Dashboard Daily Sign-in

image Hay :wave:

I have noticed each day I sign in to the Academy to view my course, it does not record and update in my dashboard. Is this an issue for other people too?

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Are you using Brave Browser? I had this issue when using Brave and therefore switched to Chrome when watching Academy courses.

I’m also using brave have signed in 2 days but seemed to only tracked the first, tried switching shields off for site doesn’t seem to have made a difference wondering if it’s because I didn’t log out in between?

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This the answer I got from the support team when I had this issue:


No not at the minute. I can log onto the course fine. My issue is that on the dashboard it does not show how many days in a row I have accumulated. image

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In that case I suggest contacting the stuff at [email protected]

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Yep you were right. all sorted :ok_hand:

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and back to day one again :roll_eyes:

I turned off the shields and also logged in on the app. It seemed to sort it. Not sure the app had anything to do with it but it didn’t seem to be working straight away when I switched shields off :woman_shrugging: