HTML Basics Dicsussion

.deb is the correct file format t use for ubuntu and other Debian derivatives. .rpm is for Red Hat linux, CentOS and others that are descended from Red Hat.


VSCode is great editor.
In fact, you can use any editor even windows Notepad as long as you save your files with .html extension. Other advance editors provide assistance by color coding and indenting your code, and some of them also does provide suggestions.


hello so i know that we read about how to do list within the first article!!! but i cant seam to get my list to look like this
rather it looks like this
1 2 3
i have tried both ul and ol as well as adding specifics like list-style-type
any advice on how to get my list bulleted i figured it would have been by default?

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From a totally NEWBIE point of view.
Following the tutorials, then the video, then the assignment, it’s completely IMPERATIVE to first fully read the content from link

where it’s even easier to understand the exercises than the video. Enjoying a lot the methodology. Feels like a happy kindergarden for adults. Keep it up Ivan!.

GOT IT!!! i was typing ls like i would in my terminal to list credentials but its li lolol li not ls


Understanding Web Technology - Hardvard Lecture

This is a perfect and fun lecture from Harvard that will recap everything we’ve learned and will in some of the gaps you currently might have about HTML.

between will and in i think you forgot the word fill

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Hi everyone,

My code in Atom is correct but when i save and try to open in a browser (I’ve tried several), nothing shoes up just a blank white page.

Does anyone know how to resolve this problem?

thanks in advance.

I enclosed the image in the paragraph tag and it worked just like using break to set it on a new line.
This was before I watched the vid though. Obviously I see now using break is easier.

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Opinions on using Sublime 2/3? I got more accustomed to Sublime since I had a bad experience with Atom on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

I’m tempted in using Sublime 3 too - Have had not so good experience with Atom in the past (kept crashing for some reason?).
I guess it doesn’t matter which editor we use, as long as we type the same content as Ivan shows in the videos, and then save the file with the correct type (.html).
If you have zero experience with programming though, perhaps sticking with Atom will be better, as it will be potentially easier to follow along.

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Can you show us your code?
Put it in a blockquote so it displays nicely.

That Harvard lecture was amazing. I love the way he moves away from simple concepts showing why we need to improve.
There are so many programming structures I just practice but don’t know why we need them. I like his method.


you can use any text editor. notepad is the most basic tool that you can use.

however a dedicated HTML IDE will be have features and functions to help you. good luck.


I am currently working off of a Chromebook that does not support most downloaded apps outside of the play store. Is there any text editor apps i can use for this or apps to work around it?

Chrome does have a app, similar to notepad. However Id assume other text editors have more functionality as @Chaos stated.

Maybe you could give this one a try? You could also perhaps try a cloud-based IDE.

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Atom it is in this case – I like the idea of using the same Tool used in any course i study. It is definitely easier on the brain, which we obviously depend on a lot in this case :slight_smile: So I am going to get Atom, and I like getting my hands dirty with new tools anyway; U understand :slight_smile:

I myself for years have been using many versions of Adobe Dreamweaver thru CS6, because i like the fact that in one pane you have the HTML code and on the other pane you see the code come alive in real time.

Also I use, Notepad ++ for my Python learning platform.
I just got Sublime because i heard Ivan mention it on YouTube :slight_smile:
and just recently got Visual Studio Code as well.

All good, but then again, I like to use the same Tool used in any particular course.

Cheers !!


@Erich I don’t know any chromebook / android based HTML editor. You can do a quick google for chromebook / android based html editor.

You can try any web based html editor. You will do it on a chrome browser instead of a separate application.
any of these on this list should be fine…good luck

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I have only used sublime text so i will probably stick with that. :metal:

Brackets is also a nice editor for html .

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Thanks for the hint, from a brief look at it I think the build in preview seems to be an advantage.
And just to add the link: