Happy learning guys!

Tip: Take breaks! you can’t force yourself to solve another code if you’re frustrated.

Tip for the if-else conditions: Try to familiarize yourselves with the basic “truth table”. It helped me a lot in understanding the conditions and how they are implemented.




Workin on “Sensei” achievement now! [180 days]
I don’t wanna fail this one. startin over for a 180 streak would SUCK.

Hey welcome @CryptoXyz! //

Thx for joinin us n helpin to keep errbody goin fwd w/this!! I feel so supported in this journey errtime I see someone sharin their wisdom. Appreciate the tips! This is the most fun I’ve ever had studyin.



YO @lordkalvin!! That’s an awesome achievement you got there! :muscle:

For beginner programmers like us, we really need this supportive community to help us thrive and push through! Glad you created this forum! More success to you and everyone in this academy!


Thanks Marie,

I will definitely check out the youtube channel. I had a crazy week of work last week but I am getting back in stride this week. Thanks so much for the support and encouragement.


Thanks Hudson,

This makes me feel better. I do have the habit of trying to complete the problems on my own and if I don’t get it i feel like I have somehow failed. I will definitely remember this though. I feel it will help me a lot.


HAPPY MONDAY EVERYONE // :sun_with_face:

I’m setting a goal for myself RN to progress from lesson #12, allaway thru lesson #16 “Understanding If-Else deeper” by Saturday.
Tellin my study buddies, to add a lil fire underneath my ass lol.

What r yal plannin on accomplishin this week? :bar_chart: :chart_with_upwards_trend: :chart_with_downwards_trend:


  • MOND
    • finished lesson 12 + homework.
  • TUES
    • Took lesson 12 quiz // scored: 100% 1st try :triumph: :yawning_face:. [I used the console during quiz] :smiling_imp:
    • Finished lesson 13
  • WEDS
    • Started readin Eloquent JS Chapter 2. // V excited to get a deeper understandin of speakin to computers.
  • THUR
    • Continued readin Eloquent JS Chapter 2. // I like the tentacle reference. kinda gives life to these programs in my mind. like a lil alien creature lol
  • FRID
    • Finished lesson 14 FINALLY [took 3 days] :weary:. gotta finish (15 && 16) tmrw to accomplish my goal!
  • SATU
    • Completed lessons 15 && 16 // aced the quiz easily [w/the help on console.log ofc] :smiling_imp:
    • I’m actually gettin this shit, n feelin smart. Been fun playin around, combinin alla diff code I’ve learned so far!
    • Thx study-buddies for the extra push to follow thru. I p woulda studied less hard otherwise.
    • Will be back MOND w/another weekly goal!

Best of luck man! @lordkalvin

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THX @CryptoXyz!!
:1st_place_medal::trophy: :1st_place_medal:

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Interestin find today during a quiz:
this input:

((4*2)>3) && ((6-3)>20)

Returns false when run by isself

But it returns true if ran w/console.log:

console.log((4*2)>3) && ((6-3)>20)

I changed numbers around n got similar results.

Does anyone kno y it returns diff outputs w/console.log?

It’s been a busy week and a half.

I’m on lesson 24, and going back to functions and loops to review everything.
I feel like I am getting a better grasp every time I go back to review it :slight_smile:
I love the YT tutorial videos on lesson 24 btw. They are a good review from a different instructor. So far, I have listened to 4 other instructors besides Ivan on JS, and every single one helps me understand it better from a different perspective.
My brain needs to keep tackling different angles to figure out how to think like a programmer. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

Btw, I am pleasantly surprised that my brain seems to organize all the info into the correct places while I am taking a break from JS due to my schedule.
It is like coming back to a cleaned up house after taking a short trip. :grin:

Happy Learning everyone !



:fist_right:t6: :star2: :fist_left:t6:


Hello Study Buddies // :grin:

Hope ur weekends were amazin. I took yesto off, but I’m back onnit today.
What r yal gonna accommplish this week?

I will progress from lesson 16 thru lesson 23.
Once again, postin here to help me stick to it. Thx errbody.


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Amazing progress man! Congrats on your journey!

At first, I find JavaScript (JS) to not be of much use (how foolish of me :rofl: ), but now that I’m learning to program smart contracts in Solidity, JS is a big help! I can attest to that.

The learning curve and barriers in learning a new programming language will be easier once you’ve got the hang of JS! Oh and JS is also used heavily in programming smart contracts (from my experience)

If you’re stuck, just do what you can, you may not see it yet but you are already better than who you were yesterday!

Goodluck everyone!


Ayyyy! Thx for this uplifting word! Also, thx SO MUCH for verifyin that JS will be useful w/smart contracts n solidity!! I was expectin JS to be just a primer for learnin solidity, n not necessarily directly connected.

I feel so empowered by this course n entire academy. I’ve already begun to spark interest in my local community! finna run these numbers TF UP!!

V interested to hear updates from what ur workin on btw @CryptoXyz!