Hyperledger in Business - Discussion

As already anticipated, videos need a lot of space and therefore I’d keep a centralized approach for that. On the contrary, a distributed approach would better manage the payment part, with possibly including a digital asset reward like Steem does.

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Here’s my idea:


We need 2 platforms:
1 - A cloud storage for video streaming (eg: vimeo)
2 - Blockchain for channels and users

How would it work:

Creators upload their videos to the cloud, then link those videos to the blockchain platform which will determine what videos are accesible by users.
The channels can be open, private for subscribers or receive payments per view.

Users can check/search the blockchain for videos and use a token to access or join the different channels content.
They might pay per visualization time with their own token or get reward token for watching ads placed by the creators. Each advertiser pays to the creator per user… and users might get also some tokens too for watching the whole ad (and not skip it) or maybe, interact with it (by clicking, registering, etc).


Get an email distribution list of subscribers to to communicate directly if needed (decentralized)
Create a decentralized platform on ethereum that is effective and efficient

Thank you for your reply.
You must be very busy right now if you work in the medical profession.
I had a look at Twetch and I was surprised that it was similar to my solution.
What are your aspirations for doing the Ivan on Tech Academy?

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I love to watch influencers do reviews of beauty products, but I have noticed that although some claim their reviews are not sponsored I have this feeling that they somehow are. I recently purchased products based on a review from and influencer that I “trust” and the product was trash. This was her second review of the same brand but a different product line. Anyway, her old and new review of the same brand was contradicting. So…I’m not sure how to really say this, but I would like to see proof of their personal purchase, or partnerships influencers have with merchants in order to have that “trustless” experience being an audience member. I suppose I would like to only see videos with rhetorical critiques of products displayed on a centralized platform that works with a platform on blockchain that would be able differentiate between sponsorship associations and proof of the influencers purchasing the product that is being reviewed. Sorry if I don’t make sense, so let me know if I need to further clarify.

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Some of the issues that can be solved by using partially decentralized by;

  • Creating tokens for content creators and users can earn
  • Users Voting for the content - more the votes more tokens for creator
  • Creators can choose their sponsors/advertisers
  • Users can choose to watch sponsored content/Ads to earn tokens
  • Platform should not be able to Ban the creators without any approval from actual users, this can be achieved by having a voting system
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Hi All,
I’m not sure whether I’m approaching the topic right, but here are some of my thoughts:
Blockchain may not be the best solution to all YouTube’s problems.
Video content should remain centralised - as many others have said, this content is too large and wouldn’t benefit from decentralised solution.
However, anything to do with transparency and immutability could benefit from some form of blockchain solution, for instance:

  • verification of users/ content creators
  • subscriptions
  • payments
  • verifying the number of views.

I’m in two minds about the likes and comments record. On the one hand, if these are recorded on blockchain (which would mean, once recorded can’t be altered), would people still have an opportunity to remove their comments ? On the other hand, using blockchain could potentially prevent fake likes and comments, through user verification.

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My futuristic Idea if ever possible. (know very little of development structure technicals for boundaries of what is possible and what is not. More of a big picture person)

Bube Tube. (sound…Boob Tube)

Assuming SQL database is sufficient for video storage and retrieving. I would wrap the entry to the database with a public blockchain.

Identity for for the caretakers/operators and users/content creators would be given a cryptographic key to access their identity and account. The Idea behind wrapping the non-blockchain server(s) with a public BC is to identify when and what people are doing beyond the BC wall. Any changes made in the databases would reflect through a code language on the blockchain. Similar to a court room transcriber using a number code reflecting what changes were made in the non-BC database.

Another code would be used to string together from blockchain to SQL database (or whichever is used)of the identity of the content creator to the content they upload.

I do not believe a fully 100% decentralized youtube will be allowed as this would allow bad actors to post Scams or un-tasteful under age pornography and many other kinds of disturbing content. There will always be a need for someone to monitor ad discard poor scammy content.

With a Blockchain involved, bad behavior can be seen and pinpointed even from those that may run the network.

A governing system can be set up to vote on removing poor content but not allowed to remove or sensor the channel. This could create never ending governance work for those elected.

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  • Registration for Content Creators can be done via a traditional RDBMS and web UI
  • The system will allow Content Creators to post and remove content
  • Content can be stored off the blockchain but metadata about the content can be stored on chain.
  • Visitors can give content likes as well as thumbs up or thumbs down
  • Visitors can reward Content Creators using ways such as: Super Chat, CashApp, PayPal, Zelle, and cryptocurrencies, etc.
  • Visitors can rate comments in terms of acceptable or unacceptable
  • The system can notify visitors when their comments are deemed as unacceptable
  • Visitors can set filters for comments with + 51% unacceptable rating to be hidden from their view.
  • The system can warn visitors each time their comments are deemed as unacceptable
  • The system can suspend visitors when their comments are deemed as unacceptable by 51%
  • The system can hide visitors’ comments when the comments are deemed as unacceptable > 51%
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I would make it decentralized of course where content can not be taken down or altered by anyone but the author. ( No one can say my account was hacked )

Contributors can monetize by smart contracts directly between them and advertisers that will be transparent and able to audit if the contract is being met and pay out automatically when obligations and milestones are met

Token system in place for payment within the community where staked token holders get to have governance say and will ensure the value of the token used for payment in the ecosystem

Token can be swapped for btc eth etc

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Never thought I will be trying to overthrow youtube, but here is my best shot!
-A “Like” is currency, you can earn it, you can buy it, and you can sell it.
-Blockchain should just be a directory, with “Like” balances for every producer.
-all content to be stored on producer’s own storage
-each producer to accurately classify the content, (possible penalty for wrong classification) community vote on accuracy
-using “Like” count for ranking, and class content for interest based filtering
-content with more than 25% (to be discussed) purchased “likes” to be classified as advertising
-add some “ping” style test to ensure the producer continues to host the content, so that when a viewer looks for it there is noting to show. May need a video signature (hash).
…sorry youtube… now you are doooooooomed. Just kidding, I will continue to enjoy whatever you see fit to show me!

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This was one hefty thread! A lot of great ideas were shared!

The biggest problem with Youtube/Google is censorship. There are also issues with fair payment, and there’s also been accusations of numbers and rankings being fudged with.

I’m honestly not sure a blockchain would be right for a video site, but it probably would come in handy if there was a native currency and/or token that could be used for payments/voting. It could include a number of functions like:

  • Advertiser payments
  • Mining/Staking rewards
  • Content creator payments
  • Voting on platform rules
  • Voting on issues of violation
  • Content authenticity (like copyright)

It would also be good if likes and comments were decentralized, and if something would be volatile, instead of being removed, it can be voted on democratically.

I was digging around to see if there’s any current projects like this, and I found lbry.tv, which runs using blockchain tech, pretty interesting concept and it does have a good amount of functionality. I would support a project like that.

This was a very interesting assignment as there’s so much room for improvement in many areas of business and tech.

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@filip - maybe i ask the question too early. but if IBM is working with hyperledger on the supply chain documentation. what is then the use case of VeChain as a public blockchain? Do you think public blockchain will be successful in supply chain? thx martin

To me the main problem with YouTube is censorship, from demonetization to completely removing your channel for talking about topics that are out there, the latest examples Coronavirus, crypto, and political issues.

Why are we being limited to speak or hear about topics that we are interested in? as long as they are within the human normal morals, we should be allowed to do so……

  • To fix this problem, I would create a token that would be distributed to content creators.
  • We would have miners running transaction & providing memory for the content. The content would live in something like a share cloud system, they would be getting good incentives to do so.
  • The community of the platform would be also incentives to report and dislike inappropriate content that violates the network morals. This would trigger the video to be removed from the platform.
  • The group responsible for the project would run advertising campaigns within the platform in cooperation with different corporations.
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  • i would use a public blockchain which makes the content completely decentral, and not a hyperledger - otherwise how to compete with YouTube? a bit less central is not convincing.
  • there need to be an algorithm which ensures that violent/sexual/criminal content not to be even up-loaded
  • the trust in that censorship algorithm is key (eventually i would use the transparency of the blockchain and use it in favor of the needed censorship by showing on the blockchain what categories of videos were rejected fro the up-load (so one could see that port, violent videos were blocked.
  • similar to Brave i would flip the advertising business via the publisher pay for attention of the viewer
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@filip - hi Philip, is it possible to have the videos centralized but the documentation (in and outs) decentralized on the blockchain so that the public can see what has been removed? But i wonder how this could look like - because to “describe” a video might be difficult (how to identify one specific content?

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  1. I would definitely create a youtube token for payments which allows for greater transparency and speed in terms of the monetization of videos. A youtube token could also be used to have larger youtube audiences pay creators for content, instruction and even products. so I would enlarge the ecosystem to allow for all transactions.

  2. What I would keep centralized are the videos themselves. The searching capabilities to catalog and search etc. I can’t think of why this would require great decentralization.


My Business blockchain for social video media platform.

Problem to solve: Youtubes centralization, today all content saves on a server which is owned by youtube. So all creators, advertisers and users are depend to trust youtube. How do can we create a trusthless dTube which actually works great?

Solution 1: Decentralize metadata by placing it on the blockchain. The video could be held on a centralized server which the creator themself host.

Twisted Solution 2: Decentralize everything, metadata and video content, by have smart contracts with reward solution built into the blockchain, where video miners get reward to storage video content in form of get payed in dTube tokens. By provide CPU and/or GPU to storage video content. The smart contract between the video miners and video creators will be complete when both users verify and sign the terms of the smart contract. If someone break the miner don’t fulfill the task token’s will not be payed out!

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I watch a lot of YouTube and I have a channel. So, the pain point on YouTube is that Susan Wojinski and others at YouTube are clearly political. They not only remove videos and channels without proper consultation with the creators, without an appeals process and without notice, they also shadow ban and remove notifications or reduce subs. They are biased towards the WHO and clearly help push Bill Gates and other globalization agendas. They cancel political videos that are reasonable while allowing violence, foul language and often filthy content that’s clearly X rated. They are pretty hypocritical in that they favour some extreme views while censoring other moderate views ie videos on vitamin C and turmeric. YouTube are so big now and so many rely on them for an income, that the power to cancel channels according to their own agenda (it’s obvious they have one) should be decentralised and taken out of their hands.

So, every content creator with over 2000 followers who regularly uploads could become like a node in the Blockchain. The link to every uploaded video in the data base (not the whole video) should go on the Blockchain. So every node should be able to see every video, direct from the database. Videos should be called into question if they receive a certain amount of complaints (that’s could be set up on the main system and any YouTube watcher could fill in a complaints multiple choice). However, the decision to ban videos or channels should be taken away from YouTube management and put with the nodes to make it transparent. So, videos that have reached a certain threshold of complaints (of course this could be bots complaining for political reasons, IE. At bot farms in China trying to suppress criticism of the CCP) should be referred to the nodes for perusal. The nodes must reach 90% consensus on what to ban and a reason must be logged on the Blockchain. So the Blockchain will have the link to every video, number of complaints against every video, nature of complaints (ie. Violence, sex, hate, incitement, false advertising), decision of the nodes, details of appeal, final decision.

The nodes could be insentivised to review problem videos by getting extra cash/ revenue for their channel.

Because nodes are themselves content creators they have a stake in making YouTube better and an incentive not to censor with bias. Also creators all have different perspectives and politics so it’s a more democratic decision making process and they cannot be bought. Nodes HAVE to be regular contributors with real followers or else bots will insert themselves.

The appeals could be forwarded to an ‘elite’ subset of nodes, which could be determined by…mmm… subscriber number? Number of videos uploaded? Total watch time? So the most popular YouTubers who have most stake in the channel get to make a final decision on channel or video deletion.

This process goes on a public Blockchain and everyone can then see who was banned, why, what the appeal was and the final decision. This allows YouTubers to get their reply or appeal into the public domain. So everyone sees what censorship is going on and if it’s a fair process.

I think it’s probable that 90% of YouTubers can agree that certain content including violence, abuse of children, abuse of animals, hate, incitement or filth and extreme views should be banned while diversity across a range of opinions shouldn’t.


Oversimplified answer …

The centralized business (YouTube) holding its full potential income like advertisements (guess it work like that) and disturb memory intensive videos

The viewer and the creator will “communicate” via smart contract (dapp) over X % viewing will be paid in crypto.

Subscribe can also be linked to dapp as well as likes

This would give possibilities for interacting (viewer and creator).

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