Using the DAI savings rate - Assignment

Yes let’s do that :smiley: We have so much to do the work needs to be done and $$$ is there to be made.
There are already some projects working on exactly that issue :wink:

Ampleforth is taking an inception mindbending way of solving it do you understand what they are trying to do?

Competing/adding value building blocks



I think your really smart testing all out before going in with real value.
This will learn you so much.

I also did this before I started using it :slight_smile:
See here my notes

What is really cool and once you understand is amazing …
Is that the interest and all other metrics are set per block time.
I hope this also answers your question?

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gold / silver backed stablecoin? is this a thing?


This is pretty cool. I just wonder how I can get those cDai on the Compound platform, because on Kovan testnet when I supply Dai I don’t get any cDai on Metamask.
Also, I can not borrow for example BAT by supplying DAI, right? only by supplying ETH.
Thanks @amadeobrands!

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This should work on main-net.
Test net is not real $$$

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yeah, makes sense! Just finished watching your discussion with Zhuang, very interesting! Also, been asking some questions to Ryan from Bankless, that guy also knows a lot.
Congrats on your course and can’t wait for updates (and maybe a 201) :slight_smile:


Hi Amadeo,
Thank you very much for such informative content!
Wooooow that is such a trippy concept! It is very fascinating and i understood it.
The protocol/coin focuses mainly on balance itself and it works like an automated scale by balancing itself all the time. Mmmmmmh…
As per example you have 10 Amps and:

In case the value drops by 10% your 10 Amps will be 11 Amps,
In case the value goes up by 10% your 10 Amps will be 9 Amps,

Is it correct?
Imagine going to buy food and everyday prices are different tho xD


Hi Luca,

you made good points, but when you think about it, 8% interest is still better than anything in traditional finance. And when you know than anybody has access to that with just a little bit of knowledge, because at the end of the day it is not much more than a few click of a button. You don’t need to understand everything in order to use it, even if it’s better of course :smiley:

Anyway I found all this DeFi fascinating and promising :wink:


This doesn’t look normal :smiley:
Any suggestion why my DSR is at 0% ?


Wait a second…but if ampleforth peggs DAI the stablecoin will still be stable.
Then DAI could used as a new currency by pricing Bitcoin , Eth and all the others???
There we go , no more FIAT ahahahah
I am.going nuts but it should make sense


Hi Theo!
I did the same printscreen and posted here at the forum (but in other topic). It’s really interesting to have those saving rates, especially after watching the videos with 7 or 8%.
I asked some stuff around on twitter and the creator of Bankless (it’s on some of this courses lectures) passed me the following article:

Read it well I am sure you will have it more clear why we have 0% rates at the moment!
Take care.

Thank you very much for your reply it was helpful


VERY constructive share :point_up:t5:


Hello Amadeo,

I wanted to play around with blockchain/explorer, EtherScan, Metamask and OASIS app.

Firstly, I sent from wallet some Dai converted into ETH via coinswitch which then I sent to my hot wallet metamask.

It seems that I might have done a bad manipulation and never get those ETH into my metamask. The status for this order ID is “TIMEOUT” I then created a coinswitch ticket to ask what happened. They replied asking me to “provide them the transaction hash of the coins I have sent, the exchange is waiting for the coins to start the conversion process” for the Hash ID of this transaction.

I sent then an email to support to request the tx ID of this transaction but not did a response yet.

Do you know how I could by myself retrieve this Hash ID for this specific transaction from (I downloaded my transaction history from their app but could not find this hash id)

Please let me know if this is the right place to ask for such request. If not, I will advise.

Thanks in advance for your help,

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Great contetnt and walk through Amadeo!

Realy like what Maker Dao is working on. Have as well been on Maker Dao Meetup with your colegue Petru Catana. Realy great team!!

I am looking to build some DEFI product but still develping ideas with team at Slovenian Blockchain association.

One quick and dirty opportunity is to spend money on mastercard (with 0% interest rate) convert in Dai and mint some interest:)

BR Jaka


Yeaa lets use the BRRRR money printer to arbitrage


Creating a universal cryptocurrency debit card, wherein one will be able to use it anywhere in the world in their local currency without any hassles of currency exchange or related fees.


Just managed to place dai into Oasis to find out That intrest rates are at zero. But im proud That i managed to do it.


Amazing man.
Just like the world todat lets hope all can go back to normal soon :smiley:
In the mean time as a next step try to use it does still give intrest rates since it swaps your tokens between stabel tokens and looks for the highst intrest and automaticly arbitrages as well.

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