Homework on Provenance - Questions

How does blockchain enable digital provenance?
Provenance refers to something’s origin or record of ownership or existence. Digital provenance is important for financial transactions, tracking food production, and in supply chains. A blockchain ledger records all transactions so that history can be tracked and audited. Blockchain enables digital provenance through its property of add-only. Blockchain provides an immutable record of transactions which means the record is unchangeable. No one can alter, fake or duplicate the transactions appearing on digital ledgers using blockchain technology.

Why doesn’t a normal database bring the same provenance?
A normal database allows for duplication and deletion of data. Provenance using a normal database can’t hold the same level of trust when compared to data kept forever on a blockchain. Trust is further eroded by the central authority required by a normal database. In blockchain we trust.

Why is digital provenance such a great benefit to many businesses?
Many businesses would benefit greatly from digital provenance via blockchain. Businesses offering physical products for sale would be able to record the entire supply chain from raw materials, transport, assembly and production. Knowledge of the suppliers and the exact materials used to produce a product are recorded permanently with blockchain giving a high level of trust to the consumer.


How does blockchain enable digital provenance?

Blockchain can show any discrepancy between what a manufacturer or retail-seller says and what they have done. The buying and shipping of the ingredients which make up the end product can all be traced back. Or when they falsly say they didn´t use a certain chemical or item the blockchain can show they bought it. It becomes very difficult to lie.

Why doesn’t a normal database bring the same provenance?

A normal database can be altered

Why is digital provenance such a great benefit to many businesses?

It removes the need of trust since everything can be verified.

  1. Blockchain enables digital provenance by utilizing mathematical principles powered by computing technology to create a system that removes the need to trust a third party, making transactions between two parties effectively “trustless” in the sense that they trust the blockchain architecture as opposed to a third party who may have it’s own interests and agenda, counter to the parties making the transaction.
  2. A normal database doesn’t bring the same provenance because they are maintained by a centralized authority, which requires you to place trust in the authority maintaining the database.
  3. Digital provenance is a great benefit to many businesses because it allows financial transactions to become highly lean and efficient, reducing the need for third party audits, it allows trace-ability in the origins of food and manufactured parts, and it can be used to show interested parties that the values they want represented in the creation of their products (ie. clothing made without child labor) can be verified on the blockchain and increase the affinity a customer has with the business, and therefore the likelihood of the business to make money.
  1. Blockchain enable digital provenance because all transactions are engraved like in a stone. Everyone can follow the money and see where they went and in that way we can see wherefrom something came because we can see on the blockchain where the money went.

2.Don’t know much about normal databases. Guess you can change and fix things in a normal database and you might need to fill it with information manually while on the blockchain database it is stored automatically the moment the transaction is made.

  1. Digital provenance is a benefit because business gets more transparant.

1- As all transactions are stored on the blockchain and can be tracked and accessed from anyware

2- Local database can be changed/modified while you can not do this on blockchain

3- It remove the depending on the trust of your supplier and let you have a trustless and vitrified relation

1-we can always see the provenance in real time , that’s work 100% in cryptocurrency , but in industry how can we be sure that’s the info is right , if u say to blockchain that the product is eko or from the morning not evening or…

  1. Blockchain implements an immutable Database that can only be read or Appended but not editable/ Deletable and makes every transaction/ state public so that any participant can see the whole Database and verify by itself if it’s legitimate or sm1 is cheating and can see where any txn originated thus featuring provenance.
  2. Normal Databases are stored only in some servers owned by a single entity and hence can be modified easily by that entity and also vulnerable to hacks, hence can’t bring the same provenance.
  3. Digital public ledgers puts everything as it is from the very beginning and can be accessed by anyone from anywhere and hence is trustable.
  1. By letting other computers in the blockchain confirm the transacrion, you allow transactions who is not baced on trust. The blockchain is a open ledger where everyone can track the transactions taking place.

  2. A normal database is build uppon trust. For example, how can I trust that my food contais the things that the supplyer claiming? Transactons can also be maipulated by people who want to enrich themself.

  3. By letting the customer to be able to track down things by the blockchain, we can ensure 100% validation without trust.

Homework on Provenance - Questions

  1. How does blockchain enable digital provenance?

In blockchain there is no ability to remove data, so we can verify the whole history of data exchange and additionaly we can audit in real time what is happening in the network.

  1. Why doesn’t a normal database bring the same provenance?

Casual database can be manipulated by the owner, they can do whatever they want. In blockchain there is a community of nodes who verify every input of data and keep the records from the beginning until the last added block of data.

  1. Why is digital provenance such a great benefit to many businesses?

It helps audit many processes in the business, it doesn’t require trust, instead you can verify your contractors. For customers, we can be more aware what we buy.

  1. How does blockchain enable digital provenance?

By being an immutable decentralized database, blockchain can act like a trustless ledger where all the information that is stored can no longer be changed or manipulated, while it can be consulted and audited in real time. By doing this, it can have a huge effect on supply chain field for example, or even in the money industry, like Bitcoin and other crypto currencies/cryptoassets.

  1. Why doesn’t a normal database bring the same provenance?

By being an immutable decentralized digital infrastructure based on hashing functions and advanced cryptography, blockchain guarantees the users that all the transactions or new information that is written on this kind of databases can never be changed and, therefore, can be trusted.

  1. Why is digital provenance such a great benefit to many businesses?

Depending on the type of business or company, blockchain can have multiple benefits, such as accountability, traceability of certain products or assets, information storage, and therefore giving the customer a more reliable and transparent experience, improving the relationship between the company’s and the costumers, and also between the different companies and society in general.

How does blockchain enable digital provenance?

Blockchain enables digital provenance by providing an accurate and complete history of items
or transactions that can’t be modified or manipulated.

Why doesn’t a normal database bring the same provenance?

Existing databases can usually be modified. Plus, they can be manipulated as they aren’t decentralized
and verified by the network.

Why is digital provenance such a great benefit to many businesses?

Digital Provenance provides a way for business to be honest and transparent about their actions and transactions. Plus, customers can be satisfied about the origin of product origins as well.

  1. The blockchain is made-up from multiple systems that verifies the exact same data, rejecting transactions/information that doesn’t correlate with the majority of the participants.

  2. It can be changed by an internal party, with single point of access to the database.

  3. Transactions on the block can be traced, verified, audited and authenticated from the first transaction, by the system, without having to trust that the information/data was changed or manipulated.

  1. cause blockchain is a stone ledger, where you can add data but not delete.
  2. normal business need trust, here we don’t need trust we can verify all.
  3. can be a great benefit for business cause you can track all the procedure and verify what merchandise is arrive in your factory improving the quality of your product
  1. Blockchain is a trustless decentralized ledger that keeps information of different transactions fixed forever, each transaction gets verified by the blockchain’s nodes, so everyone agrees on the contents of the transactions. This very fact enables digital provenance.

  2. Because a normal database can be modified in any way, shape or form, and by anyone who has access to the DB.

  3. It removes trust from their equation, eliminating the need for intermediaries that need to be trusted by their users and making the whole process transparent.

  1. Blockchain enables digital provenance because all entries are stored chronologically in the database, replicated across multiple nodes, and cannot be altered once accepted.
  2. A normal database does not have provenance because the entries are not immutable and could be changed by the owner of the database. It is also not as reliable because the database access may be interrupted if it is a centralized database or distributed database.
  3. Digital provenance is a great benefit to many businesses because they do not have to rely on third parties to audit or access records or transactions – all the data is available openly in the blockchain. This historical transparency can also fight corruption & tax evasion and improve supply chain operations.
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  1. A blockchain is decentralized, open and traceble in real time.
    An open ledger, you can trace it’s origin all the way through the whole chain.

  2. A normal database is centralized and can be manupilated and changed.
    You are not able to trace a whole chain of transactions. You have to trust it.

  3. With blockchain, the supply/transaction chain is built on traceble facts, in real time, and everything
    is verifiable.They can verify everything and it is no trust involved.

Now I hope my understanding of the subject is correct, this is totally new to me and very interesting. 
This is not my native langue, so I my spelling might be terrible at times. Sorry about that.


  1. Whatever is written on the blockchain cannot be deleted, it is like “digital stone”.
  2. Because the database could be hacked and data deleted, passwords lost, etc
  3. Because there is no need for a third party to certify, the blockchain itself provides the needed trust businesses need
  1. Being a decentralized Ledger which records every input of data, Blockchain makes possible to track the trajectory of an item in discussion. One great usecase that can be used as example is the use of Blockchain by Suply-Chain management.
  2. A regular database has fragility of be shutdown by a Irregular input or even attacked by Crackers, such situations would be harder to happen on a Blockchain since the technology behind it enable each node or computer part of the network to have its data and validate inputs on the chain which is also called consensus.
  3. Because it brings transparency, real time tracking and the trust less idea.
  1. The blockchain is a distributed, write-only data structure, with data that can be written cumulatively as product is processed.
  2. A database allows for reading and writing, and is in the hands of some central authority. It requires trust in that authority.
  3. The benefit is that customers can have increased confidence in the origin of the product and the process it goes through.
  1. Blochcnain enable digital provenance by only adding new records with out option to delete or change it.
  2. Normal database was designed by centralized environment to be control and modified by the owners. That mean you have to trust the owner not a database it self.
  3. Digital provenance is the best benefit for any businesses, because you don’t want and you don’t need to trust anyone.
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