Sybil Attack - Reading Assignment

  • A node gets fed all bad information by all it’s peers being corrupt.
  • Lack of changing peers.
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  1. Sybil attack is using multiple “identities” to make one person/voter/peer look like several and eventually have an influence on collective processes like votes.

  2. A Sybil attack can occur when there is no identity control of the voters or participants inside a voting system. For example because of privacy issues.

  1. What is the general idea of a sybil attack?
    One entity creates a lot of digital identities to gain too much influence on the network.

  2. What deficiencies within a system (such as a cryptocurrency network) can allow a sybil attack to occur?
    If the identities are too easy and cheap to create it’s easier to launch such an attack. Ideally the network uses a form of reputation system, which can determine if the identity created is new or already preapproved by others, so it will not give new identities that much power in terms of voting etc.

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  1. A sybil attack in bitcoin is where multiple nodes that are connected to yours are colluding to give you a false state of the network, this means that they can give you fake blocks allowing different attack vectors, for example they can double spend against you.

  2. There is very minimal cost to creating pseudo identities on the network. Similar to creating multiple identities on social media which are in fact controlled by 1 or a few actors.

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  1. One entity can create multiple pseudonymous identities to gain more (voting) power on a network.
  2. These networks are largely anonymous. Real identities are not verified so it is hard to determine if one entity has assumed multiple identities on the same network.
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1-Sybil is like one user creating many to botch the system.
2- A weakness in network may appear when multiple identities appear in a peer-to-peer network in order to appear and function as multiple distinct nodes. The adversary may thus be able to acquire a disproportionate level of control over the network, such as by affecting voting outcomes.

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A Sybil attack is one where a network falls victim of one person appearing to have multiple identities. i.e 1 person joins the network but the network counts that person as 10, 20, or many more different people, depending on how difficult it is to fool the network. It is like a Senator having a much louder voice or more votes on a given matter.

Lack of validation protocol for each entity that creates an identity.

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  1. Attacker can create many different identities which might able him to have more influence on network in order to control it.
  2. Easy to create many identities.
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  1. To create multiple accounts to gain influence
  2. When a network uses redundancy to secure the network
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  1. The Sybil attack in computer security is an attack wherein a reputation system is subverted by creating multiple identities and uses if to have a large influence.

  2. The attacker can refuse to transmit blocks and transactions from everyone, effectively disconnecting you from the network. Sybil attacker can relay only blocks that they create, effectively putting you on a separate network and then also leaving you vulnerable to double-spending attacks.

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  1. One entity or person has several identities and uses them to influence the behavior of a larger group or network
  2. The smaller the network the easier it is to have a sybil attack. Proof of work makes it more difficult and expensive for this to happen
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  1. The general idea is to lie you about the nodes that you are in contact with.
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  1. A Sybil attack is when a group of peer nodes with different identity but controlled by the same entity attempt to disrupt and gain control over a peer to peer network.

  2. Sybil attack is more likely to occur when multiple nodes with separate identities can be created cheaply and easily.

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  1. The general idea of a sybil attack is that one person or node can create multiple identities in order to maliciously manipulate a system’s protocol.

  2. Anonymity and fee-less transactions (without proper precautions) could allow sybil attacks to occur.

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  1. Where an attacker games a reputation system by creating lots of false participants in the network.
  2. The fact that it is peer to peer and doesn’t have a central authority. Crypto currency networks are (pseudo) anonymous which makes it harder to determine valid participants.
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  1. Sybil attacks is one entity faking more Identities to influence a network or a community.

2.A cheap and securely poor voting system is vulnarable to this where you don’t have proof of an unique identity.

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  1. Creating multiple identities to gain a disproportionate influence in a network.
  2. When you have a voting system and creating a new identity is easy and cheap
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1. What is the general idea of a sybil attack?
To create many identities possible to be able to influence the p2p network to vote over the attacker interest.

2. What deficiencies within a system (such as a cryptocurrency network) can allow a sybil attack to occur?
Anyone can start has many nodes as they want, all those nodes can be the same participant in the consensus by spreading their own “valid” blocks over the network, if this happens, it can drive to several issues like double spend or corruption over the blockchain.

  1. The general idea of a Sybil attack is creating a bunch of fake identities to gain a disproportionate amount of control over a network.

  2. The deficiencies within a system (such as a cryptocurrency network) that can allow a sybil attack to occur are that it is easy to create many identities.

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  • What is the general idea of a sybil attack?
    the general idea of a sybil attack is for one entity to create many alter-egos and use them to isolate another entity, or manipulate the information that are fed to it.

  • What deficiencies within a system (such as a cryptocurrency network) can allow a sybil attack to occur?
    crypto network are usually anonymus and is notoriously difficult to establish for sure if many addresses are actually controlled from the same user.

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