Polkadot - Discussion

Hey. Are you trying to access the course using the beta academy? I think the course was not migrated yet.

You will :wink: its super easy!

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Yes I wanted to access it.

You can access it now?

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Thank you so much… I love Polkadot :slight_smile:


Hello Aleš and All:)

I think Polkadot is such an amazing project so I’m super psyched to take this course! It feels so exhilarating to be learning this technology as its emerging and I’m happy to share this excitement with you all!

Warm Regards,

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Hello looking forward to learning about polkadot

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Hello Aleš
Thanks for the course, I have gone through most of it. It is great.

I am interested in composability.

-In a practical sense, how much composability do you think XCMP will allow between parachains? If XCMP doesn’t give full composability, what limitations would there be, and what kind of workarounds or creative solutions could dApps create to maximise composability?

-Also, what kind of connectivity and composability will be possible between, for example dApps on Acala and on Ethereum, using Polkadot’s cross-chain bridging functionality?

As an example of this, there is the upcoming Gateway blockchain which is in test net phase. It is a Substrate blockchain built by the Compound project. As far as I understand, Gateway will be a standalone blockchain, connected to the Compound dApp on Ethereum via a “Starport”. This Starport would allow the COMP governance token on Ethereum to somehow make governance decisions on the Gateway blockchain? Acala have said that they will also connect to Gateway via a Starport. Is “Starport” referring to functionality that is built in to Substrate, or will it be a custom functionality built for Gateway chain?

I know this is kind of a big question. But if you have a few ideas, would be very interested to hear.


Parachains will be able to transfer any kind of data between them that two parachains will enable.

Polkadot has been designed with Ethereum interoperability in mind. Bridges will be built that will allow full interoperability with it and will function as an independent parachain. Other projects as you mentioned with Compound will enable interoperability for their own dapps with their tokens being used as the main token on said parachain. Another example will also be OriginTrails Starfleet.
Starport from what I understand merely refers to the name of the bridge that will be used to bridge These two projects, but its not particularly part of Substrate, but build with it.

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Thanks for your answer.

So, for example, will it be possible to have a flash loan that incorporates dApps on both Karura and also Moonriver? I believe that a flash loan requires full composability, like true “DeFi legos”.

So in theory could you run a smart contract on Karura that borrows funds, and then sends those funds via XCMP to a Moonriver dApp, and then runs some transaction on Moonriver and then sends the funds back to repay the Karura loan using another XCMP message from Moonriver back to Karura: and do that all within the same block?

If it’s not all done within the same block, then it’s not a true flash loan, right?

I am not sure tbh. Much of this is still in early stages of development and there is no sure answer on what will be possible with this tech in the future. Thought the idea of cross chain flash loans is an interesting one. :thinking: I guess we will have to wait and see. Yes flash loans should technically be executed in one block :slight_smile:

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Kajabi app skipping audio and video reversing every second. Multiple courses including this. Anyone else experiencing this. Using Chromecast.

Hey do are you only having issues with this course? I have never seen this or noticed anyone having similar issues.

polkadot, here I come :slight_smile:

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Ok thanks. It’s good to know where the edges of the development is. Look forward to seeing what solutions the teams come up with.

Hello Alko!
What is the yield percentage of rewards when staking directly through the polkadot.js site?

It varies, but usually its about 16%

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Wow, that’s awesome! Thanks Alko89:)

Hello @Alko89 I have a question. I created my wallet on polkadot.js app, I sent one part of my DOTs to this account and already nominated the validator to stake my DOTs. I did for the first time with only one part of my dots so I can be sure I did everything right.
Now i sent more DOTs to my wallet, but its appearing this message: “A controller account should not be set to manage multiple stashes. The selected controller is already controlling 16Uj9Q…”
What should I do? I need to create a new controller account so I can stake this remaining DOTs?

Hey @Marina_GSZ :slight_smile:

Yes for every stash account you have to have your own controller account. But you can always add more funds to stash by going to Network -> Staking -> Account actions. There you will have a list of your stashes and you can simply add more by clicking the three dots on the right and select Bond more funds
