Homework: On-chain Governance

I read the #76 Kusama Proposal for a Dashboard for Parachain Lease Offering - PLO that is a new mechanism to achieve high security and interoperability for the Kusama blockchain network.

HashQuark proposed a PLO dashboard to follow up on the status of the parachain slot and auction situation so that information could be instantly available. They want to develop a subpage PLO dashboard on the HashQuark website with two major categories of data regarding PLO proposals (abstract of PLO proposal with link to the proposal details, earnings calculator and related events) and Parachain slot data (current slot number, slot auction, list of bidders, list of slots with slot status, the owner and period, the number of bonded address for slot auction).
They describe the roadmap of both PLO proposals ans Parachain slot data in more detail.
Comments under the proposal see the idea as good, but criticise the value to be set to high for such a dashboard.

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#76 Proposal: Parachain Lease Offering Dashboard

Provide a PLO dashboard to follow up on the status of the parachain slot and auction situation, so that people can all easily get this information at any time, anywhere and easily partake / take action accordingly.

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Polkadot Proposal #13

This proposal is to add a KYC component for a Polkadot address that would allow more available functional use of an address when there are certain compliance barriers.

This is proposed by an individual whom would personally verify peoples identity via government issued identification and a video call.

While KYC is often a necessary evil not sure how useful having an individual manually verifying identities would be.

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#76 Proposal: Parachain Lease Offering Dashboard

summary; HashQuark team would like to develop a subpage PLO Dashboard on the HashQuark website. The PLO Dashboard aims to provide PLO relevant data aggregation to help users follow up on the auction situation.

There will be two major categories of data in PLO Dashboard.

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#24 Increasing the WASM heap pages

This is a proposal to address a memory allocation problem for the node validators.
The staking election algorithm more specifically is running in an off-chain worker thread.
But this thread shares memory limitations with the canonical runtime since they share the same WASM runtime environment.
The proposal is to increase the overall WASM runtime memory.

However the parity team has decided to include heap page increase in an upgrade so this proposal is not necessary.

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#4 Bounty Proposal: Kusama Council Alert App

It becomes important to find weays to communicate with stakeholders in an efficient manner. The goal is to develop an App that will connect to RPC node, connect with different networks, notify about events, watch wallet accounts and allow the user to know when pending, different alert levels, and will recognize a “batcall” remark from the council or TC members.

This proposal will increase transparency and increase participation for stakeholders.

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#76 Proposal: Parachain Lease Offering Dashboard

The proposal is to create a Kusama dashboard to display and track the different parachain slot auctions, and associated metadata.

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#Polkadot 76 Proposal: Parachain Lease Offering Dashboard

this proposal for creating a lease offering dashboard to follow up on the status of the parachain slot and auction situation


I choose DOT #24 Increasing the WASM heap pages.

Issue is about that some validator nodes on polkadot, encounter a “allocator failed to allocate memory” error around the time when the staking election (phragmen) is being computed. The amount of memory available to WASM is determined in the number of “pages of memory” that can be allocated in the called, aka. “ Heap pages ”.

But, it was mentoied on the header:
" UPDATE: Please be so kind to reject this proposal, the team has included the heap pages increase on an upgrade and this seems to be the best way to approach the issue."

Therefore this voting had 18 ay’s and 33 nays!


#76 Proposal: Parachain Lease Offering Dashboard

The HashQuark team is asking for funding to build a dashboard that would collect Parachain Lease Offering and Parachain slot auction information all into one place. This would allow users to more easily follow up on P.L.O. proposals and check Parachain slot auction data to stay up to date and make participating in the governance system more accessible to everyone from anywhere.


Proposal #76 from Treasury by HashQuarks read full Proposal #76 on https://kusama.polkassembly.io/treasury/76

HashQuark.io would like a Parachain Lease Offering Dashborad to provide relevant data aggregations to help users follow up auction situations; 2 major categories of data in PLO:

  • Earnings calculator, will be provided by project self, or HashQuark related events, paradrops of projects.

  • Design the UI of Dashboard; Develop the API interface of “slot auctions”, “bidder list”, “no. of bonded addresses”, also for running slots; “the slot number”, “slot list”, “slot status of owner”, “periods”

Both milestones cost about 246 KSM, and 277KSM respectively. takes 2 months total;
needs 1 business/marketing staff + 2 developers and 1 designer.


This proposal aims to expand Kusama’s growing community with a series of high-end educational videos that clarify and deepen the understanding of the technology behind KSM and the philosophy that inspires it.Showing the community what makes Kusama so special


#47 setValidatorCount:

Sets the ideal number of validators:This was proposed as a potential measure to minimize the issue observed with validators since the new runtime upgrade.
The intention of the referendum is a short-term reduction in validator count. Once the underlying issue is resolved it is suggested to increase the validator set by 100 every era (6 hours) until back at 900. That would take us back to 900 within 36 hours of the follow-on referendum passing.

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#4 Bounty Proposal: Kusama Council Alert App

This is a proposal to organize communication between stakeholders in an efficient manner.
The goal of this proposal is “to develop a basic app that listens to on-chain calls and notifies Council members when their review and vote is needed”.
The app supposed to notify about different events, connect different networks, connect to rpc node, check wallet accounts, recognize * would recognise a “batcall” remark from council or TC members, with a system.remark “alertCouncil” that would trigger an alarm.
Requested allocation 11355 EUR.

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Increase the WASM heap pages. the failure encountered is an error stating “allocator failed to allocate memory-error” during staking election. The issue is happening during off-chain thread. The WASM is executed in the same environment as canonical runtime, causing it to take up limited memory. The solution to this issue is to increase the off-chain worker environment accessible memory.

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Proposal #314 Open-Source DApp API - KUSAMA

The proposal is to create an open source DApps API to let parachains integrate (and extend) to index and expose their chain data for future consumer facing applications (e.g. a wallet, explorer, or other dApp). This can improve the Interoperability of DApps and Parachains and also attract and support more developers in Kusama.

I hope I understood this right!

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This is an interesting proposal, I will definitely look more into it. :+1:

Homework on On-chain Governance

  • Pick a proposal on Polkassembly (for either Polkadot or Kusama) and write a short summary of it.

#4 Bounty Proposal: Kusama Council Alert App

I think this is a good idea it makes communicating more efficient and gives notification to councilors and will increase council participation on the overall governance process.

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#319 Open-Source DApp API
This proposes that the DApps ecosystem will benefit from a common core API that each parachain can integrate (and extend) to index and expose their chain data for future consumer facing applications (e.g. a wallet, explorer, or other dApp).
A few of the reasons behind this proposal sound logical in my opinion:
“As our ecosystem matures, more consumers are going to be drawn to it. These consumers are going to expect dApps; wallets, explorers, and other tools that make it easier to explore and participate in Polkadot.”
“Developers have their work cut out for them to build this next generation of consumer friendly dApps, it takes time and effort - we want to minimise duplication of work for our ecosystem to flourish.”
“There is little content out there to help a new Polkadot/Kusama developer to build a consumer dApp (rather than a parachain or some other substrate based project).”

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#76 Proposal: Parachain Lease Offering Dashboard

The proposal suggests a new dashboard to keep track of the status of parachain slot and auction status for the Kusama blockchain network.

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