Reading Assignment : HTML

What is HTML?
HTML is a markup language that defines the structure of your content. HTML consists of a series of elements, which you use to enclose, or wrap, different parts of the content to make it appear a certain way, or act a certain way. The enclosing tags can make a word or image hyperlink to somewhere else, can italicize words, can make the font bigger or smaller, and so on.
What is HTML used for?
To structure a web page and its content.
Why are we learning HTML?
If you’re thinking of becoming more serious about web development, knowing HTML and CSS makes it easier for you to learn other coding languages, too.
What is the structure of an HTML tag?
Opening < tag > and closing < /tag >
What is an attribute?
Provides extra information about the element. Within open tag
What is the anatomy of an HTML document?
Wraps up the basics of individual HTML elements, individual elements are combined to form an entire HTML page.

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