Using the DAI savings rate - Assignment

Amazing man.
Just like the world todat lets hope all can go back to normal soon :smiley:
In the mean time as a next step try to use it does still give intrest rates since it swaps your tokens between stabel tokens and looks for the highst intrest and automaticly arbitrages as well.

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I really do see many different ways this will disrupt banking. Getting a loan or making interest on your investment is now just a mouse click away. It will be amazing to see how everything scales as the market share grows.


To test things out I opened a new vault using Oasis on the Kovan Test Network then deposited some DAI and ETH into Compound. Was pretty easy. Only took a few minutes.

Maker and DAI is pretty cool. I’d consider using it as a place to park idle cash in the future. Right now though the DSR is zero since DAI is above $1 and the stability fee is only 0.5% to incentivize people to mint new DAI (increasing supply and putting downward pressure on the DAI price back towards 1). If you need some cash that’s great, but not so great if you’re looking for returns while hodling crypto (that doesn’t support staking). The centralized lending platforms like Celsius and Nexo have better stable coin returns at the moment.

It’s unfortunate there are not better returns in decentralized protocols on crytpo assets like ETH directly. You again need to look to the centralized lending platforms. I suppose you could provide liquidity on Uniswap or Kyber, but the risks are more complicated:

Transaction History


Amazing man keep it up :slight_smile:

what does everyone on the forum think about the lastest news on European Central Bank cracking down on Decentralized Stablecoins? We need to continue this work further and make it available to more. They will do anything they can to stop this which I think in long term is very bad. As mentioned during the course stablecoins have a certain future and an important role to play especially in countries which lack a stable financial system (which ultimately is most countries).

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See here my response :slight_smile:

Join the conversation.

Of course, I’m as upset by this proposal as anyone however, it seems that (worldwide anyway), this crackdown will have a hard go of it. Simply because USDC is fully regulated within the USA already. Given’s prominence in the space and compliance with existing US regulation, a ban could be considered unconstitutional by the US court system.


Yes totally correct, they failed miserably in India, which is a very very good sign. Fortunately, for all freedom loving people there is some justice left for Free Market principles. Court system across countries must of course also closely followed this development. I am no lawyer but I also cannot see how a court could reasonably argue against it. Banning this would have huge further implications because it sets jurisprudence for other matters in money market systems.

I fully agree thanks for sharing Amadeo! :smiley:

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Did a few transactions on the Kovan testnet and it is great for playing around with stuff, because it’s so fast. Plus, if there’s a mistake, it’s not real money; just have to get another testnet ETH tomorrow from the faucet.

I think there’s a unique opportunity in the CDPs, with all of these low prices. The interest rates are just a distraction from the possible gains in collateral prices. So, hypothetically speaking someone could put their entire paycheck into collateral in a CDP, and then borrow USD for their living expenses, for a year. If they used 50% DAI and 50% ETH as their collateral, on Compound, they’d have some extra value retention when ETH goes down in price. If ETH price went up 100% throughout the year, then it’d be like getting a whole year paycheck for free. You could just withdraw the extra year paycheck by borrowing DAI.


is it possible to use Brave browser and Metamask as wallet?
I am trying to use Oasis to connect to Metamask always but jumps into the own-Brave-wallet :roll_eyes:

Any trick to use Metamask in Brave and Oasis?
Answer: no need to add Metamask has extension because Brave includes CryptoWalletMetamask already included…

I will try assignment with Chrome…

Who did read this?

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Assignment … both DSR at Chai or Oasis at 0% …
(not interesting for DeFi future as Gas and SF are always paid … ) but practice makes learning worth more than 1000 images …

Thanks for DeFi101 course … very interesting … feeling much more confident that I am able to search for and use DeFi opportunities now …

looks like for DAI+ETH at this instant Uniswap liquidity-pool is the one ‘paying’ the most, if we believe eg. at estimates from


is the last video of the defi course not working ???

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Yes, we could create an additional layer of abstraction with futures, options, and other innovative financial instruments. However, my concern is about creating too many layers of abstraction, leading to a repeat of the 2008 mortgage bubble crash. How do folks think we can protect this DeFi ecosystem from a collapse due to too many layers of abstraction?

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Long work out over weekend…

few test trxns…

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Works for me :slight_smile:
Please try again let me know if you still have issues.

Really easy to do! I like how I can over collateralize my position on compound to maintain it through higher volatility in Ethereum.

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I think its a great way to save and earn interest on funds that you would use to stat a business. its Funds that can be used in the future while helping to build the community in its early stages

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It’s all very cool… I will likely have a lot more to say in a month, after the haze clears and I get a comfort level actually utilizing and managing assets with these tools.

However, the first thing practical thing I might try is to create leverage. That is, I have a long term (daily) technical trading set up. So when I see signals for a fall in ETH, I convert my ETH to DAI so I can buy back into ETH when the price has fallen to the point I detect it will reverse.

Now, I can do 2 things from what I learned here:
1 - Do this conversion using Metamask and any one of many protocols,
2 - When I feel the price is turning back to an uptrend and I want to buy back into ETH, after doing so, I can lend myself DAI from my ETH, and then buy more ETH, and gain some leverage…

Of course there is trouble brewing here if my set-up/signal is wrong, but that is true in any leveraged trading scenario…

I’m definitely going to try this soon to see how it plays out with nominal amounts of ETH, but I can see this as something I might do regularly.

Furthermore, I love making the ETH/DAI exchanges on a trustless protocol instead of a centralized exchange that will track me and create intermittent tax consequences.


been using aave a decent bit as well as compound. Been depositing DAI then taking out LEND at 0.01% interest, converting it to DAI and re depositing it to leverage my savings but it seems like it working the opposite way, not sure why, tho I suspect its due to price changes in the markets.

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Good idea but using CeFi is a bit easier but doing on Defi is a bit chalenging especially if cannot connect the metamask to uniswap and other defi applications. Is it the Bat browser a problem?