What are your thoughts about Uhive?

Hello everyone,

What do you guys think about Uhive?
I found a nice article to day on Yahoo finance;
https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/uhive-social-network-enables-users-080000356.html .
They are coinmarketcap https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/uhive/ .
They are just listed on probit exchange https://www.probit.com/app/exchange/HVE2-BTC .

I think this has huge upside potential,i cant find any other project doing the same!

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Looks exciting! I really feel that decentralized social media is the future. Let’s hope that it will reach mainstream, but UHive really looks promising. I found artists like Moby, Gaga and other “big players” having spaces there.

never heard of it. Thanks for sharing details on it