Keep learning in the DeFi space

My PC handled it well but my memory and fan speed did increase :smiley:

Is there any reason you placed the DeFi new world in Brazil?
I do think this is interesting since people seem very open for crypto there.


The only real geographic pin is the epic adventure begins in Stockholm. The sphere is a mind map. I use geographic associations of happenstance during its construction. For example: I instantly know that Africa is everything about how BitCoin works. North America is the ICO investment research checklist. North Pacific is “token economy” and so on, all without looking. South America was empty when I completed the courses (there are 3 courses present on the sphere).

I’ve watched Ivan daily on tape delay from PST since the beginning. Most of what he says is already there in my course notes…except… I began gathering hints he’s dropped about decentralized exchanges and cross-chain projects on my map in Brazil. That became the natural idea colony to anchor the DeFi 101 space port to. And it fit being an intro and conceptual course.

I have this separate constellation of spheres for the programming courses (and another constellation of programming courses in unrelated languages).


Amadeo, I wanted to thank you again for the course. Even though i need to digg more, it really helped me structure, expand my knowledge on the field & give me a clear sense of the fundamentals.

I can´t wait for a second course on the matter. What an adventure!

Meanwhile, i have some broad questions… :slight_smile:

  • Can you elaborate on arbitrage strategies/opportunities the community can leverage (perhaps give a simple exampIe so we understand what it implies in this ecosystem)

  • Will Open Law protocol be part of the DeFi ecosystem?

  • Do you have knowledge of new Defi ventures that tries to “simplify” its taxation?

Happy easter!


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Thx Amadeo for super interensting contents of this course.

I’d really appreciate a video, or a link to an article, about the MakerDao network failure and what the community is going to do to prevent events like this to happen again.

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We are working on this will inform you if we have more information.
Thank you.

Great questions.
Most questions will need to create a new course for.

In terms of law …
The ontological difference is that in DeFi there is no bureaucratic or technological gatekeeper between the builder and their idea… this some go’s for any law application you can create new governance and LAW system …

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Hi Amadeos,
A good arbitrage opportunity could be when a stablecoins falls below the dollar buy for example when it falls to .99 or .98 and make money when it goes back to one 1 dollar? I am correct?



Something on the lines of - 1.) a card that gives good interest for the major crypto currencies 2.) one that can be used universally in their local currency (without the hassles of exchange and related fees)


Mr. Brands thank you very much for making this course a reality. It’s enlightened me to how revolutionary this technology is!

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It sure is we are just getting started more to come soon.


Yes it sure is.
I build some bots that take up loans and arbitrage any stable-coin issues.
Makes a decent amount of $$$ but hard to maintain.


Is there any course within the academy that teaches how to build those types of bots?

Many thanks,


I think there is kinda but not Using pure DeFi

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Thanks Amadeo for the course, really enjoyed learning all this and look forward to the next building course you will create.


Hi Amadeo, could you please clarify me this doubt, maybe stupid but I must be sure if i understood correcly or not what happened.
When the price of ETH fell by circa 50% in a few hours and the liquidations began, these only concerned CDPs, right?
What about the staking assets?
Please let me Know.



very eye opening. this has answered questions and made me dive deeper into defi!

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We will do a sperated video on this


please make it asap, I’m very curious

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Truly enjoyed this course, Thank you!

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Well that was a good start. Thanks Amadeo!.. hungry for DeFi 201 now :smiley: Hopefully there will also be a future programming course that actually builds a dApp using some of the DeFi legos talked about (with the smart contract course as a prerequisite). This is what I’m most interested in!

In the meantime I’ll have to start figuring it out on my own. The docs and their github sites are a likely place to start.