How would I get paid if lived on MARS?

So, I know I am bit early with this question, but I think that this is a problem of the future.
Network latency might be issue number one and I’d like to start thinking about solving the network latency of our universe. I’d like to make a reference to book 3 of Ender’s Game, where Orson describes a computer (Jane) that is equally aware about “now” in all locations in real time. I think he imagined that the quantum entanglement would be the way to link computers in subspace and in fact many other sci-fi writters have used similar concept, not excluding Star Trek. The future they describe has no currency we’re familair with today, however I am sure that people would still have some sort of way of buying debt (a.k.a the dollar). And for me I see the evolving crypto currency and blockchain as being the core system to evolve from. What do you think?