Homework on Provenance - Questions

  1. Blockchain uses cryptography and hash functionality which ensures all records are immutable. Transactions are visible by anyone and verified by a decentralized network.

  2. Databases are mostly centralized. Records in a normal database can be easily changed (add, edit, delete) with SQL code by anyone with write access to the database. A bad actor could make the change with no one aware of the change.

  3. You do not need to trust with digital provenance…However, there is still a need for privacy with some business blockchains for competitive reasons (i.e. prices, supplier names, etc).

1 Permitindo o acesso a informações de produtos e/ou serviços rastreados através de registros imutáveis na blockchain

2 Pois uma database pode ser manipulada, diferentemente de uma blockchain segura.

3 Procedência digital é uma forma de uma empresa manter o controle sobre seus produtos e/ou serviços, garantindo imutabilidade e qualidade, isso permite minimizar prejuízos e maximizar lucros.

  1. Blockchain can finally bring into our lives the power to be equal to question something and then to receive the truth as it is not as someone in a centralized market gives you.
    2.The current centralised system that our world is using will never let the average joe to compete fairly into the market that’s why the power is distribute between the high end corps.
    3.Provenance gives you the chance for a hard reset we enter into a different kind of functionality when it comes to trust.From an medieval word Trust to actually having evidence on a topic before we trust that the information is accurate or not.
  1. By being able to verify all the steps of the supply chain;
  2. Because the blockchain is open and immutable;
  3. Because they can be sure about the products they get from the suppliers and the can do real time auditing too.
  1. Able to track all transactions
  2. In normal databases you can add and remove information. In blockchain information is immutable
  3. It removes the need for trust from suppliers. Math verifies everything

By having a proof-able record that cannot be altered,of transactions, and data.

  1. buy having an accurate history of all transaction and data.That cannot be rewritten or deleted in any way. and verified buy the blockchain IE many copies on ledger… Blockchain.
  2. it is centralized, and can be altered, or incorrect;. or have a system failure, loss of data etc.
  3. assists in all record keeping and verification of payments and payout. Verifiable history.

Homework on Provenance

1. How does blockchain enable digital provenance?

  • In a blockchain data just can be added, it never can be removed - it means that the data is forever stored in the blockchain

2. Why doesn’t a normal database bring the same provenance?

  • Normal databases are editable and can be manipulated.

3. Why is digital provenance such a great benefit to many businesses?

  • it is possible to track funds, good or ingredients provides more customer satisfaction
  • less trustlesness

Blockchain is a public ledger, which is a decentralised database of recorded transactions in real time.
Therefore, any transaction can be trackable.
This network structure enables digital provenance.

Because any authority over a normal database may tamper with its contents.

Digital provenance offers transparency to businesses which makes them verifiable by clients. Hence, a business becomes trustworthy.

1.Blockchain enables digital provenance by having a public ledger in which all transactions are permanantly recorded, can be analyzed by everyone as well as tracked.

  1. A normal database is typically enclosed so it would not be able to provide the same measures of being trustlessness as blockchain. Also there is no guarantee transactions or any forms of data cannot be edited or removed from a database.

  2. Digital provenance is a great benefit to businesses because it allows more oversight over the daily operations, provides an ability to give deeper analysis to supply chains, and creates transparency that would give peace of mind to it’s consumer base and investors.

Each transaction can be tracked in real time. Track and audit in real rime. Real time auditing.

Blockchain can put together the accounting layer together with the transactional layer.

Also with Blockchain can track, for example, ingredients in food.

Public Ledger on supply chain brings value, efficiency to processes in business.

e.g. Track where your clothes come from.

Big players such as IMB oing a lot with blockchain and provenance.
Capable of tracing things and removing Trust and replacing it with trustlessness.
DON’T TRUST VERIFY slogan of community.
Using maths to verify and create trustlessness.

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  1. Blockchain enables digital provenance by connecting each transaction with the whole network, you can track the transactions. And more important : because a transaction in a block cannot be erased nor modified.

  2. In a normal database each transaction is a specific object, not the result of interactions, and more important : it is a spof, it can be modified or erased.

  3. Digital provenance is a great benefit because they cannot cheat anymore and because the proof of provenance is automatic. Trust is provided by code.

  1. By permanently and unchangeable writing every transaction into the block chain (immutability) and the nature of being decentralized and publicly view able.

  2. Normal databases are maintained and modified through a central authority. Entries can be changed, modified or erased at will. Also loss of data is a potetial risk if such a database does crash.

  3. It does remove trust and provides vrifyability. Information can be verified and it is not required to trust an other entity on their provided information.

  1. Its practically impossible to change past transaction or inputs in the Blockchain and it can easily be verified.
  2. You can change or corrupt a entry in a regular database due to its centralized characteristics.
  3. To Check the truthfulness of the business, transactions, and components, as well as agile paperwork, easy tractability and public traceability.
  1. It is decentralized and can’t be altered or changed in any way.

  2. A normal database is able to be deleted. It can crash and loose information. Blockchain is immutable and data can’t be lost.

  3. It removes trust and requires verification. This way businesses can be sure of exactly what is in products or processes. They have immutable proof.

  1. Blockchain’s distributed public ledger allows the secure traceability of a transaction. Every transaction that is written on the blockchain cannot be erased.

  2. Traditional databases are centralized, and need an administrator (who can delete or edit the data at their own will) for maintaining and updating them, while the blockchain is running 24/7, and it’s distribution and immutability provides trust.

  3. A blockchain enables digital provenance with the capacity of adding a digital blueprint on every physical product that proves its authenticity and origin, creating a public, auditable and immutable record of the journey behind all physical goods.

  1. It’s an immutable ledger, so you can track each step of the supply chain as a product moves to the final destination.

  2. It’s centralized with a central point of failure. Things can be changed.

  3. Business don’t need to trust their suppliers, but can verify that their suppliers are being honest in real time

  1. Blockchain enables digital provenance by allowing a system for materials and products to be traceable and transparent using a new kind of decentralised data system called the blockchain which cannot be manipulated.

  2. Normal database are centralised and can be manipulated by a person or people within the company or organisation who have access or control of the data.

  3. It is beneficial as it fights data manipulation and allows the data to be traced and verified in a decentralised way which is trusted by all. One organisation, company or government cannot be trusted to broker all data for every product’s supply chain. Don’t trust, verify.

1 - Blockchain enables digital provenance, because data are added to the blockchain and cannot be removed. Every computer in the network has all the data.
2 - A normal database cannot be verified because it has not all data (as the blockchain that is a ledger), if they cannot be traced back or are removed beacause a central authority controls them.
3 - Because everything can be traced and we know it’s origin. We do not need to trust, because we can verify.

1.Blockchain enables digital provenance through a public ledger that stores information of any transaction that is immutable and that can be always be traced and verified.

  1. A normal database requires trust from the administrator hoping and depending that no mistakes will be made from human error, it is also corruptible and information can always be lost or stolen.

  2. The benefits of digital provenance to many businesses is that trust is not needed, all transactions whether they are financial or a process through a supply chain can always be traced and verified at each phase in real time.