Unit Testing - Reading Assignment

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  1. What is Unit Testing?
  2. Refactoring means that you change and (hopefully) improve the internal structure of the code without changing the behaviour of the code. For example, developers may change a piece of code in order to make the code run faster but still perform the same task. Why is unit testing important for refactoring?
  3. How does Unit Testing help the bottom-up testing approach?
  • unit testing is for testing individual parts of the code. Like testing a module, function; the smallest testable unit of a development.

  • To ensure it still works like before without errors

  • Starting with an integration test without doing the unit test first can lead to complications as one does not know what part of a program an error is coming from.

  1. Unit testing is the individual testing of the various software sub components of a computer application. For example, a unit test could test the server code, the API or the client application alone to make sure each performs correctly and continues to perform correctly when any changes to the code of the specific sub area are made.

  2. Because. when refactoring code, a programmer could accidentally change the behavior of the code, so that it doesn’t function as originally designed. So, after refactoring a unit test should be performed to assure that the code still works without introducing errors.

  3. Unit testing assures that each component works and continues to work while being developed, updated and revised. Writing the test procedures before designing the application code, can actually help structure the application itself.

  1. What is Unit Testing?
    Unit Testing is a method by which individual units of source code are tested to determine if they are fit for use. A unit is the smallest testable part of an application. In procedural programming a unit may be an individual function or procedure. Unit tests are created by programmers or occasionally by white box testers. Each test case is independent from the others and substitutes like method stubs, mock objects, fakes and test harnesses can be used to assist testing a module in isolation.

In extreme programming, testing of every logic branch and functional variation, with both positive and negative test cases, typically assists a deep dive.

  1. Refactoring means that you change and (hopefully) improve the internal structure of the code without changing the behaviour of the code. For example, developers may change a piece of code in order to make the code run faster but still perform the same task. Why is unit testing important for refactoring?

Unit testing allows the programmer to refactor code at a later date, and make sure the module still works correctly (e.g., in regression testing). The procedure is to write test cases for all functions and methods so that whenever a change causes a fault, upstream and downstream impacts can be quickly identified and fixed.

  1. How does Unit Testing help the bottom-up testing approach?

It helps simplifiy integration. Unit testing may reduce uncertainty in the units themselves and can be used in a bottom-up testing style approach. By testing the parts of a program first and then testing the sum of its parts, integration testing becomes much easier.

  1. What is Unit Testing?
    It is the individual testing of separate elements of source code with a view to finding problems in functionality.
  2. Refactoring means that you change and (hopefully) improve the internal structure of the code without changing the behaviour of the code. For example, developers may change a piece of code in order to make the code run faster but still perform the same task. Why is unit testing important for refactoring?
    In the case of refactoring, unit testing is important as it will allow the developers to have ready made unit tests for each function to help quickly identify problems and facilitate any change in the source code.
  3. How does Unit Testing help the bottom-up testing approach?
    By testing the parts of a program first and then testing the sum of its parts, integration testing becomes much easier.
  1. unit testing is testing small parts of the code. its purpose is to test the smallest units of the code.

2.to make sure the refactoring actually achieved its goal and that the code works better

3.it helps reduce uncertainty in the units. it is like testing each piece of a car before assembling the car


What is Unit Testing?
It is the individual testing of individual elements of source code to find problems in functionality.
Refactoring means that you change and (hopefully) improve the internal structure of the code without changing the behavior of the code. For example, developers may change a piece of code in order to make the code run faster but still perform the same task. Why is unit testing important for refactoring?
With refactoring, unit testing is important as it will allow the coders to have ready made tests for each function. This helps identify issues and easily make changes n the source code.
How does Unit Testing help the bottom-up testing approach?
By testing the parts of a program first and then testing the total of all the parts, there is more of a chance of being more efficient in finding issues before they become large issues. Integration testing becomes much easier also


What is Unit Testing?
You test separate units/parts of codes for a system before you integrate the unit into the total system.

Refactoring means that you change and (hopefully) improve the internal structure of the code without changing the behaviour of the code. For example, developers may change a piece of code in order to make the code run faster but still perform the same task. Why is unit testing important for refactoring?
You find a bug easier to in the unit testing directly. And you can faster correct and locate where the problem is in the code. You should do this often and meantime also implement good documentation. Those pieces of code modules you chould be able to reuse in developing other similar systems.

How does Unit Testing help the bottom-up testing approach?
Different testcondition can be created easily. The most critical modules of functions are tested first so errors in those are identified early. If you not do like this its like you design and build a house. But first when you move into the house you missed the electricity. That also means in the end you risk to destroy your budget for the project and the development costs are rising considerably.

  1. Unit testing allows:
    - testing of individual units of code to determine if they are fit for use
    - a way by which, reviewing the results of a unit test, you can get a glimpse into the basic workings of the API
  2. It provides a way of checking if something is broken outside of the obvious window you are looking through. Allows it to be identified and fixed quickly.
  3. What’s neat about unit testing is the unit test cases embody some characteristics that are critical to the success of the unit, so by using the unit test as design model, “The design document (the unit-test itself) can be used to verify that the implementation adheres to the design” …really cool.
  1. What is Unit Testing?
    Unit tests are low level tests that exercise discrete functionality (single functions and procedures).

  2. Refactoring means that you change and (hopefully) improve the internal structure of the code without changing the behaviour of the code. For example, developers may change a piece of code in order to make the code run faster but still perform the same task. Why is unit testing important for refactoring?
    Because refactoring shouldn’t necessarily affect the inputs and outputs to a given function, the unit tests can effectively determine if logic/functionality was altered.

  3. How does Unit Testing help the bottom-up testing approach?
    With pervasive unit tests that run with each build, the application has a basic level of function by function testing that is pervasive and continual. In a nutshell, the basic parts are continually tested with the same conditions.

  1. What is Unit Testing?
    Testing pieces of code one at a time. This can include single functions.

  2. Refactoring means that you change and (hopefully) improve the internal structure of the code without changing the behaviour of the code. For example, developers may change a piece of code in order to make the code run faster but still perform the same task. Why is unit testing important for refactoring?
    After changes the code should be tested to make sure nothing needed was removed or edited. During the process of making the code cleaner and faster.

  3. How does Unit Testing help the bottom-up testing approach?
    Unit testing makes integration testing easier as each part on it’s own is tested before trying to connect pieces of code.

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  1. What is Unit Testing?
    A method of testing individual units of source code to make sure they are fit for use, which each unit is the smallest testable part, e.g. an individual function or procedure.

  2. Refactoring means that you change and (hopefully) improve the internal structure of the code without changing the behaviour of the code. For example, developers may change a piece of code in order to make the code run faster but still perform the same task. Why is unit testing important for refactoring?
    To make sure the piece of new code works correctly with the rest of existing code as a whole. It also makes it easier to identify errors elsewhere further down the track as the program gets larger. By performing refactoring code for this piece of code, it helps ruling out it being source of error and prevent unnecessary testings.

  3. How does Unit Testing help the bottom-up testing approach?
    By testing parts of a program first then test the sum of the parts, it makes it easier for integration testing.

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What is Unit Testing?

  • The testing individual units/modules/functions to confirm expected functionality

Refactoring means that you change and (hopefully) improve the internal structure of the code without changing the behaviour of the code. For example, developers may change a piece of code in order to make the code run faster but still perform the same task. Why is unit testing important for refactoring?

  • Unit testing is important after refactoring to validate that functionality remains unchanged

How does Unit Testing help the bottom-up testing approach?

  • you need to make the foundation and the building blocks strong before putting them together
  • if you don’t trust the underlying functionality, integration testing will be extremely difficult
  1. What is Unit Testing?
    Unit testing is a way to test individual units of code to determine whether or not they are fit for use.
  2. Refactoring means that you change and (hopefully) improve the internal structure of the code without changing the behaviour of the code. For example, developers may change a piece of code in order to make the code run faster but still perform the same task. Why is unit testing important for refactoring?
    Unit testing is important for refactoring because it ensures that all components of the code are working properly after a change has been implemented.
  3. How does Unit Testing help the bottom-up testing approach?
    The bottom-up testing approach is aided by unit testing in that each component is tested before the entire sum of components is tested.
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  1. What is Unit Testing?
    It’s a method by which individual units of source code are tested to determine if they are fit for use.
  2. Refactoring means that you change and (hopefully) improve the internal structure of the code without changing the behaviour of the code. For example, developers may change a piece of code in order to make the code run faster but still perform the same task. Why is unit testing important for refactoring?
    Because you can determine that whenever a change causes a fault, it can be quickly identified and fixed.
  3. How does Unit Testing help the bottom-up testing approach?
    By reducing uncertainty in the units themselves and can be used in a bottom-up testing style approach. By testing the parts of a program first and then testing the sum of its parts, integration testing becomes much easier.

1. What is Unit Testing?
It is a method by which individual units of code are tested to determine if they are fit for use. Only for testing the functionality of units.
2. Refactoring means that you change and (hopefully) improve the internal structure of the code without changing the behaviour of the code. For example, developers may change a piece of code in order to make the code run faster bur still perform the same task. Why is unit testing important for refactoring?
Because make easy to check if a piece of code is still working properly, facilitating changes, error correction and code maintenance.
3. How does Unit Testing help the bottom-up testing approach?
By taking parts of a program to test each separately and then testing the sum o the parts all together.

What is Unit Testing?

  • A method by which individual units of source code are tested to determine if they are fit for use.
  • It ensures that code meets its design and behaves as intended.

Why is unit testing important for refactoring?

  • To validate that functionality remains unchanged after alterations have been made.
  • Errors can be quickly be identified and fixed.

How does Unit Testing help the bottom-up testing approach?

  • It tests the parts of a program first and then tests the sum of all parts. Meaning we start from the foundation and work our way up to the larger picture.
  • Using the bottom-up approach errors can more readily be identified and corrected.
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1. What is Unit Testing?
A type of software testing where indiviual units of source code are tested to determine if they are fit for use.

2. Refactoring means that you change and (hopefully) improve the internal structure of the code without changing the behaviour of the code. For example, developers may change a piece of code in order to make the code run faster but still perform the same task. Why is unit testing important for refactoring?
Refactoring may introduce some bugs in the code, but making sure if all the unit tests still passes after refactoring accurately reflect the intended use of the executable and code in the face of any change.

3. How does Unit Testing help the bottom-up testing approach?
Unit tests involves testing parts of the program first (bottom) which constitute the whole system (top). So testing parts first and then testing the sum of its parts, integration testing becomes much easier.

What is Unit Testing?

Unit testing is a method where the units, which is smallest testable part of an application, of source code are tested to determine if they they work properly and are ready for use.

Refactoring means that you change and (hopefully) improve the internal structure of the code without changing the behavior of the code. For example, developers may change a piece of code in order to make the code run faster but still perform the same task. Why is unit testing important for refactoring?

Unit testing is essential in refactoring because a code change in one place may have unintended and dire effects in a completely different area of the application. So unit testing makes integration testing to find the far reaching effects of the code change easier.

How does Unit Testing help the bottom-up testing approach?

By testing each unit individual unit, it helps to quickly identify issues in the unit, and ultimately makes integration testing easier.

  1. What is Unit Testing?
    Unit testing is to seperate units from an app and test them indiviually and see if they are correct.

  2. Refactoring means that you change and (hopefully) improve the internal structure of the code without changing the behaviour of the code. For example, developers may change a piece of code in order to make the code run faster but still perform the same task. Why is unit testing important for refactoring?
    To make sure that the small parts of the code are correct and they can be refactored easily.

  3. How does Unit Testing help the bottom-up testing approach?
    Unit tests involves testing parts of the program first before they get integrated into the whole system. So testing parts first and then testing the sum of its parts, integration testing becomes much easier.