EOS Studio - Contract helloworld and and account helloworld missing after reload

Thanks Carlos

Rebooted studio again and this time I got my helloworld contract and account back. Weird shit goin on.

However my remaining problem is when I call up myinstance on the local node it ends up with a two part message with first succeeding with the message

“myinstance is running now”

immediately followed by this failure message,

“myinstance stops to run”

Yes I am running EOS Studio on a local node on the latest Linux Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS

I noticed one thing on the EOS Studio setting up video that filip used a mac to download studio and was able to immediately save it as an application. I used my VirtualBox Chrome or Firefox browser to download it and I’m wondering if I need to somehow convert it from an appImage file into something else?


But depending on your reply I think I will try removing EOS Studio and reinstalling it with a new helloworld contract and account and see if I get the same errors.


the format of the program is good, what you need to do is just to allow the file to be executable on linux.

You can do that by going into the terminal and type the following.
First you navigate into the download folder, which is the one that contain the file.

cd downloads

then you need to upgrade the files permissions:

sudo chmod +x EOSStudio-0.13.3.AppImage

then you can either double click on the file to executed or:


That should start running the EOS Studio program properly, then you must follow the setup intructions to install it properly.

Carlos Z

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Tks Carlos

I’m getting quite fed up with trying to get this environment working.

I’ll give this one more try before I move on to another course.

When I try to create the helloworld account the create key is greyed out for some reason. I have myinstance running and I have created a key pair but I can’t create the account because it’s greyed out.

As well do you have the full uninstall instructions for EOS Studio because when I deleted and reinstalled it per your instructions it remembered the old myinstance account and another account I had created earlier. What I want is a clean install with no previous info/file carry over.


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You can try reseting the entire App by going into the Application > Clear All App Data.

Try that and let me know, some times the EOS Studio goes buggy and even when you have all properly installed, it does not let you create new accounts.

Carlos Z

Getting this error now when I reconstituted pet and build it. As far as I can tell my syntax is correct and the build should work. Pls advise.





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Hey @Dougal, hope you are ok.

Please provide your code in the following way so i can try to replicate the issue.

FAQ - How to post code in the forum

Carlos Z




#include <eosio/eosio.hpp>

#include <pet.hpp>

**CONTRACT** helloworld : *public* eosio::contract


*public* :

using eosio::contract::contract;

**ACTION** hi(eosio:: **name** *const* & nm);

**ACTION** addpet( *uint64_t* *const* id, eosio:: **name** *const* & owner, eosio:: **name** *const* & pet_name, *uint64_t* *const* age, eosio:: **name** *const* & type);




#ifndef PET

#define PET

*class* [[eosio::table, eosio::contract("helloworld")]] pet_t


*private* :

*uint64_t* id;

eosio:: **name** owner;

eosio:: **name** pet_name;

*uint64_t* age;

eosio:: **name** type;

*public* :


pet_t( *uint64_t* *const* _id,

eosio:: **name** *const* & _owner,

eosio:: **name** *const* & _pet_name,

*uint64_t* _age,

eosio:: **name** *const* _type) : id(_id), owner(_owner), pet_name(_pet_name), age(_age), type(_type) {}

*uint64_t* get_id() *const* { return id; }

eosio:: **name** get_owner() *const* { return owner; }

eosio:: **name** get_pet_name() *const* { return pet_name; }

*uint64_t* get_age() *const* { return age; }

eosio:: **name** get_type() *const* { return type; }

*uint64_t* primary_key() *const* { return get_id (); }

**EOSLIB_SERIALIZE** ( pet_t, (id)(owner)(pet_name)(age)(type) )


*typedef* eosio::multi_index< "pets"_n, pet_t > pets_table;



#include <helloworld.hpp>

*void* helloworld::hi(eosio:: **name** *const* & nm)


eosio:: **print** ("Hello ", nm);


*void* helloworld::addpet( *uint64_t* *const* id, eosio:: **name** *const* & owner, eosio:: **name** *const* & pet_name, *uint64_t* *const* age, eosio:: **name** *const* & type)


pets_table pets( **get_self** (), **get_self** ().value);

pets. **emplace** ( **get_self** (), [&]( *auto* & entry){

entry = pet_t(id, owner, pet_name, age, type);


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I did not have any issue when compiling your code, it works perfect.

So I dont really dont know why the code you show in the last post is failing, i just copy/pasted the code you gave me (remove the *) and compile on my EOS Studio and it works.

Even the error message provide in your console does not have too much of a sense to me, because your syntax is written correctly. :face_with_monocle:


Carlos Z

Hi Carlos

Tried removing all data, deleting and reinstalling EOSStudio and still got the error but then I added a new account helloworld2 with new key and tried it and it seemed to work!

So I will continue on to see if the add/modify pet works and we’ll see what happens. One thing the EOSStudio doesn’t seem to have the option for is to delete instances. You can either start or stop it but not delete it. Is that right?

you can delete your projects by going into the EOS Studio folder, there you can see multiple folders with the name of each project, if you delete them from there, it will be removed from EOS Studio. :nerd_face:

Carlos Z

Can you advise - whenever I save and close my project and exit EOSStudio and call it up again it doesn’t show my helloworld contract and account in the dropdown. Only shows eosio contract and account. The save doesn’t seem to work for additional accounts and contracts. Yet when I try and add using the name helloworld or helloworld2 I can’t because it already exists. If it already exists then where the hell is it?

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Ok I did some more investigation and found that the only way to save contracts is to use the quit button on the Application drop down menu and it saved the name of my new contract and account. The X button on the top right of EOSStudio doesn’t save accounts or contracts.

My new question is do you have a list of errors for both the build and deploy functions and suggestions as to what the problem might be? I looked on google and didn’t see any error listings.

For example, when I deploy the helloworld project I get the error
"deploy failed’
“serialization time limit 15000us exceeded”

My other question is which parts of the pet contract we’re building require the project name and which require the contract name. I want to get a correctly working project and contract so I can study it.



#include <eosio/eosio.hpp>

#include <pet.hpp>

CONTRACT helloworld : public eosio::contract


public :

using eosio::contract::contract;

ACTION hi(eosio:: name const & nm);

ACTION addpet( uint64_t const id, eosio:: name const & owner, eosio:: name const & pet_name, uint64_t const age, eosio:: name const & type);


#ifndef PET

#define PET

class [[eosio::table, eosio::contract(“helloworld”)]] pet_t


private :

uint64_t id;

eosio:: name owner;

eosio:: name pet_name;

uint64_t age;

eosio:: name type;

public :


pet_t( uint64_t const _id,

eosio:: name const & _owner,

eosio:: name const & _pet_name,

uint64_t _age,

eosio:: name const _type) : id(_id), owner(_owner), pet_name(_pet_name), age(_age), type(_type) {}

uint64_t get_id() const { return id; }

eosio:: name get_owner() const { return owner; }

eosio:: name get_pet_name() const { return pet_name; }

uint64_t get_age() const { return age; }

eosio:: name get_type() const { return type; }

uint64_t primary_key() const { return get_id (); }

EOSLIB_SERIALIZE ( pet_t, (id)(owner)(pet_name)(age)(type) )


typedef eosio::multi_index< “pets”_n, pet_t > pets_table;



#include <helloworld.hpp>

void helloworld::hi(eosio:: name const & nm)


eosio:: print ("Hello ", nm);


void helloworld::addpet( uint64_t const id, eosio:: name const & owner, eosio:: name const & pet_name, uint64_t const age, eosio:: name const & type)


pets_table pets( get_self (), get_self ().value);

pets. emplace ( get_self (), [&]( auto & entry){

entry = pet_t(id, owner, pet_name, age, type);




It should be saved on a folder which name is EOS Studio, if is not saving, could be an issue on EOS Studio does not have the permissions to save/modify that folder, try to create a new contract and check if its folder is being generated.

Also please share your code in the following way, so i can copy/pasted easily:

Carlos Z



#include <eosio/eosio.hpp>

#include <pet.hpp>

**CONTRACT** helloworld : *public* eosio::contract


*public* :

using eosio::contract::contract;

**ACTION** hi(eosio:: **name** *const* & nm);

**ACTION** addpet( *uint64_t* *const* id, eosio:: **name** *const* & owner, eosio:: **name** *const* & pet_name, *uint64_t* *const* age, eosio:: **name** *const* & type);


#ifndef PET

#define PET

*class* [[eosio::table, eosio::contract("helloworld")]] pet_t


*private* :

*uint64_t* id;

eosio:: **name** owner;

eosio:: **name** pet_name;

*uint64_t* age;

eosio:: **name** type;

*public* :


pet_t( *uint64_t* *const* _id,

eosio:: **name** *const* & _owner,

eosio:: **name** *const* & _pet_name,

*uint64_t* _age,

eosio:: **name** *const* _type) : id(_id), owner(_owner), pet_name(_pet_name), age(_age), type(_type) {}

*uint64_t* get_id() *const* { return id; }

eosio:: **name** get_owner() *const* { return owner; }

eosio:: **name** get_pet_name() *const* { return pet_name; }

*uint64_t* get_age() *const* { return age; }

eosio:: **name** get_type() *const* { return type; }

*uint64_t* primary_key() *const* { return get_id (); }

**EOSLIB_SERIALIZE** ( pet_t, (id)(owner)(pet_name)(age)(type) )


*typedef* eosio::multi_index< "pets"_n, pet_t > pets_table;



#include <helloworld.hpp>

*void* helloworld::hi(eosio:: **name** *const* & nm)


eosio:: **print** ("Hello ", nm);


*void* helloworld::addpet( *uint64_t* *const* id, eosio:: **name** *const* & owner, eosio:: **name** *const* & pet_name, *uint64_t* *const* age, eosio:: **name** *const* & type)


pets_table pets( **get_self** (), **get_self** ().value);

pets. **emplace** ( **get_self** (), [&]( *auto* & entry){

entry = pet_t(id, owner, pet_name, age, type);


}`Preformatted text`

You should split your contracts, you paste all the contracts and is hard to identify which one start and end on which line.

Carlos Z

While the project is named helloworld, the new contract and account I had to create is named helloworld3. Pls advise where in the below programming helloworld3 should be used, if anywhere.



#include <eosio/eosio.hpp>
#include <pet.hpp>

CONTRACT helloworld : public eosio::contract
  using eosio::contract::contract;
  ACTION hi(eosio::name const & nm);
  ACTION addpet(uint64_t const id, eosio::name const & owner, eosio::name const & pet_name, uint64_t const age, eosio::name const & type);



#ifndef PET
#define PET

class [[eosio::table, eosio::contract("helloworld")]] pet_t
        uint64_t id;
        eosio::name owner;
        eosio::name pet_name;
        uint64_t age;
        eosio::name type;

        pet_t(uint64_t const _id,
        eosio::name const & _owner,
        eosio::name const & _pet_name,
        uint64_t _age,
        eosio::name const _type) : id(_id), owner(_owner), pet_name(_pet_name), age(_age), type(_type) {}

        uint64_t get_id() const { return id; }
        eosio::name get_owner() const { return owner; }
        eosio::name get_pet_name() const { return pet_name; }
        uint64_t get_age() const { return age; }
        eosio::name get_type() const { return type; }

        uint64_t primary_key() const { return get_id (); }

        EOSLIB_SERIALIZE( pet_t, (id)(owner)(pet_name)(age)(type) )


    typedef eosio::multi_index< "pets"_n, pet_t > pets_table;



#include <helloworld.hpp>

void helloworld::hi(eosio::name const & nm)


  eosio::print("Hello ", nm);


void helloworld::addpet(uint64_t const id, eosio::name const & owner, eosio::name const & pet_name, uint64_t const age, eosio::name const & type)


  pets_table pets(get_self(), get_self().value);

  pets.emplace(get_self(), [&](auto & entry){

    entry = pet_t(id, owner, pet_name, age, type); 


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Here are some pics of results and settings that you asked me to look into as you mentioned I should see all my contracts somewhere but I only see eosio contract and my project helloworld. No other contracts anywhere except in the application.

When I deploy contract to either eosio or helloworld3 I get the error message “unknown action setcode in contract eosio”


Here is my eos studio folder


and contents


contract folder


contracts properties


I don’t see my new contract helloworld3 in any of my folders but it shows in the application EOSStudio.

As well, when I try and add a pet even when contract deploy fails I get the below result.


Project settings

I tried changing contract here to helloworld3 to see if deploy would work here but got the error message "ENOENT: no such file or directory, open ‘/home/don/EOSStudio/helloworld/helloworld3.wasm’


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This might be an issue with EOS Studio, you should ask in their support group.


Every time i had errors with EOS Studio I just remove it completely and then start installing everything again, You might have miss an step in the config, because your EOS Studio is not able to store data on its folder (is not creating your new helloworld3 project).

Carlos Z

Tks for the support group reference Carlos.

To be clear, I didn’t create a new project. I created the new contract and account called helloworld3 to use in my helloworld project. So would you suggest I try and create a new project called helloworld3 using helloworld3 account and contract? And if that doesn’t work then do the delete and reinstall of EOSStudio again (for the fourth time)!

Can you answer another question that I asked - wherever it specifies the contract name in each CPP or HPP section of the project must it be the same name as the contract (not project!) or does it matter? For example, I believe Phillip said in one part of the earlier steps of setting up the helloworld project, where it says contract, he said the project name must be used. It’s a little confusing unless he just misspoke. Yes so summing up, which parts of the project programming must have the exact contract name and which parts should specify the project name?

Sorry for all the work this is causing you trying to get this sorted out for me.



To be honest, EOS Studio have many bugs over time, its hard for me to identify them all, for example, their web does not work properly any more, easiest solution is just to download it and install it locally.

What I do is to not tend to create multiple projects with the same name, like helloworld3… cuz it runs into issues with EOS Studio. Some times i just delete the entire folder, create new projects or clear all data cache from eos studio. (last option is to reinstall again, but i have stop counting how many times i have been into that)

I do not have a technical answer for it, just by experience, i do the same for my cpp file (the main contract file), it must have the same name than project and contract.

Also when I run into eosio sdk which is the framework on EOS 201, its all command line, based on my experience, to avoid errors i name my cpp file with the same contract name, cuz some times it runs into issues.

For example:
Contract name: dogcontract
CPP file name: dogcontracts

That will end into compiling errors, so is just better to keep both with the same name.

I do would like that you can complete this course easily, but sadly, EOS is running into many troubles with the EOS Studio and then changing the syntax…is quite difficult to keep it working properly.

Still I would try to help you whit all I can so you can complete this course.

Carlos Z

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