Module not found: Can't resolve 'prop types' in

I get this error while following the State Video in the React Course.

Failed to compile.

Module not found: Can’t resolve ‘prop types’ in ‘C:\Users\creat\OneDrive\Documents\WebDev\src\Components’`

Here is the code in the Coin.jxs file:

import React, { Component } from 'react'

import "./Coin.css";

import PropTypes from 'prop types';

export default class Coin extends Component {

    constructor(props) {


        this.state = {  

            price: this.props.price




        componentDidMount() {

            const callback = () => {

            const randomPercentage = 0.995 + Math.random() * 0.01;


            this.setState( function(oldState) {

            return {

                price: oldState.price * randomPercentage




            setInterval( callback, 1000 );


    render() {

        return ( 

            <tr className="coin row">








Coin.propTypes = {

    name: PropTypes.string,

    ticker: PropTypes.string,

    price: PropTypes.number



Your import statement is incorrect. Please use the correct import statement for prop types as stated below –

import PropTypes from 'prop-types'

This will solve your issue.

Hope this helps. Happy Learning! :slight_smile: