jQuery Reading Assignment


  1. jQuery is an open-source library to the client-side scripting of HTML.

  2. We can use big chunks of code already written that can do cool stuff. Saves you a lot of time and effort!

  3. Uncompressed is for developers, has more code (comments, empty spaces,..) This takes more space off course and slower to run.
    The minified version has all comments, empty spaces and other unnescessary characters removed = smaller in size and faster to run..
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  1. Free JS library, most popular.
  2. Saves time, makes code with less mistakes, supports varies platforms and browsers.
  3. To save space and time of download file.

What is jQuery?
It is a library that makes building JavaScript webpages and web apps quicker and easier.
How does it help us as developers?
you can use predefined functionalities from jQuery, so you don’t need to create a new code again. we just use the code of somebody else who created it before.
Why do we have 2 version of jQuery - minified and uncompressed?
minified version is harder to read, but the size is smaller, better use for websites. uncompressed version is better to read, so I can modify it easier.

1 - jQuery is a library that makes it quicker and easier to build JavaScript webpages and web apps.
2 - jQuery allows you to write a single line of code to achieve what would have taken 10-20 lines of regular JavaScript code, making development much faster.
3 - Minified version has all the whitespaces and comments removed to make the filesize shorter, which is better for people visiting your website). The uncompressed version retains all the comments, whitespaces, indentations, etc, making it easier to read and modify but consequentially has a larger filesize.

  1. What is jQuery?
    jQuery is a free JavaScript library.

  2. How does it help us as developers?
    With jQuery you can write powerful JavaScript apps using fewer lines of code. It is great for things like animations, Ajax requests, DOM manipulation, image effects, and user interface elements. It lets you easily write cross-browser JavaScript code.

  3. Why do we have 2 version of jQuery - minified and uncompressed?
    The first version contains comments, white space, and other “unnecessary” characters so that it is easier to comprehend the coding. The second doesn’t, but is the version to be placed on a site, as it’s much quicker for visitors to download.

  1. What is jQuery?

a javascript library to help you write code faster by reducing the amount of code you write at the cost of a slightly different syntax.

  1. How does it help us as developers?

less typing and more thinking or implementing.

  1. Why do we have 2 version of jQuery - minified and uncompressed?

Minified to save in data transfers from the server to the client. Uncompressed is mainly for the people working on the jQuery library itself.

1. What is jQuery?

jQuery is a free JavaScript library.

2. How does it help us as developers?

It helps us as developers, because we can write powerful JavaScript apps using fewer lines of code - therefore allowing us to build apps faster and simpler.

3. Why do we have 2 version of jQuery - minified and uncompressed?

We need to have 2 versions of JQuery, because:

  • We need the uncompressed .js file, as it’s easy to read and modify.
  • We need the minified .js file, as it’s much quicker for visitors to download.

What is jQuery?
A library that makes it faster and easier to build JavaScript webpages and web apps.

How does it help us as developers?
Reduces lines of code required for commonly needed and nice to have tasks, Simplifies writing and maintaining cross-browser code.

Why do we have 2 version of jQuery - minified and uncompressed?
Minified is optimized for quicker downloads thus better performance in production. Uncompressed lets you peek under the hood of what is going on- so better for leaning and development of software.

  1. jQuery is a free library that adds functionality to a page containing regular JavaScript.

  2. It’s useful for developers as it reduces the amount of code needed to do certain tasks. The library allows the chance to perform an action in a line or two as compared to 10-20. It provides some new options and shortcuts, in essence.

  3. Minified is the smaller version that should be linked in a web page. It has comments and other unnecessary items removed from the file. If a person would want to look through the whole, uncut version to make modifications or read all the text they could opt for the uncompressed version. That version is a larger file so it’s not advised to link it into a page.

  1. jQuery is a library that makes it quicker and easier to build JavaScript webpages and web apps. Often with jQuery you can write a single line of code to achieve what would have taken 10-20 lines of regular JavaScript code.

  2. jQuery is itself written in JavaScript, and comes in the form of a single .js file that you link to from your webpage. Your JavaScript code then accesses the library by calling various jQuery functions. jQuery makes it easy to write powerful JavaScript apps and create better animation for developers.

  3. The jQuery library actually comes in 2 forms:

  • The uncompressed .js file is easy to read and modify, but it’s around 160kb in size (at the time of writing).
  • The minified .js file has all comments, whitespace, and other unnecessary characters removed from the file, squeezing the whole library into a mere 23kb. Although you can’t easily read the code, this is the version you’ll want to place on your site, as it’s much quicker for visitors to download.
  1. JQuery is the most used Js library used.
  2. It helps saving time by re-using the same code in order to build our applications with dynamic interfaces.
  3. It all comes down on the weight of a library we import, affecting the speed/responsivness of our website or app. The uncompressed version is heavier than the min file, although it is more readable for developers
  1. jQuery is one of the most popular JS libraries for website developers.
  2. It helps by providing a lot of functionality that we would otherwise have to write from scratch and all the functionality is the same across all browsers so we do not have to worry about that.
  3. Uncompressed version is used for development and minified for production.
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1. iQuery is a free Javascript library.

2. It helps developers by providing useful javascript code that can be used to more easily build webpages and web apps. The pre-written code sources save developers time and effort.

3. Uncompressed jQuery contains code that is easy to read, whereas minified jQuery is compressed and therefore more difficult to read. Since uncompressed jQuery is about 7x the size of minified jQuery, developers more than often put the minified jQuery in their website to save visitors downloading time.

  1. jQuery is a library of code that we can use.

  2. By automatically calling the correct code for the browser

  3. Minified is harder to read for us humans but faster to call for the computer. Uncompressed is easy for humans to read

What is jQuery?
jQuery is a library that makes it quicker and easier to build JavaScript webpages and web apps.

How does it help us as developers?
helps with animated effects, ajax requests, Manipulating the DOM, Creating image slideshows, Making drop-down menus, Creating drag-and-drop interfaces, form validation etc.

Why do we have 2 version of jQuery - minified and uncompressed?
The uncompressed .js file is easy to read and modify, and fasterto down load.
The minified .js file is faster to download and run.

What is jQuery?

  • jQuery is a library that adds functionality to regular javascript

How does it help us as developers?

  • makes it quicker and easier to build JavaScript webpages and web apps. Often with jQuery you can write a single line of code to achieve what would have taken 10-20 lines of regular JavaScript code.

Why do we have 2 version of jQuery - minified and uncompressed?

  • easier to read and modify versus size
  1. jQuery is a Javascript library that allow us to use all javascript functionalities in less lines.
  2. It helps developers write code or webapps in a more efficient manner.
  3. There are 2 versions of jQuery (Minified and uncomprressed) because one file is easier for the human eye to analyze and the Minified version provides an optimized version of the same file made for the web.
  • What is jQuery?
    jQuery is a javascript library that gives you functionality

  • How does it help us as developers?
    It allows us to use the functionality without having to develop it. It also helps with cross browser compatibility. It makes sure your code runs on most browsers.

  • Why do we have 2 version of jQuery - minified and uncompressed?
    One version is commented and easier to read. The other is not commented and doesn’t have white spaces. The sizes is different which makes the smaller one faster to load, which gives a better user experience.

1.JQuery is a open-source Javascript Library that anyone can use to make his life in programming easy.

2.jQuery is a library that makes it quicker and easier to build JavaScript webpages and web apps. Often with jQuery you can write a single line of code to achieve what would have taken 10-20 lines of regular JavaScript code.

3.The minified version allows for fast loading speeds. The uncompressed version allows developer to see the code with comments.

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  1. JQuery is an open-source JavaScript Library designed to simplify the client-side scripting og HTML.
  2. jQuery allows developers to invoke common tasks that require many lines of JavaScript code to accomplish, and wraps them into functions that you can call with a single line of code.
  3. The minimized: compressed code for the fastest loading speed. The uncompressed file is for developers that want to see the functions in a readable manner.
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