Comments on course content

Yes, it can be rather abstract. To begin with, simply think of it as a way to earn interest through staking your crypto into exchange liquidity pools. You earn rewards that are collected from transaction fees charged by the exchanges you are participating in. There are of course other elements, but that’s a good starting point. My early stumbling point was comparing this too closely to traditional banking. Yes there is lending/borrowing but I’m not certain how common it is for people to take loans because of risks that come from volatility.

I’ve been moving very slowly through this myself. The graphic in the article below which was linked to one of the early videos makes a nice demonstration of “financial legos.” Hope this helps.

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I found this course somewhat monotonous, to be honest have not learnt a lot from this. He mainly reads the slides and when he does not read he gets lost.

He might be the best in Defi but he lacks on explaining and capting your atention and interest.

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I am struggling with this course big time, it is difficult for me to follow and we should not forget that the academy is targeting individuals with no prior technical knowledge…Therefore, when “GUI” is mentioned for example, it wouldn’t harm to propose a short explanation on that. “How do we explore the blockchain” - it wouldn’t harm to start such section with “what we are trying to understand with this” before jumping into all the demos and really quickly flashing through the different windows. I think the structure needs to be improved. Of course, people with more background knowledge than me wouldn’t struggle…