JS Exercises (ATOM)

I have a quick question in regards to the actual request of the exercise. We are asked to create a filename (filename: hello_world.js) then create script to the console. how do we link the Filename in Atom to the Goggle chrome console. I find the coding quite straight forward but looking for guidance on the exercise request. Thank you! .

Exercise Example below.

  1. Hello World.

filename: hello_world.js

  1. Create a script that stores the text string “ Hello ” in a variable “ hello ” and prints this variable to the console.
  2. Create a variable “ world ” that takes care of the text string “ World “.
  3. Now print both variables of the console in only one console.log statement


  1. Use the variables “ hello ” and “ world ” in one or more print sentences to give the printout below:

Hello? World?

hey @RobFo, hope you are ok.

all you need is to save your code with filename : “hello_world.js”, then open it with your browser to check how the code behave through the console.

If you have any more questions, please let us know so we can help you! :slight_smile:

Carlos Z.

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Many thanks Carlos

Have a great day!
