Insdadapp Console flash loan

Hello Academy! ,
Today i tryed flash loan on instadapp to long my ETH and i have problems with my script after specifying gas price and limit still running in to error
Warning! Error encountered during contract execution [Out of gas]
here is one of my transactions:

      let borrowAmount = 100; // 20 DAI
      let borrowAmtInWei = dsa.tokens.fromDecimal(borrowAmount, "dai"); // borrow flash loan and swap via Oasis

      let slippage = 2; // 2% slippage.
      let dai_address =;
      let eth_address =;

      let buyDetail = await dsa.oasis.getBuyAmount("ETH", "DAI", borrowAmount, slippage);

      let spells = dsa.Spell();

        connector: "instapool",
        method: "flashBorrow",
        args: [dai_address, borrowAmtInWei, 0, 0]

        connector: "oasis",
        method: "sell",
        args: [eth_address, dai_address, borrowAmtInWei, buyDetail.unitAmt, 0, 0]

        connector: "compound",
        method: "deposit",
        args: [eth_address, "-1", 0, 0]

        connector: "compound",
        method: "borrow",
        args: [dai_address, borrowAmtInWei, 0, 0]

        connector: "instapool",
        method: "flashPayback",
        args: [dai_address, 0, 0]
        'spells' : spells,
        'gasPrice' : web3.utils.toWei('24','gwei'),'gas':'1000000'

Why still im out of gas even with this huge limits?

Hi @Lukasz
Seeing the code I think the instance is missing
await dsa.setInstance (instanceID);
at the beginning of it. And on the lines
spells: spells,
gasPrice: web3.utils.toWei ('24 ‘,’ gwei ‘), gas:’ 1000000 ’
they go without quotes.
The gas limit can also be placed in Metamask when sending the Tx

Still facing this same error

        'spells' : spells,
        'gasPrice' : web3.utils.toWei(28,'gwei'),'gas':1000000

Uncaught Error: Please pass numbers as strings or BN objects to avoid precision errors.
    at Object.toWei (web3.min.js:1)
    at <anonymous>:45:33
toWei @ web3.min.js:1

this one didn’t work. I setup gas price in metamask aswell, even if is very high still this same out of gas error. What else can be wrong?

EDIT: i push it through and seems my gas limit was way too low

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Excellent !!
did you run flashloan from

Yes :slight_smile: all successfully. Thanks for help.

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