Homework on Security & Immutability - Questions

  1. A decentralized network increases security by having many nodes running to make sure ledger is up to date and correct.

  2. It is dangerous to trust a central authority because they can alter information and “create what is supposed to be truth”.

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  1. by increasing the number of decentalized nodes which verifiy the transactions

  2. they an push a button and you can no longer get access to your own funds

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  1. A decentralized network has enhanced security thanks to multiple nodes verifying and authenticating transactions and information.

  2. It is dangerous to trust a central authority for security.
    Because a single breach could jeopardize the whole network.

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  1. How does a decentralized network increase security?

A decentralized network increases security by removing the single point of failure that might have all the information, as well as making it hard for any one actor or entity to cheat or fudge information.
2. Why is it dangerous to trust a central authority for security?

A central authority is both a single point of failure for information, a prime target for hackers and may be a bad actor with nefarious motives. It would mean that the truthfulness of that information being held in the database is only as good or even as accessible as that central authority allowed it to be.

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1- Security is increased in the blockchain when people from all over the globe validate something, this something what ever it is translates into pure math, a protocol. It is not infallible but close to.

2- Manipulation, bad intent, corruption, occur on a daily basis in our central system. We do need a new vision for mankind, but in my opinion it does not matter what system the future lays, manipulation and other forms of bad intent will always happens.

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  1. Different nodes/ledgers verify one transaction. The transaction information is publicly available.
  2. A central authority could change the information without consensus. It is also easier to hack one central authority as opposed to many nodes on a blockchain
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  1. How does a decentralized network increase security?

A. In a decentralized network, information is stored in a global database blockchain, eliminating 3rd party information silos and utilizing a universal infrastructure with mathematical protocols.

  1. Why is it dangerous to trust a central authority for security?

A. In a central authority, trust in security is placed with the individual organizations that use information protocol infrastructures instead of one that is mathmatical and global. There is a high percentage chance of misinformation and breach of security due to the fact that only a small number of individuals have authority.

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I just joined the academy yesterday and I have been enjoying the visuals of your posts as well as the content!

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  1. How does a decentralized network increase security?
    The cryptographic technology (hash functions, digital signature, trust
    models and consensus and incentives increase the security of the
    network. Decentralized networks are recorded permanently recorded on
    the blockchain ledger and therefore are extremely hard to hack and alter.
    In this case, we are relying on math and protocol and not human

  2. Why is it dangerous to trust a central authority for security?
    It’s dangerous because we are relying on human honesty to keep
    accurate records and not change or delete data. Because they are
    centralized they are targets for hackers.

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How does a decentralized network increase security?
when every computer in network agrees then action is verified.This is impossible to manipulate the outcome or answer .
Why is it dangerous to trust a central authority for security?
you have to trust that they will be honest and that they will have the checks and balances in place to ensure trustworthiness.

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  1. How does a decentralized network increase security?
    It prevents any unwanted changes. The trustless system is responsible for all the data added to the blockchain and confirmed and verified by different nodes.

  2. Why is it dangerous to trust a central authority for security?
    Because if any one person of entity has the power to alter the blockchain then the data is vulnerable to modification and then requires trust as part of the system reduces the security of all data.

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[07976647292, post:4, topic:8427"]
Weak 1. No single point of failure. Including no single person or region can compromise the network.
2. Weak to hacks see exchange hacks. Also trust in a individual whether malicious or coerced.

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  1. The network is secured by many parties all over the world instead of one only one central authority with all the data.

  2. They could be hacked from an internal or external party. They can use data maliciously. They are in full control.

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  1. Basically there is no one to abuse your data and sell your data for profit. You trust protocol and math.

  2. They can sell your data for a profit and leak it to the public.

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  1. It needs the consensus from the other nodes within the network. As well as it not being able to be altered or deleted. Which is the point of wanting a trustless system.

  2. Central authority databases are easier to manipulate causing for you to have a higher level of trust that such manipulation wont happen. There always seems to be a level of corruption within central authority databases that often come from hacks or financial gains or purposes.

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There is no central authority, the system is trust-less, and transactions can only be added not removed.
Central authorities by nature are breeding grounds for corruption.

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  1. A decentralized network increases security by creating an infrastructure with no single point of failure.
  2. It is dangerous to trust a central authority for security because if they are compromised all of the data would be at risk. You also may not know how a central authority is using or modifying the data you provide them with.
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  1. Global Ledger which is not changeable by one authority/person. Code is law and as more nodes in a blockchain are is more safer and secure. There is no single point of failure and therefore you have to hack all nodes, which is impossible!

  2. the truth determines the central authority, for example FB or Government, Google… Best example is te Twitter hack. If you hack a central authority you can spread fake news :wink:

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  1. How does a decentralized network increase security?
    A decentralized blockchain, based on consensus, creates trustlesness, You verify instead of believing or trusting. The value protocol and maths, which can not be hacked, are verifying the consensus.
  2. Why is it dangerous to trust a central authority for security?
    A central authority is not creating a global system., each company is creating his own thing, using his own control system. The global infrastructure unites everybody. and blochchain bring transparency by tracking the transactions. The global system is using the same system and consensus. The consensus is created by a lot of parties. The security is created because a lot of parties check the truth through the protocol and the maths.
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  1. A D-network allows to build node infrastructure with the same materials and tools. Then you can have a global network that will keep the data immutablefor you to track it.

  2. Because the data can be modified without keeping data of the modifications. Lack of immutability.

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