Sybil Attack - Reading Assignment

  1. Using fake corrupted users the system is influenced to make decisions.

  2. False users voting because of no proof of identity.

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To create multiple identities in order to subvert the reputation system of a network

Some cryptocurrencies uses voting system for their governance , a sybil attack could be used to gain power to then highly influence the decisions of the governance.

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1. What is the general idea of a sybil attack?
One entity creates many identities to gain more influence.
2.What deficiencies within a system(such as a crypocurrency network) can allow a sybil attack to occur?
When it’s easy to create multiple identities.

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1. What is the general idea of a sybil attack?

One entity (an ‘attacker’) may adopt multiple identities in order to gain a disproportionate control
or influence over - and/or disrupt - the regular functioning of a networked system.

As an example: if 1 entity has 1 identity which = 1 vote,
1 nefarious entity may setup multiple (xx) identities to yield = multiple (xx) votes.

1 single entity with multiple identities and multiple votes,
thereby gains unfair advantage over other single entities who only have a single vote.

2. What deficiencies within a system (such as a cryptocurrency network) can allow a sybil attack to occur?

A cryptocurrency network is typically decentralized, so lack of a centralized (central) figure of Authority
to perform proper authentication and verification of identities could lead to this sort of attack.

However, authentication systems such as Proof of Work / Proof of Stake, etc., can both assert
the entity=identity issue, as well as make it too expensive-prohibitive to setup &/or maintain
mutliple entity-identities.

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1)One person controlling many identities interacting with p2p network.
2)The p2p structure itself creates a situation where more than one identity can correspond to one entity.

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  1. What is the general idea of a sybil attack? The attackers create multiple identities to trick a reputation system in believing that that the different false identities are separate when in reality they are part of the same entity. This allows the attacker to influence the system without other users realising what is going on.
  2. What deficiencies within a system (such as a cryptocurrency network) can allow a sybil attack to occur? The desire for anonymity and the absence of a single authorising body.
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  1. A Sybil attack is where a bad actor pretends to be many identities to gain a disproportionate influence over the network.
  2. If it was easy, fast and inexpensive to create multiple accounts this would allow a Sybil attack to be made for lower effort/cost.
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  1. What is the general idea of a sybil attack?
    TO create multiple accounts and gain influence in the peer to peer protocol…

  2. What deficiencies within a system (such as a cryptocurrency network) can allow a sybil attack to occur?
    very possible but very expensive in the POW of bitcoin…

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1)For a single entity to create as much identities as possible to gain influence in that network.
2) If an entity has unlimited funds, it could create multiples unidentified entities to control the nodes voting on the peer to peer system

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1 The general idea of Sybil attack in computer security is to create several identities in a peer to peer network with the intent to control the nodes in the network
2 Due to large amount of money in order to control many nodes on the network to control the voting system and do malicious things

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  1. What is the general idea of a sybil attack?
    gaining influence by using more than 1 identity

  2. What deficiencies within a system (such as a cryptocurrency network) can allow a sybil attack to occur?
    no KYC or checks on reputation of an address

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  1. What is the general idea of a sybil attack?

To create a large number of false identities to attack a network.

  1. What deficiencies within a system (such as a cryptocurrency network) can allow a sybil attack to occur?

Easily creating new identities.

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  1. What is the general idea of a sybil attack? The idea of Sybil Attack is that the attacker creates multiple (false or even spoofed) identities and connect to the victim, gaining influence and even control over the peer-to-peer network.

  2. What deficiencies within a system (such as a cryptocurrency network) can allow a sybil attack to occur? If the number of nodes connected with the victim is set very small, it is easy for the attacker to gain influence or control over the network. Also if nodes can be created very easily, large number of malicious or fake nodes could be created to perform Sybil Attack.

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What is the general idea of a sybil attack?
One person controlling many identities on a Peer to peer network with the intent to control the nodes on the network

What deficiencies within a system (such as a cryptocurrency network) can allow a sybil attack to occur?
Easy ability to create new users in the network voting system without proof of a unique identity

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  1. create multiple identities, to cover up
  2. don´t know

What deficiencies within a system (such as a cryptocurrency network) can allow a sybil attack to occur?

A low computational power (hash power) will make a blockchain less secure, since anyone could attack it by a 51% attack (control more than 51% of the total power hash of the network). Meaning that you could choose with data goes into the blockchain or not (transactions). Ethereum Classic is a good example (3 attacks so far). Also have few nodes could end up in something similiar, instead of mining blocks, your nodes could not agree with other nodes, and if you have a majority of the nodes, you could decide some important consensus points of the network.

If you have any more questions, please let us know so we can help you! :slight_smile:

Carlos Z.

  1. What is the general idea of a sybil attack?
    A multiple identity attack on the network from a single entity or source.

  2. What deficiencies within a system (such as a cryptocurrency network) can allow a sybil attack to occur?
    You can create multiple identities by creating many wallets.

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Q1- What is the general idea of a sybil attack?

A single entity / person creates many identities and is then able to use them dishonestly to skew e.g. voting in the direction they favour.

Q2- What deficiencies within a system (such as a cryptocurrency network) can allow a sybil attack to occur?

If it is easy and cheap (or free) to create multiple identities and the system being attacked lacks any means to validate its user’s identity, attacks are much more likely.

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  1. Basically, sybil attack refers to creating multiple online identities which is in fact the work of an individual or a syndicate.

  2. Anonymous.

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  1. I person controlling many identities on a Peer to peer network with the intent to control the nodes on the network.
  2. The ability to create multiple unidentified identities linked to 1 person and that person’s ability if they have large sums of money to control the nodes voting on the peer to peer system.
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