Several files in C++

While following Ivan’s video, I tried running the same code that he did. My cpp file looks like this:


#include "car.h"

using namespace std;

void Car::blowHorn()
    cout<<"BLOWING HORN!!!";

Car:: ~ Car()

the line “Car::~Car()” has an error message that says “definition of implicitly declared destructor”

In the video, I van said that we haven’t covered that yet, and we shouldn’t worry about it. Well, My machine won’t run the program because of it. Any advice? I am using xcode 12. I just updated last night.

Hey @dani88 :slight_smile:

You should wrap your methods in a class:

class Car {
  /* Your methods here */
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in the video the class was put in the car.h file. This file that I gave you was the deconstruct command placed in the Car.cpp file Here is the header file:

#ifndef car_h
#define car_h

class Car
        void blowHorn();

#endif /* car_h */

Oh sorry, I wasn’t careful, you forgot to define the destructor in the header file. :slight_smile:

class Car
        ~Car(); // Add this in header.
        virtual void blowHorn();
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My fault, I didn’t give you all the information. Thanks for your help. It was in the video, I just need to pay closer attention to details.

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