Toshi Times Improvements

Summary: yes
Read loud: don’t know
Interested: all users that find features (bugs) or ask for improvements in the System
Matter: make things work that don’t - or could be better
Asked response: WOD (works as designed) or just make it work or change the process
common words: malfunction, first steps with the bot communication, bug, process stops,
Category: support, development

Now to the point.
I startet using the bot for beginners. It worked perfect to a certain point when I should flag the response of the bot as inappropriate. I used the lowest selectable point and wrote a text just for fun.
The bot answered that I forgot to flag - what I didn’t.
So I made a screenshot that shows that it is flaged and replied again to the bot - makes no sense - but if someone looks in the system he could see the problem.
After that the bot was reset and gave me the possibility to start again.
So I think the bot only checks the first option of the 4 possible.
I tryed to undo but there is no possibility to do so once you have flaged it “wrong”
Hope this helps.

Asking for: just an info if it helped to fix the problem.